Topic: WP-install of juicebox

Hey everyone,

I have a problem with the WP-plugin of juicebox. I installed juicebox through the plugin installation in WP (the  'add new' button where you can upload and install zip files). It was successfull. But when I try to activate the plugin, it says:

WP-Juicebox cannot assign full access permissions (777) to the wp-content/uploads/juicebox folder. Please do this manually.

The thing is: I did. The folder wp-content/uploads/juicebox exists and has full access permissions (all boxes are checked and the number is 777). Still, it doesn't work. Does anyone know why?


Re: WP-install of juicebox

Perhaps your web server has an issue with 777 permissions on folders.
You can disable the folder permission check within WP-Juicebox by deleting lines 1010-1019 in the 'wp-juicbeox.php' file.
This should enable the plugin to continue without displaying the error message.
(The line numbers above refer to WP-Juicebox v1.2.0.)

Re: WP-install of juicebox

Hi Steven,

I have the same problem. All permissions are set to 777.
I could activate the plugin on install and there were no permission problems. I could set up galleries. Everything works fine.
But then I deactivated (for some reason i don't know anymore) the plugin.

and then:
After activating the plugin again I got the same permissions (777) error.

I commentet out line 1010-1019 and this solves the problem.

My question/concern:
Will you update the plugin?
I have to comment out also line 31 for the viewport issue.
I would like to use Juicebox for more sites and can't remember the settings when updating the wp-juicebox plugin for all those sites. Or are those lines 1010-1019 very important for good function?

Best regards,

Re: WP-install of juicebox

Deactivating and reactivating the plugin should not cause any permissions problems.
I have WP-Juicebox installed in test WordPress installations on several different web servers and am unable to replicate this problem.

If the permissions of the 'wp-content/uploads/juicebox/' folder are already set to 777, the plugin should just skip the permissions setting function.
If you see the error message, then both of the following should be true:
(1) The permissions of the 'wp-content/uploads/juicebox/' folder are not already set to 777
(2) The plugin is unable to set the permissions of the 'wp-content/uploads/juicebox/' folder to 777
Please double-check that the permissions of the 'wp-content/uploads/juicebox/' folder are set to 777 and make sure that PHP 'chmod' is enabled on your web server.

Do you still see the error message if you first uninstall and then reinstall the plugin (rather than just deactivating and reactivating it)?

I have to comment out also line 31 for the viewport issue.

As I mentioned in this forum thread, I will ensure that the <meta> 'viewport' tag is removed from the next version of WP-Juicebox so there should be no need to make this modification again.

Re: WP-install of juicebox

This <meta> 'viewport' tag has been removed in the latest version of WP-Juicebox (v1.2.0.1) which can now be downloaded from this web page.

Re: WP-install of juicebox

I have also problem with the WP-plugin of juice-box.

Re: WP-install of juicebox

@ Shoyeb56564

Please make sure that you are using the latest version of WP-Juicebox (v1.2.0.1) and if you have already checked the suggestions in my posts above, please post the URL to your gallery so that I can take a look.

Re: WP-install of juicebox

Hi Steven,

Also problems with WP-Juicebox (v1.2.0.1) wordpress plugin.

Suddenly I got this error on the forntend site:
Juicebox Error: Config XML file not found.

I only have the default.xml file in the plugin-folder.

SO What I did:
I deactivated the latest version of the Juicebox plugin.
Then activated it again.

But again this error:
WP-Juicebox cannot assign full access permissions (777) to the wp-content/uploads/juicebox folder. Please do this manually.

The permissions are set to 777 so I commented out the lines (not exact the same lines 1010-1019 because of the different verison) and could activate the plugin again.

Can you please help me with this?
And any idea what the Error Config XML not found means? Why this suddenly happens?

Re: WP-install of juicebox


Suddenly I got this error on the forntend site:
Juicebox Error: Config XML file not found.

Upgrading WP-Juicebox should not cause this error message to be displayed. Try re-uploading the plugin files to your web server to ensure that all files are present and correct in case something happened to corrupt a file during the initial upload.

I only have the default.xml file in the plugin-folder.

That is perfectly normal. That should be the only XML file in the 'wp-juicebox/' folder. The gallery XML files are stored in the 'wp-content/uploads/juicebox/' folder.

But again this error:
WP-Juicebox cannot assign full access permissions (777) to the wp-content/uploads/juicebox folder. Please do this manually

It sounds like your web server may not support the PHP function used to set the permissions on the 'wp-content/uploads/juicebox/' folder but as long as the permissions have been set to 0777 manually, the plugin should activate successfully.

And any idea what the Error Config XML not found means? Why this suddenly happens?

Perhaps both of your problems are related. Please post the URL to one of your WP-Juicebox galleries which is displaying the 'Config XML Not Found' message so that I can take a look.

Re: WP-install of juicebox

Hi Steven,

I didn't upgrade WP-juicebox.
I deactivated the plugin after getting this Config XML not found error.
Then after activating the plugin again I got this permission (777) error. Even while the /uploads/juicbox folder is already 777

Thanks that you will have a look:

I see this Config XML not found error when using the Chrome browser.

Re: WP-install of juicebox

Looking at the dynamically generated XML file for your gallery, the XML declaration is not at the very top of the document (where it should be). Line 1 of the file is blank.
Try viewing the file in a browser to see the error message: … llery_id=9
The file is created with the PHP function saveXML() so there should be no blank line before the XML declaration.

The cause may be due to a specific version of PHP. What version of PHP does your web server run and did your web host upgrade its PHP version recently?

The fix is to change line 148 of the 'wp-juicebox/config.php' file to the following:

echo $new_dom_doc->saveXML($new_settings_tag);

This fix will be included in the next version of WP-Juicebox.

Re: WP-install of juicebox

PHP Version 5.3.22

Thank you very much!
Now everything is working fine.