Topic: Juicebox Code showing up in search results

I have a client I am using the juicebox galleries extensively on: He takes an active interest in everything that I do on the site, and is always looking for ways to improve it, particularly in regards to SEO. He has wanted me to name the images to reflect keywords that he has chosen for the site. And I have obliged. What he will often do afterwards is search for the keywords that he has chosen, to find out where we are out for those keywords in Google search.

And that we don't yet have very much back linking to our site, of course, he doesn't often find things very high in the SERPs. Just a couple of days ago, he searched for one of our images by the exact name of the image: woodgate021.jpg. Please look at the top link on this page: (it is a link for a google SERP):

if you click on the top link, you'll see that it is a bunch of code from the config.php file of the juice box plug-in.

I have been installing juice box galleries at the site using solely the work press plug-in. It's not a difficult plug-in to install and I haven't done any modifications to it. Can you tell me why I am getting code from this plug-ins files as a search engine result? Just between us girls, I don't know a lot about Internet security, and I'm not working with online shopping carts or processing money through any of my sites nor am I collecting data particularly. So Internet security has not been high on my list: I don't think that I would be a likely target for any hacker to spend very much time on as there wouldn't be very much in it for him.

But I know often times hacks are done just for the sake of being malicious and I very much don't want to experience that!

So, can you tell me if what I am seeing here is of any potential danger? Is there something awry with the plug-in? Is there anything I should do about this? Is there anything I can do about this? Is there something you should or will do about this? :-)

I told my client not to worry about it. But that hasn't stopped him! He wants me to resolve this solely because it makes him feel a little uncomfortable. I understand this, and I would like to figure out a way to get it out of the search engine results as well. So, please tell me something about this that either you or I can do to resolve this.

Thanks very much!

Re: Juicebox Code showing up in search results

So, can you tell me if what I am seeing here is of any potential danger?

There is no danger. What you are seeing is just the gallery's XML file which stores the image information used to display the gallery.
Although the page is generated dynamically by a PHP file, it is essentially just a web page and Google is indexing it like any other web page.
If you want to prevent Google from indexing this '/wp-content/plugins/wp-juicebox/config.php' file on your web site, you could try using a 'robots.txt' file. Please see this web page for details.