(3 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

You could create a custom JavaScript event listener in your gallery's embedding page which triggers the Juicebox-Pro API toggleExpand() method (to expand/close the gallery) when a certain key is pressed.
Here's an example which toggles the gallery's expanded status when the 'x' key is pressed.

To see this example in action, create a sample gallery with JuiceboxBuilder-Pro and use the following code as the gallery's 'index.html' page.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <meta name="viewport" id="jb-viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0" />
            body {
                margin: 0px;
        <script src="jbcore/juicebox.js"></script>
            var jb = new juicebox({
                containerId: "juicebox-container",
                galleryHeight: "400",
                galleryWidth: "600"
            jb.onInitComplete = function() {
                window.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {
                    if (e.keyCode === 88) {
        <div id="juicebox-container"></div>


(1) Use of the Juicebox-Pro API requires Juicebox-Pro. Unfortunately, this will not work with Juicebox-Lite.

(2) This should work fine with a regular gallery or when useFullscreenExpand="TRUE" but it will not work if the gallery is expanded in a new page (e.g. on an iOS device or when expandInNewPage="TRUE"). In order to close a gallery which has been expanded in a new page, the code would need to be incorporated into the gallery's 'jbcore/full.html' page as well as the gallery's embedding page.

(3) Keycodes (if you wanted to change the 'x' key for something else) can be found here: https://css-tricks.com/snippets/javascr … -keycodes/

As this does not work with Juicebox-Lite, you might like to post this as a suggestion for a future version in the Feature Requests forum thread.
I do not know what suggestions might be incorporated into future versions but this is the best place for all ideas to ensure that they are seen by the developers. (I know the Feature Requests forum thread is a sub-forum of the Juicebox-Pro forum but there's no specific Feature Requests thread for Juicebox-Lite so this is still the best place to post.)
Thank you.


(3 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

I'm sorry to hear about this.

All the information for WP-Juicebox galleries is stored in wp-content/uploads/juicebox/ (one XML file per gallery, e.g. 1.xml for Gallery #1, 2.xml for Gallery #2, etc.). The 'Manage Galleries' page reads this folder to see what XML files are present and then displays the results in a table.
Ordinarily, the only way for all this data to disappear would be to click the 'Delete All Data' button on the Manage Galleries page (and then click the 'Are you sure?' button).

All the images for WP-Juicebox galleries are stored in WordPress's own Media Library (for local galleries) or on Flickr's servers (for Flickr galleries). There is no separate store of images for WP-Juicebox galleries. Just for reference, 'Manage Galleries -> Delete All Data' does not delete any images (just the gallery data (XML files) in wp-content/uploads/juicebox/ and the plugin preferences in the WordPress database). After 'Delete All Data' all gallery images remain either in the Media Library (attached to their respective posts) or on Flickr's servers.

The first thing to do is check to see if there are any XML files within wp-content/uploads/juicebox/.

Perhaps your web host has a backup of your site which can be reinstated. This would be worth investigating.

I hope this points you in the right direction.
Please let me know how you get on. Thank you.


(1 replies, posted in Tricks and Tips)

I'm sorry to hear about your passwords being compromised.

Log in to the Juicebox forum, go to the 'Profile' tab and you'll find the 'Change your password' link at the right-hand side below the second blue menu bar.

I hope this helps.


(3 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

This is just a quick follow-up to see how you are getting on.
I hope things are going well. However, if you need any help with anything or would still like a refund, just let me know.


(1 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Sorry, Juicebox does not support videos (no matter how the gallery is made).
FAQ: Will Juicebox load things other than images?

The Juicebox Plugin for Lightroom should not freeze, though.
Is there a certain function or combination of options that causes the plugin to freeze?
If there's a way for me to reproduce the problem (for example, a certain set of steps that I can take to replicate the problem), please let me know.

I've just checked the current version of the plugin (v1.5.1) on Lightroom Classic v12.1 on Windows 11 x64 Version 22H2 OS Build 22621.1105 (I don't have access to a Mac to check on at the moment) and it seems to be behaving OK (working as expected and no freezing).

I'm sorry to hear that you are still having difficulty with JuiceboxBuilder-Pro.
This forum post is the best source of information for unresponsive New Gallery and Open Gallery buttons. (I don't know if you actually have unresponsive New Gallery and Open Gallery buttons but being that you say you cannot create a new gallery or open an existing one, it sounds likely.)

I really don't know what might be causing your problem but is sounds like it's somehow specific to your system as no other Mac users have reported an inability to create a new gallery or open an existing one recently. (Any recent problem reports we've had lately are usually related to AIR versions or Rosetta, not creating or opening galleries.)

All I can suggest is that you run through the list of suggestions in the forum post again and see if anything helps.

I'd try completely uninstalling both AIR and JuiceboxBuilder-Pro following #11 in this forum post. It's important that you delete the following folders manually afterwards.

  • /Applications/JuiceboxBuilder-Pro.app/

  • /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AIR/ELS/JuiceboxBuilder-Pro

  • /Users/Username/Library/Preferences/JuiceboxBuilder-Pro

I'd then reinstall AIR v33.1.1.744 and JuiceboxBuilder-Pro v1.5.1.2 and try running JuiceboxBuilder-Pro with any anti-virus software that you might have installed temporarily disabled (at your own risk and having disconnected from the internet first).

I'm sorry I don't have anything else for you to try but the suggestions in the forum and/or a completely clean installation (having manually deleted all the folders listed above) should work.


(3 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Would be grateful for money back guarantee :

I hope that my notes above help but if you'd still rather have a refund, then please let me know and I'll forward your transaction details to the admin team who will process your refund.
Thank you.


(3 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Thank you for purchasing Juicebox-Pro.
I'm sorry you're having such a poor first experience with Juicebox-Pro, though.
I hope my notes below help to clarify a few things.

1. Preview screen freezes

This is a known issue and is due to using a version of AIR without support for WebKit (the embedded browser which JuicboxBuilder-Pro uses for the live preview window on the 'Customize' panel).
The solution is to use the most recent version of AIR with WebKit. This is currently AIR v33.1.1.744 which can be downloaded from the foot of the AIR download page here: https://airsdk.harman.com/runtime
Please see this forum post for more details: https://juicebox.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=5318

2. Adobe Air is no longer being made

Although Adobe no longer supports AIR themselves, AIR is actually still alive and well. Adobe has passed the development of AIR on to a company called Harman. You can check out their website here: https://airsdk.harman.com/
Also, you can check out the AIR development status over on their GitHub site: https://github.com/airsdk/Adobe-Runtime-Support

3. No response from support email

I'm very sorry about that.
Please let me know what email address you used to contact us and also where you found it (was it in a purchase email or somewhere on our website) so that I can investigate and fix the problem or change the email address if necessary. Thank you.
(We recently had a problem which was noted earlier in the week whereby the support email address on Gumroad receipts was out of date. This was fixed a couple of days ago.)

Once again, I'm sorry that you've had such a rocky start with Juicebox-Pro.
However, Juicebox and AIR are still both supported and using AIR v33.1.1.744 should hopefully resolve your issue with JuiceboxBuilder-Pro. (Just be sure to uninstall any other version of AIR that you might have installed first.)

Please let me know how you get on and if I can be of any further assistance.
Thank you.


(3 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

I expect the empty space to the right of the Button Bar is due to Juicebox reserving space for the Expand Button but your gallery sets showExpandButton="FALSE". I do not think you'd see the space if your gallery were to set showExpandButton="TRUE" instead.

Setting a Button Bar icon to FALSE should not result in empty space to the right of the Button Bar (this is, indeed, a bug) but, the way Juicebox has been designed, the Expand Button should be displayed (even though your gallery sets showExpandButton="FALSE").
Using the Splash Page to expand the gallery is, internally, no different to using the Expand Button and if either the Splash Page or Expand Button are being used, then the Expand Button (in its Close Gallery state) ought to be present to allow the visitor to close the expanded gallery. (At least, that's how I expect the developers envisioned this functionality.)
There is no way to have the Expand Gallery button present but hide the Close Gallery button. Likewise, if using the Splash Page.

Long story short, it's a bug but it's a known bug which has already been logged and will hopefully be fixed in a future version.
In the meantime, the workaround is to set showExpandButton="TRUE" (which is essentially what the bugfix will likely do anyway).

Also, with regard to your your first note, you could perhaps use JavaScript to add #expanded to your link but only on mobile devices. Maybe something like this:

<a id="link">Link goes here.</a>
    var isMobile = /Android|BlackBerry|iemobile|iPad|iPhone|iPod|Nexus|Opera Mini|webOS|Windows Phone|WPDesktop/i.test(navigator.agent);
    var linkSrc = 'http://www.example.com/index.html' + (isMobile ? '#expanded' : '');
    document.getElementById('link').setAttribute('href', linkSrc);

Otherwise, for the Juicebox-Pro API suggestion, something like this might work:

<script src="jbcore/juicebox.js"></script>
    var jb = new juicebox({
        containerId: "juicebox-container",
        galleryHeight: "400",
        galleryWidth: "600",
        showExpandButton: "TRUE"
    jb.onInitComplete = function() {
        var isMobile = /Android|BlackBerry|iemobile|iPad|iPhone|iPod|Nexus|Opera Mini|webOS|Windows Phone|WPDesktop/i.test(navigator.agent);
        if (isMobile) {
<div id="juicebox-container"></div>

Whatever mechanism you use to detect a mobile device, it will likely differ slightly from Juicebox's own logic which determines whether to use Small Screen Mode or Large Screen Mode but you should be able to get quite close and catch most cases.


(3 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Unfortunately, there's no easy way to force a gallery to go expand automatically. Juicebox was not designed with this in mind.

You could try adding #expanded to the URL you use in your 'Entrer' link to the gallery but I can't guarantee it'll work (or be trouble-free).

Otherwise, you could maybe use the Juicebox-Pro API to trigger a gallery expansion on loading the gallery.
Something like this:

<script src="jbcore/juicebox.js"></script>
    var jb = new juicebox({
        containerId: "juicebox-container",
        galleryHeight: "400",
        galleryWidth: "600",
        showExpandButton: "TRUE"
    jb.onInitComplete = function() {
<div id="juicebox-container"></div>

I'm not sure if this will help but I hope that it points you in the right direction.

I presume my suggestions did not help.

Using AIR v33.1.1.744 and opening JuiceboxBuilder-Pro with Rosetta has been known to work for other M1 users on Ventura (see here, for example) so it should work for you, too.

If you are still experiencing problems, try completely uninstalling both AIR and JuiceboxBuilder-Pro (following the procedure noted as #11 here) before reinstalling them.
Just remember to install AIR v33.1.1.744 (and not the very latest version, AIR v33.1.1.932) when you come to install/reinstall AIR.

More information on using Rosetta can be found here.

You're welcome!

I'm glad it works for you.
Thank you for letting me know!

I'm sorry to hear that you've been having so much trouble with JuiceboxBuilder-Pro.
Here are a few notes which should hopefully help.

I added the code in terminal...

the Terminal App lines (noted here) were required to overcome an issue that was present in AIR when Catalina was first introduced.
Harman (the developers of AIR) have since fixed this issue and the Terminal App lines are no longer required with more recent versions of AIR.

Please be sure to use the latest version of AIR with WebKit support. (WebKit is the embedded browser that JuiceboxBuilder-Pro uses for the live preview of the gallery on the 'Customize' panel.)
This is currently AIR v33.1.1.744 which can be downloaded from the foot of the AIR download page here: https://airsdk.harman.com/runtime
Here is a direct link to the Mac version:
Mac: https://airsdk.harman.com/assets/downlo … obeAIR.dmg

(Harman removed WebKit from more recent versions of AIR and if you were to use the very latest version (currently AIR v33.1.1.932), you might run into one of the problems documented here.)

Also, as you have a Mac with M1 hardware, you may need to open JuiceboxBuilder-Pro using Rosetta.
This is noted as a Known Issue on the AIR download page (link above) and it's also mentioned here in our forum.

I hope these notes help you to get JuiceboxBuilder-Pro up and running.


Surprised there is no mention about using html symbols in the titles and captions, to change font format and to add links (for example to go to the next gallery).

The use of HTML in image titles and captions is mentioned in this FAQ (admittedly, links aren't mentioned, though):
How do I add HTML formatting to image captions and titles?

There is one problem I cannot solve: the space in the images between title and caption is quite large...

You could try using CSS to change the margin for either the title or the caption.
Try adding something like the following into your embedding page's <head> section.

    /* IMAGE TITLE */
    .jb-caption .jb-caption-title {
        margin-bottom: -10px !important;

... or:

    .jb-caption .jb-caption-desc {
        margin-top: -10px !important;

I hope this helps.

The default resize dimensions for medium size images of 1024 x 768 usually give a good compromise between image quality and image size (which has a bearing on speed of loading).

There's certainly no point in increasing the resize dimensions to be larger than the dimensions of the source images. If the source images are smaller (in resolution) than the resize dimensions, then JuiceboxBuilder will just copy the source images across to the output gallery directory (it will not upscale them).

However, you might like to increase the resize dimensions (maybe to 1080 or 1152 wide), especially if your site's target audience is likely to be viewing your images on high resolution or high pixel density monitors.
Juicebox itself will dynamically downsize the images (if necessary and as long as imageScaleMode is set to SCALE_DOWN or SCALE) when the gallery is being displayed/viewed to fit within the gallery's image area so users with smaller monitors will not notice any difference (other than the fact that the images might take a little longer to load) but users with larger monitors will benefit from the higher resolution images.

With internet connections becoming faster and faster these days, the slightly longer loading time for larger images might not be an issue for most users but it is something to keep in mind as not everyone has a fast connection.

Having said that, Juicebox-Pro preloads images (see imagePreloading in the Main Image section of the Config Options page) so any image loading delay for larger images will be minimal and, if noticeable at all, may only be apparent on the first image.


(3 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

Working now,

That's great! Thank you for letting me know.

Just a couple of notes which might help to clarify things (maybe for other users reading this thread)...

... will try moving stuff to eliminate the configUrl

Just for the record, having looked at your code and site, you should have been able to just eliminate the configUrl entry from your embedding code without having to move any files around (as your gallery's configuration file was named 'config.xml and was located directly inside the baseUrl gallery folder).

Looking at the inspector in Firefox helped, the error was "CORS Missing Allow Origin"

Using relative paths is usually the best way to avoid CORS issues.
If you use an absolute path in your embedding code which starts with https:// and includes the www subdomain (for example), then a visitor to your site would have to use https:// and www for the URL in their browser's address bar. If the visitor used http:// or omitted www, then this could trigger a CORS issue. If relative paths are used, such issues can be avoided.

Also, if you were to use absolute paths in your embedding code, then you'd need to ensure that they all use the same protocol (http:// vs https://) and the same domain/subdomain. If there's a mismatch, then the gallery would likely not be displayed, no matter what a visitor might use for the URL in their browser's address bar.

Incidentally, relative paths can either:
(1) be relative to the web page containing the embedding code.
... or:
(2) start with a leading slash which denotes your root directory (and, in doing so, you can build up the relative path starting from the root, rather than the directory that the embedding page is in).

... have a wonderful Christmas.

Thanks! You, too!


(8 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

I've had a reply from AVG. Here are the relevant quotes from it:

I understand that AVG has detected reported apps as a threat, but I can't reproduce the detection right now.

... the user should adjust AVG settings. He should remove the protected folder from Ransomware Shield or allow the app - https://support.avg.com/SupportArticleV … tType=home. Unfortunately, this is not a false positive, but incorrect settings.

It's a shame that you need to change AVG's settings for JuiceboxBuilder to work correctly but at least we have a workaround.


(8 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

Thank you for the update.
I've now filed a false positive report with AVG. Hopefully they can resolve the problem in a future database update. Juicebox users should not have to whitelist JuiceboxBuilder in order for it to work correctly.

The first time I got the error I was a bit concerned that Juicebox would replace my original image files.

You don't need to worry about that. JuiceboxBuilder will either copy your original images to the gallery's output folder (if the 'Resize Images' checkbox is deselected) or place resized copies of the original images in the gallery's output folder. Your original images will always remain untouched in their original locations.


(3 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

Your code looks like it should work online but if you're trying to view it locally, it's possibly failing due to having a mix of file:/// and https:// protocols (file:/// when loading the gallery's embedding page and the use of https:// in the embedding code paths).

When you use a baseUrl and your configuration file is named 'config.xml' and is located directly inside the gallery folder (default name and location), then you don't need to use a configUrl at all. You can remove the configUrl from your embedding code and that'll be one less path to worry about.

Also, you could try using relative paths for your 'juicebox.js' path and baseUrl (relative to the web page containing the embedding code) instead of absolute paths (starting with https://). This should work online and locally (after you've made the necessary Firefox browser tweak noted here).


(8 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

Thank you for the update.
I'm glad to hear that you've found the cause of the problem (but sorry that you've encountered a problem at all).

I'd be very grateful if you could let me know further details about the problem so that I can file a false positive report with AVG (so that they can clear JuiceboxBulder-Lite's reputation in a future database update).

Please let me know the AVG module that is triggering the error (e.g. real-time detection, ransomware, etc.).
Also please let me know the AVG version number and virus database version number that you currently use.

AVG may also ask for the following:

  • A screenshot of the AVG detection dialog.

  • A screenshot of the AVG virus database (open AVG Antivirus and go to Menu > About).

You could post the screenshots here in the forum, upload them somewhere (e.g. Dropbox or Google Drive) and provide links or email them to me (you'll find my email address in the column to the left of this post).

Thanks for your help.


(8 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

If all else fails, you could resize your image in a different imaging program (such as Photoshop) prior to using them in JuiceboxBuilder-Lite.
Then, when feeding them to JuiceboxBuilder-Lite, be sure to deselect the 'Resize Images' checkbox (on the 'Images' panel) and JuiceboxBuilder-Lite will just copy the files across to the output gallery folder without processing them.


(8 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble resizing your images.
Images of less than 4095 x 4095 should be able to be resized OK.

What resize dimensions have you chosen (Max Width and Max Height)?
If you are not already using the default values (Max Width 1024 and Max Height 768), then please try the default values, at least for troubleshooting purposes, to see if this helps.

Otherwise, the images might somehow be corrupt. Even corrupt metadata (which might not be noticeable when opening the images in other imaging programs) could be enough to cause a problem.
Try opening one of your images in an imaging program (such as Photoshop) and resaving it (without editing it) to see if this makes a difference.

I hope this helps.
However, if you continue to experience difficulties, then perhaps you could upload one of your source images somewhere (e.g. Dropbox, Google Drive) and post a link to it here in the forum so that I can download the image and try to replicate the problem myself.
With access to one of the images that is giving you trouble, I might be able to figure out the cause of the problem.
Thank you.


(0 replies, posted in Tricks and Tips)

Please note that JuiceboxBuilder does not read or use the EXIF orientation flags (which may or may not be embedded within source images) and simply displays the images as they are, with no dynamic rotation based on the flags.

If necessary, you can rotate an image in JuiceboxBuilder by selecting its corresponding thumbnail on the Images panel and then clicking the Rotate Button near the bottom-right corner of the panel.

If an image displays in an unexpected orientation in JuiceboxBuilder, then the best thing to do is to remove the EXIF data from the image (in an imaging program such as Photoshop) and then rotate the image until it is visibly correct.

When JuiceboxBuilder resizes images for a gallery, it strips out all metadata, so if an image looks OK in JuiceboxBuilder (where metadata is not used), then it should also look OK in the gallery (where metadata is not present).


(3 replies, posted in Tricks and Tips)

Follow-up info regarding M1 Mac/OS 13.0 Ventura: https://juicebox.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=5338