(3 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Hi Steven

Thank you very much for your answer, which helps me a lot to have a general idea of the situation and to know better what I have to avoid, and eventually test.

I have the notion that my site is a site with a large volume of information, pages, photos, galleries and this has its problems.

I have to study what I can improve.

Your help was important, once again, and I really appreciate your willingness to study and respond to my request.

Thank you very much

Alberto Calé

Hi Steve

I apologize for bothering you again but I would like to know if there is a limit to the number of galleries (juicebox) available on a site, that is, if there is a reasonable number of active galleries for a site (Wordpress) to perform well  (juicebox).

And I'm asking this because lately I've been having problems with slowness on the site and warnings on the service provider of large Physical Memory Usage and CDU Usage.

My site is big, with many pages, many photos and galleries (juicebox with Flickr Photos), and when I say many, I mean many.

I would like to know to what extent the number of galleries can contribute to this problem and if there is any way in configuring them, eventually, to minimize this problem.

The site is: https://espirito-de-aventura.com

this is the base settings I use in almost all galleries (except flickrSetId):

galleryFontFace="Open Sans"

This does not mean that only the galleries consume resources, but given the large number that I make available on the site, they will certainly have some impact.

I would be very grateful if you could give me some information on this subject.

Thank you very much

Alberto Calé

Hi Steve

It was the first time that when sending the photos they were all private. I should have known to check this situation out in the first place. No comments.

Thanks again for your support and sorry for the inconvenience.

Thank you very much

Alberto Calé

Hi Steve

I'm having problems with creating new galleries with juicebox, when I use the flickr album (set) id of a new photo album.

If I use a shortcode from old albums or insert the set id of old flickr sets in a new shortcode, everything works fine, but in a set created today it says that "can't find the flickr images".

The code I use is the same in all juicebox I've creates. Only change de Flickr ID set.

Since there have been some issues with flickr recently, it has been down for some time, has there been any change?

Can you help me one more time?


Alberto Calé


(3 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)


In reality, all the xml disappeared, as well as the multimedia images, which fortunately are few because I use the links to the photos directly from Flickr. Some links, despite the files being present, needed to be save again to become active. The restore action rescovered practically everything with the exceptions mentioned above.
Not knowing for sure the reason, and not understanding why a crash on my computer led to this situation (was it recording in the database when it happened?) I suspect that an Cache plugin may also have had some fault (I remember of having something similar a few years ago due to one of these plugins), but I'm not sure.
I am left with the hard work of recovering the hundreds of juicebox galleries and correcting whatever appears. I already started.
Now I'm doing several types of backup to see if this doesn't happen again.

Once again, thank you so much for your support.

Alberto Calé


(3 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Due to a blockage of my pc while working on the administration of my Wordpress site some problems resulted in the site. One of them, and the most serious, was that all the juicebox galleries I had, and there were already hundreds of them, disappeared.
I don't know how or where they are kept but the fact is that when I go to the gallery manager (WP-Juicebox - Manage Galleries) there are none there.
Is there any explanation for such a fact? Any possibility to recover them?


Alberto Calé


(3 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Great! Great! Great! again...

Thanks very much Steven.

Allways learning with you!

Now everything is working fine.

About the size of the images the solution is make them bigger and the jbcore is not in the right place.

Thanks  again for the quickly and great support Steven.

Alberto Calé


(3 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Hi Steven

I've have a issue with a gallery when the images are small sized.


This is a Test Gallery from Flickr with some postcards with 1772x1241 px and small stamps with 138x161 px or similar size.

In the juicebox gallery we can see all the images in the thumbnails area but the small images don't show in the gallery.

The second issue is that I've a new site (in construction yet) and I've intalled the juicebox plugin V. Using the same jbcore i use in my pro version, in my other site https:espirito-de-aventura.com, the plugins stays in Lite version.

I've bought the version Juicebox-Pro - 5 Site License

Thank you for your help

Alberto Calé

Thanks Steven

Now everything is working fine.

Thanks again for you help.

Alberto Calé

Since WP change to version 5.8 all my sites collapse.

I usually work in Classic editor and now i was forced to change to Blocks editor.

With that i don´t have anymore the option of create juicebox gallery in new articles or pages. And when I try to "Create Gallery" from Manage Galleries I' don't have any create button.

I've the version 1.5.1 (PRO) installed.

I believe that  Version can help because it  Fixed bug whereby 'Add Juicebox Gallery' button did not display for Gutenberg editor in WordPress 5.6.

If that is correct how can I obtain that version?

Thank you

Alberto Calé

Hi Steven

Now everything is working fine.

Thank you very much for all support and for the good ideas to try to resolve this issue.

Very good support as allways.

A big hug from Portugal.

Alberto Calé

Thank you very much Steve

All my WP site is based in flickr gallerys and my Flickr account have 45000 photos with hundreds of sets. More than 300 hundred of them could be seen in my WP pages.

It's a lot of work and time spend with this hobby.

As a Pro client in Flickr i'll try to contact them too.

I'll wait for news from you too.

Thanky you very much by the support.

Alberto Calé

In the morning all is working fine but suddenly all my juicebox galleries stopped to work.

I use wp-juicebox plugin in Wordpress an wp-juicebox pro in my old html/css pages.

As I can see in flickr foruns everything is ok and my flickr account is ok too. I realy don't understand what is happening.

Can you help me?

Ny WP site is : http://espirito-de-aventura.com/

My old pages: http://espirito-de-aventura.com/Site/index.html

Thank you

Alberto Calé


(496 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

For me the style of Autoviewer galleries are excelent.

This is only a sugestion and I don't know if that is possible or not, but do you consider the possibility of create a Juicebox Gallery similar to Autoviewer one?

It's an idea.


(5 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Maybe this help others with the same problem:

Using the code imagePreloading="ALL" by itself don't work but using it and changing the

maxThumbColumns="10" to maxThumbColumns="Number of photos in the gallery" everything works well (only have a little more thumbnails in the gallery, depending de size and resolution of the monitor. In my case two more.)

It's probably a provisional solution but it works for me.


(5 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Thanks for you quickly answer.

I'll try the imagePreloading solution.


(5 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)


I've a problem with my galleries:

In the galleries without thumbnails or hidden thumbnails the subtitles (caption) of the photos disappear after the tenth picture. They appear again if I click on "show thumbnails" buttom.

If the gallery have the thumbnails allways open, evertything works fine.

Ex: (hidden thumbnails - with the problem): http://www.aventura-aldeias-historicas. … as/FT.html

Ex: (With Thumbnails - without problem): http://www.aventura-aldeias-historicas. … 8/FT1.html

Can you help me?