Topic: Just upgraded to newer OS - can't remember how to install


I'm on an older iMac 2015 and just updated my OS to Monterey (12.7)

In doing so it had me upgrade to a newer version of photoshop and Juicebox Pro isn't in my scripts any longer when I open Photoshop.

It looks like the version I have in my applications folder is 1.5.1

My apologies for asking but I'm unsure how to get it functioning again.

I had saved my original email with the download link (thinking I could download it again) but it told me the link has expired.

Any help would be great.



Re: Just upgraded to newer OS - can't remember how to install


I've reactivated your download link (and sent you a separate email containing the link).

You can find instructions for installing the Juicebox Plugin for Photoshop here:

If you encounter any problems installing via Adobe Exchange, then just use the manual method of installation noted under the heading "Photoshop CS2 to CS6".

The plugin files are the same for the CS2/CS6 version as for the CC version, it's just the method of installation that differs.

Incidentally, if you ever need a new download link in the future, just fill in the online Download Link Request Form ( and we'll send you a new one.

I hope this helps.

Re: Just upgraded to newer OS - can't remember how to install

I've just checked my email and see that you've already filled in the Download Link Request Form.