WP-Juicebox WordPress Plugin Updated

We just pushed a new update to the WP-Juicebox WordPress plugin. WP-Juicebox is now fully compatible with the latest version of WordPress (currently v3.5.1). We’ve added support for the ‘Include Featured Image’ option in ‘Media Library’ galleries, and fixed an issue where Juicebox galleries would disable touch resizing on mobile devices, among other fixes and updates.

Grab the latest WP-Juicebox plugin here. To upgrade, get the latest version and follow the install instructions.

WP-Juicebox is a free WordPress plugin that allows you to easily create Juicebox galleries with WordPress. Images and captions can be loaded from the WordPress Media Library, Flickr, NextGEN galleries or Picasa Web Albums.

Here’s what you get when you use the WP-Juicebox plugin to embed a gallery. In this case Juicebox is loading images from my Flickr Photostream. Click the expand button to view the gallery at full-browser size.

We also updated the Juicebox Lightroom Plugin so that the gallery title is used for the browser window title of created galleries. Please report any issues in the support forum.

Showkase is Live!


We are very happy to launch Showkase just in time for the holidays! Showkase lets you build a great looking HTML5 image portfolio website from scratch. Showkase is a one-time purchase web app that you install on your web server. Check out the new Showkase.net for a full list of features and demos.


Showkase sites look fresh out of the box, and are designed to be beautiful and easy to use. Showkase comes with 3 built-in website themes and 3 image viewers to choose from. Showkase sites are built with HTML5 and responsive design to work on all devices including iPads, iPhones, Android devices and desktop browsers. Showkase sites are touch device ready and look great on different sized screens.

Showkase comes with 3 powerful image viewers: JuiceboxSimpleViewer and ListViewer. These viewers provide a beautiful, responsive user interface to display your images in an easy to use manner. Easily customize your Showkase site by selecting from 3 built-in themes. Fine-tune color schemes, fonts and image sizes via the admin interface.

Should I buy the Standard version or the Pro Viewer Bundle?

Showkase comes in 2 versions: Showkase Standard and the Pro Viewer Bundle. Showkase Standard includes the Lite version of the Juicebox and SimpleViewer galleries. The Pro versions of these galleries offer advanced customization options, no branding, and unlimited images per gallery. If you purchase Showkase Standard, you have the option to purchase the Pro galleries and upgrade at a later point.

I own Juicebox-Pro or SimpleViewer-Pro. Can I use it with Showkase?

Yes. Customers who have already purchased Juicebox-Pro or SimpleViewer-Pro can purchase Showkase Standard and upgrade it to use the Pro viewer.

Check out Showkase.

Introducing Showkase – Image Portfolio Web Sites Made Easy!

We are close to launching a brand new product, and we want to give a you quick preview here.

Showkase is a web application that lets you easily build stunning image portfolio websites from scratch. Juicebox and SimpleViewer are great image gallery solutions, but they require you to build the website that contains them. Now with Showkase we offer a tool to build the entire website including the image galleries, page navigation, and additional pages.

Showkase Sites

View an example of the kind of site you can easily build with Showkase. This demo uses the included ‘Kosel’ theme and Juicebox for the image galleries.

Out of the box, Showkase comes with 3 customizable themes that offer different site layouts. Showkase also supports 3 image gallery types: Juicebox, SimpleViewer and what we are call ‘List Gallery’, which is a simple vertical scrolling list of images.  Here is another Showkase demo that uses the ‘Boma’ theme and the ‘List Gallery’. Showkase includes the ‘lite’ versions of Juicebox and SimpleViewer and can be upgraded to use the Pro versions by customers who have purchased those versions.

All Showkase sites are fully responsive, meaning that they will work on desktop, tablets and smart phones. Showkase generates light-weight, static HTML pages which means you get faster page loads than a typical database driven website (e.g. WordPress).

Showkase Admin

The Showkase Admin user interface is designed to be powerful and easy-to-use. No coding is required. Drag and drop images to have them be uploaded, resized and added to a gallery. Showkase is built specifically for image portfolio websites, and has powerful image management tools built-in.

Below is a screen grab of the Showkase gallery image panel. Easily enter image titles, captions and link URLs. Drag and drop to change image order.


Showkase is super simple to setup. No database required. Just upload the files and click the ‘Setup’ button. Showkase is a one time purchase which gives great value for money compared to hosted services which require monthly fees. Showkase is not a hosted service, which means you retain control of your files on your server. Create an unlimited number of galleries, images and pages.

Showkase will be launched in the next few weeks. Subscribe to the Juicebox mailing list or twitter feed below to be the first to know!

Juicebox v1.2 Released!

Juicebox v1.2.0 has just dropped, and it is a big one! We’ve added a load of new configuration options and fixed plenty of bugs.

NOTE: to upgrade to JuiceboxBuilder v1.2.0, you must first uninstall the previous version. See instructions here.

First up we added the option to place thumbnails on the left or right of the main image, as well as support for multiple columns and rows of thumbnails. We also added a bunch of new styling options including control over thumbnail frames, drop shadows and rounded corners.

We added more control over how galleries handle the ‘Expand gallery’ action on mobile devices. We added a couple of new API events and added support for setting default image sizes in JuiceboxBuilder. Check here for the full list of changes.

As always, Juicebox-Pro upgrades are free within the same major version number, check here for upgrade information. Juicebox-Lite users can get the update here. Please report any issues in the support forum. We’ll be updating the plugins and templates in the next few days.