
(9 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

In your original site, go into your WordPress Media Library and look to see if there are any images attached to the post containing your Juicebox gallery.
If there are images showing as being attached to your post, go back to 'Edit' your post and click 'Update'.
If there are no images showing as being attached to your post, attach some (upload some first if you have to) and then go back to 'Edit' your post and click 'Update'.

Thank you for the additional information.


(9 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

detail_panel.get_current_photo() is undefined

This JavaScript error is generated because there are no images listed in your XML file.
Once you create a working gallery (with images), this JavaScript error will not be generated.


(7 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

I would like visitors to my gallery to see a thumbnail grid which then leads them to a slideshow on click. Is the only way of achiving this by forcing them into a small screen view?

Yes. Set screenMode="SMALL". Otherwise, in Large Screen Mode, the thumbnails and main images are both displayed together with the thumbnails either positioned above (thumbsPosition="TOP") or below (thumbsPosition="BOTTOM") the main images.

Ideally, I would be able to start with a thumbnail grid and on click, my visitors would be taken to a slideshow with one row of thumbnails (ie., the auto view).

This would require a mix of Small Screen Mode and Large Screen Mode functionality and is not possible.

Is it possible to customise captions through CSS (e.g., make them all bold, change distance from the main image)?

You can use HTML tags within captions, such as <b>Bold text</b> and you can position the caption horizontally through use of the captionHAlign Pro Option (whose value can be LEFT, CENTER or RIGHT).

It looks like you have found a bug. Thank you for reporting.
I have logged a bug report.
Until the bug is fixed, the workaround is to ensure that the backButtonPosition and the galleryTitlePosition are not the same. Set one as TOP and the other as OVERLAY.


(9 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

the images don't appear

You do not seem to have attached any images to the post which contains the gallery as your gallery's XML file contains no images: http://wwwsevenarrows.zippykid.it/wp-co … ebox/2.xml

It seems that maybe wordpress has put it's thumbnails above the juicebox gallery?

It looks like you may have clicked 'Insert Gallery' on the 'Add Media -> Gallery' tab.
This refers to a WordPress gallery and has nothing to do with Juicebox but may account for the images above the Juicebox gallery on your page.
After adding images, clicking 'Save Changes' and being redirected to the 'Gallery' tab, simply close the upload window and publish or update the post.


(1 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Among other things I've noticed that the picasa plugin creates a "thumbnails" folder, while Juicebuilder creates a "thumbs" one, making them incompatible.

It is not possible to change the name of the thumbnail folder. It is set by Picasa itself and is not user-changeable within a plugin.
However, this should not affect the ability to open and edit the gallery in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro (though any new images added to the gallery will have their thumbnails placed in a new folder named 'thumbs').
If you have any specific issues, please let me know so that I can investigate further.

Besides, I have costumised my simpleviewer picasa plugin to deliver a gallery.xml of my liking. I couldn't do the same with the juicebox one: although I add lines to the header.xml as I did in simpleviewer, they don't appear in the final gallery.

You can edit the 'header.xml' file to add configuration options just as you did with the SimpleViewer plugin for Picasa.
The configuration options for the 'config.xml' file are taken solely from the 'header.xml' plugin file so any and all options you place in here will be copied across into the output gallery folder.
Make sure you do not have a duplicate or older version of the the Juicebox plugin for Picasa and that you are modifying the 'header.xml' file in the correct folder.


(8 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

It is not possible to add non-gallery elements of your web page to the gallery's overlay.


(5 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

I believe this incompatibility will be fixed in the next version on Contact Form 7.
Try downloading and using the current development version of Contact Form 7 from the 'Development Version' link at the top of the 'Other Versions' list on this page.

Is there an easy way to use that plugin, and also the customizations that are in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro?

Yes. You can upgrade WP-Juicebox from Juicebox-Lite (which it comes bundled with) to Juicebox-Pro and then customize your gallery with Pro Options by following the instructions here.
It you have already created a gallery with JuiceboxBuilder-Pro and wish to know what settings your gallery uses, open up your gallery's 'config.xml' file in a plain text editor.
The settings are the attributes to the opening <juiceboxgallery> tag.


(6 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

If using WP-Juicebox to create your galleries within WordPress, then Pro Configuration Options should be entered into 'Pro Options' text area in the form:


I have multiple pro customizations do I enter each of these on a separate line, or are they comma separated?

Each entry should be on a separate line, e.g.:


This is documented in the 'Upgrading to Juicebox-Pro' section at the bottom of the Juicebox - WordPress Plugin page.

Is there a way to work with the desktop application for juicebox builder pro and then when I'm finished with the gallery publish that gallery to wordpress?

(1) Create your gallery with JuiceboxBuilder-Pro
(2) Upload your complete gallery folder (not just the contents) to your web server via FTP using a program such as Filezilla
(3) Create a new post and use the baseUrl method to embed your gallery (ensuring that the method of entry in your post is 'HTML' rather than 'Visual')
For example, if your domain name is 'www.example.com' and your gallery folder is named 'my_gallery_folder' and you uploaded your gallery folder to the root of your web space, then the embedding code you would enter would be:

<script src="http://www.example.com/my_gallery_folder/jbcore/juicebox.js"></script>
  new juicebox({
      containerId : 'juicebox-container',
      baseUrl : 'http://www.example.com/my_gallery_folder/',
      galleryWidth : '100%',
      galleryHeight : '600'
<div id="juicebox-container"></div>

Alternatively, you might like to try the dedicated Juicebox plugin for WordPress - WP-Juicebox.

This web page may be of use.
It looks like you would need to sign up to followgram to create your Instagram vanity url and you could then use the script to read the RSS feed and fetch the relevant information (image URLs).
You would then need to format the information (stored in the array created by the getFollowgram() method) into the correct syntax required by Juicebox (replacing the HTML code at the bottom of the script).


(5 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

The Lightroom plugin can be updated from Juicebox-Lite to Juicebox-Pro by following the instructions on this page: http://www.juicebox.net/support/lightroom/
Please note that upgrading the plugin will not change the interface within Lightroom and the 'Upgrade to Juicebox-Pro' button will still be visible.
However, the Juicebox badge (at the bottom-right corner of the live preview window) should be gone, indicating that the plugin is using the Juicebox-Pro files.
You can add Juicebox-Pro Config Options to your gallery created with the Lightroom plugin by either:
(1) Opening and editing the gallery with JuiceboxBuilder-Pro, or...
(2) Opening the gallery's 'config.xml' file in a plain text editor and manually adding the Pro Options as attributes to the opening <juiceboxgallery> tag

On further investigation, the problem is caused by your use of jQuery Mobile.
You will need to add the attribute rel="external" to the link to your 'Weddings.html' page on your 'portfolio.html' page, i.e.:

<li><a href="Weddings.html" rel="external">Weddings</a></li> 

Please see the Link formats documentation for jQuery Mobile for more information.


(4 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Your audio now plays in Firefox 13.0.1 on my PC.
Try clearing your browser's cache before reloading your gallery.


(8 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

If you wish to use the URL of the actual image itself rather than the URL of the gallery displaying the image, then you can get it using the getImageInfo() method of the Juicebox-Pro API and pass that along to the Facebook Like button instead.


(4 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Your audioUrlMp3 and audioUrlOgg are currently:

audioUrlMp3="http://www.robertmunozphotography/music/SymphonyNo6Movement5.mp3" audioUrlOgg="http://www.robertmunozphotography/music/SymphonyNo6Movement5.ogg"

They should be:

audioUrlMp3="http://www.robertmunozphotography.net/music/SymphonyNo6Movement5.mp3" audioUrlOgg="http://www.robertmunozphotography.net/music/SymphonyNo6Movement5.ogg"


(8 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

I have not yet been able to implement the Facebook Like button into the caption area but I have been able to display a like button for individual images (whose URL changes each time a new image is selected within the gallery) rather than just for the entire gallery. Please see this post for details.


(5 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

Try launching Lightroom, then go to 'Lightroom -> Preferences', select the 'Presets' tab and click the 'Show Lightroom Presets Folder' button.
The presets folder should open up in a new window. Now go into the 'Lightroom' folder and either go into or create the 'Web Galleries' folder there and then copy 'juicebox.lrwebengine' into the 'Web Galleries' folder.

Try validating the code on your web page with the W3C Markup Validation Service and fix the errors reported.
Once the code validates OK, your web page function correctly.

Your page loads the 'juicebox.js' file twice. Only one instance is required.

Try removing the <p> and </p> tags from around the embedding code. <p> </p> tags should not contain block-level elements such as the gallery's <div> container.

Also, try using folder names that do not contain spaces. As each folder forms part of a URL when it is uploaded to a web server, it would be wise to use only web-safe characters for files and folders.
Please see section 2.3 of this document for details.

Characters that are allowed in a URI but do not have a reserved purpose are called unreserved. These include uppercase and lowercase letters, decimal digits, hyphen, period, underscore, and tilde.


(5 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

the location of the library folder seemed to be in a different location. i did find it, and had to create a 'Web Galleries'

What was the location where you created your 'Web Galleries' folder?
The instructions on this page should be accurate for Lightroom 4 (which is required for the plugin).


(2 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

You can do the same as you currently do with SimpleViewer by using Juicebox's configUrl option to point to a specific XML file.
A description of the configUrl option can be found here.
The embedding code for your first gallery might look something like this:

<script src="./resources/jbcore/js/juicebox.js"></script>
new juicebox({
containerId : 'juicebox-container',
galleryWidth: '900',
galleryHeight: '900',
backgroundColor: '#222222',
configUrl : 'galleries/1-HAR2-12.xml'
<div id="juicebox-container"></div>


(8 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Juicebox works fine alongside a Facebook Like button.
There are a couple of things to bear in mind, though.

(1) If you are trying to insert a Facebook Like button into the 'index.html' page of a 100% x 100% gallery, the gallery will take up the entire browser window so if you place the button after the embedding code, it will be pushed off the bottom of the browser window and will not be displayed. You would need to either reduce the size of your gallery to accommodate the button or position the button on the page via CSS and give it a high 'z-index' value (so that it is stacked above the gallery layer) in order for the button to be active.
For example, if using the HTML5 implementation of the button, you would change the line:

<div class="fb-like" data-href="http://www.example.com" data-send="false" data-width="450" data-show-faces="true"></div>

... to:

<div class="fb-like" style="position: absolute; top: 50px; left: 10px; z-index: 999;" data-href="http://www.example.com" data-send="false" data-width="450" data-show-faces="true"></div>

(2) The button will be displayed only when your web page has been uploaded to a web server. It will not be displayed when you preview your web page locally in a browser on your computer.


(7 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Setting enableTouchZoom="TRUE" will allow users to touch zoom within the bounds set by the values in the viewport <meta> tag.
If you set 'initial-scale=1' and 'maximum-scale=1', then the gallery will initially be displayed at the maximum zoom scale.
The user could zoom out but not in. You could, however, set 'initial-scale=1' and 'maximum-scale=2' to allow the user to zoom in beyond the default scale value.
For more information on the viewport <meta> tag, please see this web page.