Topic: Juicebox flickers but only on one clients browser...

Just seeing if anyone has an idea of what can cause a flicker of the main image in juicebox only on one users computer. They use OSX with the latest chrome browser, same specs as me, after each transition the last main image flashes for a fraction of a second(along with the title and number) before the new image reapeats.

So, the user clicks the arrow to view thge next image, the main image transitions off correctly and the new image transitions in correctly but then the old image, title and number flash for a tenth of a second before disappearing again leaving the correect new image being shown. Has anyone ever experienced anything like this? I have not been able to reproduce at all so I'm flying blind if you will...

Re: Juicebox flickers but only on one clients browser...

Please make sure that your gallery uses the latest version of Juicebox-Pro (v1.3.2) to ensure than any bugs which were present in previous versions but have since been fixed are not contributing to your problem.
For a full list of changes, please see the Version History.
For instructions on how to get the latest version and how to upgrade existing galleries, please see the Upgrading Juicebox page.

Also, ask your client to try clearing their browser's cache and to temporarily disable any browser extensions that they may have installed before reloading the gallery to see if this helps.

If this does not help, please post the URL to your gallery so that I can take a look.

Re: Juicebox flickers but only on one clients browser...


I have viewed your Boogieboy and Namur galleries in Internet Explorer 11 and I do not see a flickering image and the Button Bar appears at the upper-right corner of the expanded gallery. Everything appears to be working as expected.
If these are not the galleries you are referring to, then please post the URL to the gallery in question and let me know what version of Internet Explorer you use.

The following are general tips which may help with the symptoms you describe but if the galleries I named above are the ones you are referring to, then the problem may be local to your computer or the version of Internet Explorer that you use.

I have the same problem in Internet Explorer. But not in Firefox or Google Chrome.

First of all, please ensure that you are using the latest version of Juicebox-Pro (v1.4.2).
Instructions for upgrading can be found here.

Please see this FAQ, which may help: My gallery looks strange in Internet Explorer 9. Why?

Also, please make sure that your Internet Explorer browser is not displaying your web page in Compatibility View.

Next, check your web page for any HTML errors. You can check the code on your web page with the W3C Markup Validation Service and then fix any errors reported. Once the code on your web page validates correctly, your web page should be rendered with greater predictability and consistency across different browsers.

And for more: when I go to full screen in IE, I loose my buttonbar at the top of the window.

Try one (or more) of the following:

  • Try setting a fully opaque expandedBackgroundColor (such as expandedBackgroundColor="rgba(255,255,255,1)") in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> Color' section (set the 'Opacity' value to '1').

  • Try setting expandInNewPage="TRUE" in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> General' section.

  • Try changing the useFullscreenExpand configuration option (from TRUE to FALSE or vice versa) in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> Lite' section.

Re: Juicebox flickers but only on one clients browser...


I do have the latest version of Pro. I use IE 11. Non-compatible mode. The suggestions you made don't give a solution.

This is a diagnostic: (non-catastrofic)

Line 88, Column 55: (error line in bold)

Consider using the h1 element as a top-level heading only (all h1 elements are treated as top-level headings by many screen readers and other tools).

…                <h1 class="page-title">BoogieBoy</h1>
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<!--//--><![CDATA[// ><!--
new juicebox({
baseUrl: '',
containerId: "juicebox-container",
galleryWidth: "600",
galleryHeight: "400",
backgroundColor: "rgba(204,204,204,1)"
</script><div id="juicebox-container">
<!--END JUICEBOX EMBED--></div></div></div> </div>

Re: Juicebox flickers but only on one clients browser...

The error you reported above is more of a warning than a problem and is not going to be the cause of a flickering gallery.
It looks like you may have deleted your original post in this thread (it certainly seems to have disappeared).

Does the flickering occur when you view the gallery on its own web page (when you view the gallery's own 'index.html' page inside the gallery folder) or just when the gallery is embedded in your main page?
Also, does your button bar disappear when expanding the gallery from its own web page or just when expanding the gallery from your main page.

If you have any add-ons installed in IE11, try temporarily disabling them to see if this makes a difference.

If you continue to experience difficulties, please explain exactly what the flickering looks like (do images quickly appear and disappear, is it just the main image or the whole gallery) and at what point in the gallery the flickering occurs (when the gallery is initially loaded or at the start or end of an image transition or when clicking a button on the Button Barl).

Re: Juicebox flickers but only on one clients browser...


Indeed, I did delete the post the moment you were answering it. Everything seemed OK at that moment. :)

I read on many places that IE and HTLM5 are not such good friends. I watched my site on IPAD and Samsung tablet 7": everything ok. As well as in Safari, Firefox and Chrome.

So I stop worrying and boring you with this kind of issues. Juicebox is great. Support is great. So I'm happy with the product.

Just this: is only showing thumbnails (with link) as done in Colorbox an issue for a next release?

Thanks for your kind support.