When i put my device in landscape mode, my pictures are too big, and the description is very far away.
At the moment, your gallery looks good in both portrait and landscape orientations in Mobile Safari on my iPhone and in Mobile Chrome on an Android device.
If things look a little odd, then try clearing your browser's cache before reloading your gallery's web page to see if this helps to resolve the problem.
For the screen mode "Large" I prefer Auto.
It's usually a good idea to set screenMode="AUTO" (the default value) and allow Juicebox to determine whether to display the gallery in Large Screen Mode or Small Screen Mode (depending on the device being used to view the gallery).
But, is it possible to have a button to return to the thumbnails when you are in full screen?
In Small Screen Mode (whether you are in Fullscreen Mode or not), you can display the Thumbnail Button on the gallery's Button Bar (to allow the visitor to view the thumbnail pages) by setting showSmallThumbsButton="TRUE" (in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> Thumbnails' section).
You will need to display the Button Bar in your gallery, though, in order for the Thumbnail Button to be displayed (and your gallery currently hides the Button Bar by setting buttonBarPosition="NONE").
For the Caption HTLM, im really noob.... Can you show me for the first one, what would be the good HTLM? And i will apply it to the other pictures...
Your first image's caption is currently the following:
</font><font color="#CCCCCC">Projet: Pecquencourt - Production: <font color="#0066FF"><a href="https://mw-architecture.fr/">MW Architecture </a><font color="#CCCCCC"> - Date: Novembre 2022 </font><br><font color="#0066FF"><a href="http://www.vincefx.com">www.vincefx.com </a><font color="#CCCCCC"> vincefx@free.fr tel:
You could change it to this to be HTML 5 compliant:
<p><span style="color: #cccccc;">Projet: Pecquencourt - Production: </span><a href="https://mw-architecture.fr/" style="color: #0066ff;">MW Architecture</a><span style="color: #cccccc;"> - Date: Novembre 2022 </span><br><a href="http://www.vincefx.com" style="color:#0066ff;">www.vincefx.com</a><spa style="color: #cccccc"> vincefx@free.fr tel:</span></p>
This is HTML 5 compliant but it might not make a visible difference. Most browsers will likely still render the <font> tag OK and may be quite tolerant towards things like missing end tags.
If you don't see a visible difference, then you might not want to bother changing all your captions just now (as it is quite a large task) but it would be a good idea going forward (especially as your web page uses the HTML 5 Doctype Declaration).
For my embedding gallery, i guess you talk about my htlm file?
Yes. The embedding page is your 'ImagesArchi.html' file.
Do you still see multiple gallery?
I never actually saw two galleries on the page but there were two sets of embedding code (both embedding the same gallery into the same container).
Your web page only has one set of embedding code now, so that's good.