Topic: All my juicebox galleries disappeared

Due to a blockage of my pc while working on the administration of my Wordpress site some problems resulted in the site. One of them, and the most serious, was that all the juicebox galleries I had, and there were already hundreds of them, disappeared.
I don't know how or where they are kept but the fact is that when I go to the gallery manager (WP-Juicebox - Manage Galleries) there are none there.
Is there any explanation for such a fact? Any possibility to recover them?


Alberto Calé

Re: All my juicebox galleries disappeared

I'm sorry to hear about this.

All the information for WP-Juicebox galleries is stored in wp-content/uploads/juicebox/ (one XML file per gallery, e.g. 1.xml for Gallery #1, 2.xml for Gallery #2, etc.). The 'Manage Galleries' page reads this folder to see what XML files are present and then displays the results in a table.
Ordinarily, the only way for all this data to disappear would be to click the 'Delete All Data' button on the Manage Galleries page (and then click the 'Are you sure?' button).

All the images for WP-Juicebox galleries are stored in WordPress's own Media Library (for local galleries) or on Flickr's servers (for Flickr galleries). There is no separate store of images for WP-Juicebox galleries. Just for reference, 'Manage Galleries -> Delete All Data' does not delete any images (just the gallery data (XML files) in wp-content/uploads/juicebox/ and the plugin preferences in the WordPress database). After 'Delete All Data' all gallery images remain either in the Media Library (attached to their respective posts) or on Flickr's servers.

The first thing to do is check to see if there are any XML files within wp-content/uploads/juicebox/.

Perhaps your web host has a backup of your site which can be reinstated. This would be worth investigating.

I hope this points you in the right direction.
Please let me know how you get on. Thank you.

Re: All my juicebox galleries disappeared


In reality, all the xml disappeared, as well as the multimedia images, which fortunately are few because I use the links to the photos directly from Flickr. Some links, despite the files being present, needed to be save again to become active. The restore action rescovered practically everything with the exceptions mentioned above.
Not knowing for sure the reason, and not understanding why a crash on my computer led to this situation (was it recording in the database when it happened?) I suspect that an Cache plugin may also have had some fault (I remember of having something similar a few years ago due to one of these plugins), but I'm not sure.
I am left with the hard work of recovering the hundreds of juicebox galleries and correcting whatever appears. I already started.
Now I'm doing several types of backup to see if this doesn't happen again.

Once again, thank you so much for your support.

Alberto Calé

Re: All my juicebox galleries disappeared

I'm sorry to hear that there's been no easy fix for you to reinstate all your galleries.
I'm really not sure what could have wiped out what appears to be your entire 'wp-content' folder.
I hope that rebuilding your galleries doesn't take as long as you think it might.
Best wishes, and I'm sorry that I couldn't be more of a help.