It looks like you may already have solved your problem.
I have viewed your web page at and your gallery displays OK.

A few notes:

Set up a new html PAGE and named it flt-gallery also... "just in case"

There is no need to name your own HTML page the same as your gallery folder (though it will do no harm).

Wondering if simple viewer would be easier in this instance?

The process for embedding a SimpleViewer gallery is very similar to the process for embedding a Juicebox gallery.

moving site to WordPress

Once you have your WordPress installation up and running, rather than create galleries on your computer, upload them to your web server and embed them manually, you might like to use the dedicated Juicebox plugin for WordPress (WP-Juicebox) which would allow you to create and edit galleries directly from within the WordPress Dashboard.

Before posting my last reply, I checked that your gallery was located here:
... and going to that location in a browser displayed the gallery on its own page OK.
Now, this does not happen so it looks like you might have been moving files around on your web server.
All you should need to do to embed your gallery in a web page is upload a complete gallery folder (not just the contents) to your web server and follow the baseUrl embedding instructions as documented here.
It does not matter where on your web server you upload your gallery folder to as long as you know where it is and that the two paths in the embedding code (the path to the 'juicebox.js' file and the baseUrl itself) are correct.

Try updating the version of jQuery that you include in your web page. You currently use jQuery v1.5.2 and the latest version is v1.9.1.
Try also updating your version of jQuery UI from v1.8.24 to v1.10.0.


(1 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Juicebox-Pro does not support the Flick Photo Id parameter. Currently, to be able to input a Flickr Photo Id and have your gallery display the corresponding image, you would somehow have to map the Flickr Photo Ids to the Juicebox-Pro Direct Linking index numbers.

It looks like your gallery folder is located at:
... so try the following embedding code:

<script src=""></script>
new juicebox({
containerId : "juicebox-container",
baseUrl : '',
galleryWidth: "800",
galleryHeight: "500",
backgroundColor: "#222222"
<div id="juicebox-container"></div>

BTW ... is there any way to remove/change the background colour of the Back Button?

There is no configuration option to change the background color of the Back Button but this can be achieved by changing the background-color CSS rule for a.jb-go-back-icon on line 485 of the 'jbcore/classic/theme.css' file, e.g.:

background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .5);

The last parameter of the 'rgba' value (the alpha channel) is the opacity of the background (0 being transparent and 1 being opaque).
Please note that the line number refers to Juicebox-Pro v1.2.0.


(4 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

If you have deleted the 'juicebox.lrwebengine' folder from the 'Users/username/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Lightroom/Web Galleries/' location and a Juicebox plugin still shows in the Lightroom list of web engines, try searching your hard drive for instances of 'juicebox.lrwebengine' (or even just 'juicebox') to try to find the duplicate.
Make sure that you have your search configured to show hidden files and folders.

Thank you for clarifying.
I have been able to replicate the issue you are experiencing and can confirm that it is due to the backButtonHAlign configuration option not being respected in Small Screen Mode.
I have logged a bug report and this should hopefully be fixed in the next version of Juicebox-Pro (although I do not know when this may be).
In the meantime, a suitable workaround would be to set buttonBarHAlign="RIGHT" and leave backButtonHAlign at its default value of 'LEFT'.

Your gallery includes the following code:

<script src=""></script>
baseUrl : '',

Please note that is a subdomain of and all gallery files must be on the same domain (or subdomain) due to the JavaScript same origin policy. Please see this web page for more information.

If you wish to access your web page using, then please use the 'www' subdomain in all absolute paths in your embedding code.

To have the gallery display when visiting both and, try using relative paths in your embedding code (relative to the HTML page containing the embedding code).


(3 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

When I shift or cmd click they just stay the same, no highlight or whatever.

Highlighting selected thumbnails in the 'Images' tab of JuiceboxBuilder-Pro is on the roadmap and will hopefully be included in a future version of Juicebox-Pro (although I do not know when this may be).

I'm using AdobeAir 3.5, and MacOS 10.8.3 (near release beta).

Thank you for providing the details.

As the image filenames form part of a URL when uploaded to your web server, make sure that the filenames use only web-safe characters.
Please see section 2.3 of this document for details.

Characters that are allowed in a URI but do not have a reserved purpose are called unreserved. These include uppercase and lowercase letters, decimal digits, hyphen, period, underscore, and tilde.

JuiceboxBuilder-Pro should be able to handle all images whose filenames use any or all of these characters.


(4 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

No, sorry. I do not know when the next version of WP-Juicebox will be released.
However, if you have already made this modification to the current version, you will not need to do it again (as it will be incorporated in the next version).


(4 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Lightroom plugins can be in one of two locations (usually depending on whether they were installed by the application or yourself).
Check in the following two locations:
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.3\Shared\webengines
C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Lightroom\Web Galleries

I would start from scratch and do the following:
(1) Delete all instances of 'juicebox.lrwebengine' from the above two locations.
(2) Download the Juicebox Lightroom Plugin from here.
(3) Follow the Upgrading to Juicebox-Pro instructions.

Also, cannot seem to get rid of the Juicebox logo in the pro plugin (is there a code I can insert to get rid of this?)

Once you have replaced the plugin's Juicebox-Lite 'jbcore' folder with the Pro version, the plugin will have no option but to use the Pro files and the Juicebox badge/link will no longer be present in all subsequent galleries created by the plugin.

Do I also have to insert special code to allow for more than 50 images in gallery?

No. Once you have upgraded the plugin to Juicebox-Pro, you will be able to create galleries with more than 50 images with no further action required.


(4 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Is there a way to hide the Thumbnails completely.

Yes. Set:


If creating or editing your gallery with JuiceboxBuilder-Pro, 'Show Small Thumbs' and 'Show Large Thumbs' can be found in the 'Customize -> Thumbnail' section and 'Show Thumbs Button' can be found in the 'Customize -> Lite' section.


(4 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

The thumbnails do not go left.. instead they go 1/2 through the Juicebox screen, and I cannot even see the larger image. Very strange.. Any thoughts?

When using thumbsPosition="LEFT", you may need to change the default values of maxThumbColumns and maxThumbRows (which are '10' and '1' respectively, suitable for the default value of thumbsPosition which is 'BOTTOM').
Try setting:


I will keep trying, of course unless "left" or "LEFT" makes any difference.

Configuration option values are case-insensitive so it does not matter whether you use 'left' or 'LEFT'.

When I view your gallery on an iPod Touch 4 iOS 6.1, your 'Toggle Thumbnails' button is positioned top-left and your 'Back Button' is positioned top-right.
Try clearing your browser's cache in case your browser is hanging onto and use older versions of your gallery files.


(3 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Is there an easier way to re-arrange the order in the window?

You can drag and drop individual thumbnails into a new order in the 'Images' tab. You can also drag and drop Shift-Click and Ctrl+Click selections of thumbnails.
Additionally, you can sort images into File Name or File Date order via the 'Images -> Sort' option from the drop-down menu at the top.

(Arrangement is made doubly hard because often thumbnails are blank (though fine once published).

Please confirm which operating system and versions of Adode AIR and JuiceboxBuilder-Pro you use so that I can pass on the details to the developers in order to help them to fix this issue.
If you are using the combination of Mac OS X 10.6, Adobe AIR 3.5 and JuiceboxBuilder-Pro, try reverting to Adobe AIR 3.3 which can be downloaded from the 'Adobe AIR 3.3 runtime downloads' link on this web page.


(4 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

This <meta> 'viewport' tag will be removed in the next version of WP-Juicebox so you will not need to modify the code each time you upgrade the plugin.


(4 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

1) How do you add photos/captions to a converted gallery from NGG ?

A NextGEN-sourced WP-Juicebox gallery is not 'converted'. Juicebox creates the gallery live from the NextGEN data at the time the gallery is displayed. Therefore, just add images and/or captions to the NextGEN gallery that WP-Juicebox uses and the changes will be reflected in the Juicebox gallery the next time the gallery is displayed.

2) Currently the image title + caption is both showing on the WP-Juicebox gallery; how do I just show the caption?

Either clear the 'Alt & Title Text' fields in your NextGEN gallery or modify WP-Juicebox as follows.
(1) Open the 'wp-juicebox/config.php' file in a plain text editor.
(2) Change line 101 from:

$title_text = $new_dom_doc->createCDATASection($attachment->alttext);

... to:

$title_text = $new_dom_doc->createCDATASection('');

(3) Save the change and re-upload the file to its original location on your web server.
Please note that the line number refers to WP-Juicebox v1.2.0.

3) How would I move the thumbnails from the bottom section to say the left or right, or even top?

(1) Upgrade WP-Juicebox from Juicebox-Lite (which it comes bundled with) to Juicebox-Pro by following the instructions here.
(2) Use the thumbsPosition configuration option in the 'Pro Options' text area of your gallery's settings window, e.g.


A description of the thumbsPosition configuration option can be found in the Thumbnail Options section of the Config Options page.


(1 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Juicebox-Pro does not have any font type configuration options but you can change the font family of the Captions and Titles in all Juicebox galleries created by Showkase by modifying the CSS in the 'showkase/admin/plugins/juicebox/master/jbcore/classic/theme.css' file.
Change the '.jb-caption' class for the Captions and the '.jb-caption-title' class for the Titles.


(12 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Please be assured that we test Juicebox in all major browsers and all bugs found (no matter how small) are logged, prioritized and fixed as soon as possible.

I am wondering about future support and bug fixes  of Juicebox 1 once 2.0 or the next gallery is released.

I do not know if or when Juicebox v2.0 will be released (though I expect it is a long way off yet) or what will happen to the v1.x branch when it does. As v1.x is actively being developed, I would not worry about v2.0 yet.


(2 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Can you explain me what is the problem and how can I get over it. Thanks !

Your problem arises because the onInitComplete() event is fired before the first image is displayed and, consequently, your showImage() method is also executed before the first image is displayed.

If you want to specify an image to be displayed first in your gallery, use the firstImageIndex configuration option. (Images are numbered starting at 1).

To link directly to individual images within your gallery, set enableDirectLinks="TRUE" and you can then display, for example, the second image in your gallery by using a URL such as:

Descriptions of both firstImageIndex and enableDirectLinks can be found in the General Options section of the 'Config Options' page.


(12 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)


Thank you for reporting this flickering issue in Firefox 18.
I have notified the developers and it should be fixed in the next version of Juicebox.


(12 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

Juicebox-Pro does not create individual directories or pages for each image in a gallery and supports only the #[number] notation for direct linking to individual images.


(2 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

I currently use NextGen Gallery with Wordpress, however would like to transfer this to the "Thumbnail gallery" of JuiceBox.

You can use WP-Juicebox (the dedicated Juicebox plugin for WordPress) to create and edit Juicebox galleries within the WordPress Dashboard. When creating a gallery, just select 'NextGEN Gallery' as the 'Image Source' and type in the NextGEN Gallery Id.

1) Why would I need your new update ShowKase ?

Showkase is a PHP web application which would enable to you create a portfolio website online (complete with Juicebox-Pro and/or SimpleViewer-Pro galleries) via an internet browser interface. Showkase cannot be used in conjunction with WordPress.

2) Is there any way to import my captions, so I don't loose them (and don't have to re-type them all in again?)

If using WP-Juicebox to create your NextGEN-sourced Juicebox galleries, WP-Juicebox pulls in the image titles from the NextGEN 'Alt & Title Text' fields and the image captions from the NextGEN 'Description' fields.

I have tried the WP-Juicebox plug-in; however do not have a "Add Gallery" button (Google Chrome).

The 'Add Juicebox Gallery' icon or button is displayed in the toolbar on the 'Create' or 'Edit' post page. (In 'Visual' input mode, the Juicebox icon is displayed and in 'Text' input mode, the 'Add Juicebox Gallery' text button is displayed.)
I have just checked the current version of WP-Juicebox (v1.2.0) in Chrome 24 and I see both the 'Add Juicebox Gallery' icon and button.
If the icon/button is displayed in other browsers, then try clearing your Chrome browser's cache before reloading your page to see if this makes a difference.
If the icon/button is not displayed in other browsers, then check that you are using the most recent version of WP-Juicebox (v1.2.0), deactivate all other plugins and reactivate them one by one until you find a conflict. If you do find a conflict, please post back to let me know so that I can investigate further.

Also, when I do click on Default, I can select NextGen Gallery, enter in my ID # and title, then hit "Set" = but NOTHING is imported or added.

After entering your NextGEN Gallery Id and clicking the 'Add Gallery' button, a shortcode such as the following should be entered into the body of the post.

[juicebox gallery_id="1"]

If this does not happen, then you may have another plugin installed which is conflicting with WP-Juicebox.
Once again, please check that you are using the most recent version of WP-Juicebox (v1.2.0), deactivate all other plugins and reactivate them one by one until you find a conflict.


(2 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

It is not possible for you to change your own forum 'Username' but please send me an email with the new username that you wish to use and I can change it for you.
Otherwise, you could create a new forum account (although you would not be able to use the email address that is linked to your current account).
Please check you email. I have sent you a message.