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Juicebox v1.5.1 Released!
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Set enableDirectLinks="TRUE" and use a URL such as where 'page.html' is the page into which your gallery is embedded (the page containing the baseUrl embedding code) and '#2' is the image number within the gallery to which you wish to link directly.
Your gallery currently uses enableDirectLinks="TRUE" and the URL in the browser's address bar changes to reflect the image currently being displayed. (Each image in the gallery is given a unique number and unique URL.)
You can disable this functionality by setting enableDirectLinks="FALSE" in JuiceboxBuilder's 'Customize -> General' section.
You could create and manage Juicebox galleries within your WordPress Dashboard by using the dedicated Juicebox plugin for WordPress - WP-Juicebox. Everything is done within the WordPress interface and there is no need to worry about file paths and code. Instructions for downloading, installing and using the plugin can be found here
Alternatively, if you want to embed a Juicebox gallery created by JuiceboxBuilder-Pro into a WordPress page or post, all you would need to do would be to:
(1) Upload your complete gallery folder (not just the contents) to your web server (exactly as it is created by JuiceboxBuilder-Pro without the need to make any modifications).
(2) Paste the baseUrl embedding code into the body of your WordPress page or post (ensuring that the method of entry is 'Text' rather than 'Visual').
It does not matter where on your web server you upload your gallery folder to as long as you know where it is and that the two paths within the embedding code (the path to the 'juicebox.js' file and the baseUrl itself) are correct.
I followed those directions, copying the code and pasting it into Publish>Get embed code, which then overwrites the code for the gallery images.
The code for the gallery images is stored in the gallery's 'config.xml' file (in the gallery folder) - not in the body of your WordPress page or post (where you paste the baseUrl embedding code).
Try increasing your gallery's maxCaptionHeight. It is currently set to 35 (the default value is 120) and this allows for only one line of text so if an image has both a title and a caption, only one is visible.
Small Screen Mode is capable of displaying both the image title and image caption in the caption area.
(NB, I have tried adding the title as the iptc image title, but this prevents the display of the iptc caption which I also need to display)
Using an image title should not prevent the image caption from being displayed.
Please post the URL to your gallery so that I can take a look.
Your gallery displays and functions OK on an iPod Touch (over a wifi connection).
If you have a 3G connection, please see this FAQ:
Why can't I view my gallery on a 3G mobile connection?
For your own website's galleries, try creating an .htaccess file containing the following code and upload it to your website's root directory. (Please note that this requires an Apache server and is untested.)
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
Header set Cache-Control "no-transform"
You could also contact your 3G provider to see if it is possible for content modification to be turned off on your account.
If you are embedding a Juicebox gallery in an existing HTML page alongside other content, then you do not need to upload the gallery's own 'index.html' file at all. It is required only if you want to display the gallery on a web page of its own or if you want to load the gallery into an iframe.
Alternatively, you could upload the entire gallery folder (not just the contents) to your web server and use the baseUrl method of embedding as documented here.
In doing so, you can keep the gallery as a self-contained entity with all the gallery files stored inside the gallery folder (so there will be no chance of any conflicting filenames).
It does not matter where on your web server you upload your gallery folder to as long as the two paths in the embedding code (the path to the 'juicebox.js' file and the baseUrl itself) are correct.
I have noted this in the bug report.
Unpredictably, if you click on the image to go back or forward, the caption reappears.
It seems that the bug manifests itself when navigating between images when the Info Button has been set to hide the overlay.
If navigating between images when the overlay is being displayed, the captions are also displayed.
I am glad that you have resolved your problem.
Thank you for posting back to let me know.
You can use the baseUrl method of embedding as documented here.
Essentially, you would upload your entire Juicebox gallery folder (not just the contents) to your web server and then paste the baseUrl embedding code into the body of your WordPress page or post (ensuring that the method of entry is 'Text' rather than 'Visual').
It does not matter where on your web server you upload your gallery folder to as long as the two paths in the embedding code (the path to the 'juicebox.js' file and the baseUrl itself) are correct.
Thank you for the additional information.
I have been able to replicate the problem on Windows (as well as Mac) and have logged a bug report.
Hopefully this will be fixed in the next version of Juicebox-Pro but, in the meantime, the workaround would be to avoid the combination of imageTransitionType="CROSS_FADE" and showImageOverlay="NEVER".
If the backButtonUrl does not start with 'http://', then it will be treated as a relative path (relative to the HTML page containing the gallery's embedding code).
So far, I have been able to replicate the problem that you have reported only in Firefox 21 and Safari 5.1.7 locally (when viewing the gallery from my computer's hard drive) when using imageTransitionType="CROSS_FADE" in conjunction with either showImageOverlay="NEVER" or showOverlayOnLoad="FALSE".
My test gallery functions correctly in IE10 locally and in all browsers when the gallery has been uploaded to a web server.
Please post the URL to your gallery online so that I can take a look and investigate further. Thank you.
You will need to increase the 'z-index' values of your drop-down menu components to ensure that the drop-down menu is stacked on top of all the Juicebox gallery elements.
Edit your 'main-styles.css' file in a plain text editor and change all instances of z-index: 100; to z-index: 999; (there are 13 instances).
We are aware of certain problems with the Facebook thumbnail not being displayed and are currently investigating solutions.
For example, currently, images exported from Adobe Lightroom do not generate a Facebook thumbnail.
Also, Facebook itself requires that the main image fulfills certain conditions. The main image must be at least 50px x 50px, have a maximum aspect ratio of 3:1 and have a maximum file size of 5MB.
As long as your main images are not generated by Adobe Lightroom and they fulfill Facebook's own conditions, you are giving your images the best chance of currently having thumbnails generated for them.
no images were displayed when I hit the share button with any of them.
As far as I am aware, the known problem is with Facebook thumbnails only (not any of the other social sharing options).
Please post the URL to your gallery so that I can take a look and investigate further.
Your gallery uses showImageOverlay="NEVER" and, by default, captionPosition is set to OVERLAY.
Either change showImageOverlay to AUTO or ALWAYS or change the value for captionPosition so it not OVERLAY, OVERLAY_IMAGE or NONE.
Please see here for possible values for the captionPosition configuration option.
Here a few things to check...
Make sure that you are using the most recent version of JuiceboxBuilder-Pro (v1.3.2). If necessary, please see the Upgrading Juicebox page for instructions on how to get the latest version and how to upgrade JuiceboxBuilder-Pro.
Make sure that your image filenames use only web-safe characters (uppercase and lowercase letters, decimal digits, hyphen, period, underscore, and tilde) and not other characters such as commas or apostrophes.
If you use a Mac and the problem you reported happens when opening an existing gallery to edit it, then make sure that the permissions on the gallery folder (and the 'images' and 'thumbs' folders) are not too restrictive. (This may not apply to your own scenario but may help other users reading this thread.)
Thank you for reporting.
The developers are aware of this but, at the moment, I do not have any news regarding the integration of Fotomoto within Juicebox-Pro.
You should be fine if you follow the embedding instructions here.
There is a note for Dreamweaver users here.
1. Must i create a div tag first in the td?
No. There is already a <div> for the gallery within the embedding code (which you will copy and paste into your page).
2. Must i paste the code generated by juicebox in that div tag then?
Paste the entire embedding code provided by JuiceboxBuilder-Pro into your HTML page where you want to the gallery to appear.
3. Must i insert the index page of the gallery somewhere?
Following the instructions in the link above, you should copy the entire contents of your Juicebox gallery folder into the folder that contains your HTML page.
If you are worried about any conflicting file names (for example if you already have a page named 'index.html' which would clash with the gallery's own 'index.html' page), then you could use the baseURL method of embedding as documented here.
This would allow you to keep your gallery as a self-contained entity with all the gallery files stored inside the gallery folder.
You would then upload the complete gallery folder to your web server (rather than just the contents), thereby avoiding the chance of any filename conflicts.
is it possible to navigate in a thumbnails row with mouseover on the last thumbnail in that row to show the next thumbnails,
instead of using the next arrow ?
No. A mouse click on a thumbnail navigation arrow (or a tap on the screen of a mobile device) is required to change thumbnail pages (to display the previous or next batch of thumbnails).
is it possible to change the speed of the next thumbnails slip in ?
This is likely to be due to the layout of your web page (rather than gallery configuration options).
If expressing your gallery's width as a percentage, check the width of all the parent containers of the gallery on your web page and make sure that they have all explicitly been given widths via CSS.
Otherwise, try expressing your gallery's width as a fixed pixel value instead to see if this makes a difference.
If you continue to experience difficulties, please post the URL to your gallery so that I can take a look and help further.
When I try to access your web pages on a mobile device (in both Mobile Safari and Chrome), I get an error 404 (file not found) page. (This appears to be a problem with your web server rather than with Juicebox itself.)
Check your .htaccess file (if you use one) on your web server to see if there are any mobile rules in it which may be causing this issue.
Otherwise, please check with your web host to see if they can determine why your pages result in an error 404 page when viewed on mobile devices.
(If the problem was with the permissions on your gallery folder, this should be consistent across all browsers, resulting in an error 403 and/or 404.)
When I "publish", chosing the webfolder, JB overwrites the existing "image" folder,- how to avoid this?
This cannot be avoided and is by design. It ensures that the 'images' folder is always up-to-date and contains the correct images for the gallery (for example if images are added or removed from a gallery or if images are resized or if a watermark is added or removed).
There is already an "index.htm" in the root structure,- so both the original index.htm and the JB should be in the root???
If you have existing files on your web site that have the same filenames as those in your gallery, then I would recommend embedding your gallery using the baseUrl method as documented here.
It allows you to keep your gallery as a self-contained entity with all the gallery files stored inside the gallery folder.
You would then upload the complete gallery folder to your web server (rather than just the contents), thereby avoiding the chance of any filename conflicts.
And the image folder: are the JP images supposed to sit inside the existing image folder?
Just upload your complete gallery folder (not just the contents) exactly as it has been generated by JuiceboxBuilder-Pro and follow the baseUrl embedding instructions.
It cannot be that a absolute path for the back button (on iPhones) is needed to function proper.
This bug was fixed in v1.3.2. Please see the Version History for a full list of changes and the Upgrading Juicebox page for details on how to get the latest version.
FIXED - Relative backButtonUrl fails with expandInNewPage="TRUE"
Either method will work equally well and will give you the same end result.
You can edit your gallery's 'config.xml' file in a plain text editor and add configuration options as attributes to the opening <juiceboxgallery> tag (as documented here) or open, edit and save your gallery using JuiceboxBuilder-Pro.
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