Just in time for 2015 we have a brand new version of Juicebox for your perusal. Check out some of the great new features:
Pro Lightroom Plugin
This is a long requested feature that is now finally available. The Pro version of the Juicebox Lightroom Plugin allows you to configure all of the (over 130) Juicebox-Pro config options directly from within Lightroom. The Pro Lightroom plugin is now easier to install via a separate installer included with the Pro download.

Juicebox-Pro Lightroom Plugin
Android Fullscreen Mode
Android’s Chrome browser has a fullscreen API that allows webpages to fill the device screen, hiding the browser UI. This is especially useful for image galleries, where bigger images are better. Juicebox will automatically detect for fullscreen API support and will display a fullscreen expand button. Embedded galleries will automatically expand to fullscreen mode. Check out the Juicebox demos on Android to view this feature in action.

Android Fullscreen Mode
Slicker Gallery UI
The default gallery options are now more polished and minimal. On desktop, galleries use the fade transition and captions are placed over the main image to tighten up layout. Opacity on the gallery buttons has been lightened.
Image navigation buttons now only show on hover and the entire overlay will hide after 4 seconds of inactivity time. This gives a cleaner, more minimal presentation. As usual, all of these options are tweakable via the config options. Check out the demos to see the new minimal UI in action.
Fully Windows 8 Compatible
Windows 8 touchscreen devices such as the Surface Pro are fast growing in popularity. These devices hold a special challenge for web gallery design since they handle keyboard, mouse and touchscreen input. The Juicebox UI has been tweaked to handle this in a graceful manner.
Lots of Bug Fixes
As the web platform advances there are continuous changes to device and browser functionality. The Juicebox code base is continually updated to accommodate these changes, handling new browser bugs and features. For example, Juicebox is now fully compatible with iOS 8 and the new iPhone screen sizes. See the full change log here.
Upgrading to v1.4.3
As always, Juicebox-Pro upgrades are free within the same major version number. Check here for upgrade information. Juicebox-Lite users can get the update here. Please report any issues in the support forum. Plugins and templates have been updated.
We recommend you download this upgrade right away. If you have been holding off on purchasing Juicebox-Pro, now is a great time to try it out, using our 30 day money back guarantee.