It’s been a while, but rest assured we have been busy here cranking on the latest version of Juicebox Gallery. Juicebox v1.4.0 is fresh out of the oven and we have baked in some tasty improvements.
Multi-Size Image Support
The web is now viewed on many different sized screens – from phones and tablets to huge cinema displays. Add in ‘retina’ displays and you have a wide range of pixel dimensions to handle. To best handle this situation, Juicebox 1.4 now supports multi-size images. This means multiple sizes of the same image are stored on the server, and the most suitable image size is selected and served to the user, thus optimizing display quality and download time.

JuiceboxBuilder-Pro Multi-Size Image Support
Juicebox-Pro now supports 3 customizable sizes of images: small, medium and large. JuiceboxBuilder-Pro will automatically generate multiple versions of an image and save them in the gallery folder for display as required. Read more here.
Improved iPhone Layout
The iOS 7.1 Safari update includes support for the ‘minimal-ui’ viewport tag which hides browser chrome and leaves more of the screen for website content. Juicebox now supports this tag, and we have improved the iPhone default layout to take advantage of the increased screen space. Check out the comparison below between Juicebox v1.3 and v1.4. Notice that we can now display twice as many thumbnails in portrait mode.

Juicebox iPhone Layout Comparison
More Styling Options and Improved API Support
We added new fine-grain color options and small screen mode layout options. There are new API methods to allow better integration with your site. We also added support for custom purchase URLS to allow you to specify custom links for the buy button.
Improved Core Performance
We have re-built the Juicebox core rendering engine to improve performance across the board. This means snappier transitions, faster repaints and a smoother UI. We have especially focussed on improving mobile performance, including using CSS transforms over JavaScript tweens where supported.
Lots of Bug Fixes
As the web platform advances there are continuous changes to device and browser functionality. The Juicebox code base is continually updated to accommodate these changes, handling new browser bugs and features. See the full change log here.
Upgrading to v1.4
As always, Juicebox-Pro upgrades are free within the same major version number. Check here for upgrade information. Juicebox-Lite users can get the update here. Please report any issues in the support forum. Plugins and templates have been updated.
We recommend you download this upgrade right away. If you have been holding off on purchasing Juicebox-Pro, now is a great time to try it out using our 30 day money back guarantee.
will there be a new lightroom plugin to support the multisize option?
Another super good upgrade. Cheers matey!
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