
(1 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

It is not possible to incorporate a video within a Juicebox gallery.
As you are aware, Juicebox (as an image viewer) does not support videos (as noted in this FAQ).

The best you could do would be to include links within your gallery to go to separate web pages with your videos embedded into them. You can include links within image titles and image captions using HTML formatting (as noted in this FAQ) or you could use the linkURLs in the gallery's XML file (which can be entered on JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Images' tab) which would be opened when the user clicks on the Open Image button on the gallery's Button Bar.

I realise that many users have requested video support but Juicebox was designed as (and is) an image viewer.
Users are free to suggest whatever they like in the Feature Requests thread but it is up to the developers to decide which suggestions will be taken forward.

An alternative solution might be to include both Juicebox galleries and web pages with videos within an integrated web site.
This can be achieved using another one of our products, Showkase.
Take a look at the Patrick Surace demo gallery on this web page for a web site created with Showkase which features Juicebox galleries and Vimeo videos (on different pages).


(29 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)


I have updated the list of things to check/try in the post above with a few extra suggestions.
I would certainly try uninstalling and reinstalling JuiceboxBuilder-Pro following Step #4 onwards. (Step #6 was not previously on the list but another Mac user has reported that searching for and deleting all instances of JuiceboxBuilder-Pro on the hard drive before reinstalling the application helped so it might be worth trying in your case.)

Here are a few tips which should hopefully help to clarify a few things.

If you create a gallery with the Lightroom plugin and then edit it in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro to create a multi-size image gallery, then the images that Juicebox will have to work with are the images in the gallery's 'images' folder. When resizing images, JuiceboxBuilder-Pro scales down large images but does not scale up smaller images so if the images in the 'images' folder are already smaller than the maximum image bounds for the specified image sizes, then they will simply be copied across to the gallery folder as they are without being upscaled. Therefore, make sure that Lightroom exports images large enough that they have to be downscaled by JuiceboxBuilder-Pro.

When displaying a gallery in Large Screen Mode, Juicebox displays the Medium size images in the standard gallery. Large size images are reserved for use when the gallery is expanded fullscreen (via the Expand button on the Button Bar) and for when an individual image is opened in a new window (via the Open Image button on the Button Bar).
For more information about Screen Modes, please see here.
For more information about Multi-Size Image Support, please see here.

When a gallery is displayed by Juicebox, the images are scaled within the gallery's image area according to the imageScaleMode configuration option (found in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> Main Image' section). By default, its value is SCALE_DOWN. Images larger than the image area will be scaled down (respecting the image's aspect ratio) but images smaller than the image area will not be scaled up. Alternative values for this configuration option (and short descriptions of each) can be found in the Main Image section of the Config Options page.

Images within a Juicebox gallery will only ever fill the image area within the gallery. If you want your images to cover the entire screen, you will need to disable gallery elements for which space is reserved, such as the thumbnails and make sure that other elements such as the caption area, the Gallery Title and the Button Bar are either disabled or displayed on the overlay (rather than in positions outside the image area). You may also need to set imageScaleMode="FILL" (although this will crop images unless their aspect ratio matches that of the image area).

1.  How do you open a gallery created by the Lightroom plugin with JuiceboxBuilder-Pro?

In order to open an existing gallery in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro (created by either JuiceboxBuilder-Pro or the Lightroom plugin), you need to click 'Open Gallery...' (or 'Gallery -> Open...' from the drop-down menu at the top) and then navigate towards and select the gallery folder itself (not a file) before clicking 'Select Folder'. The gallery folder is the folder which contains the gallery's XML file and the gallery's XML file must be named 'config.xml'. (If you have renamed or moved this file, then the gallery will not be able to be opened by JuiceboxBuilder-Pro.)

2.  Should galleries saved in Juicebox-Pro be listed when clicking "Open Gallery"?

No. There is no 'Recently opened...' list.

I created two galleries with JB-pro and saved both (to same folder).

A Juicebox gallery is a collection of files and not just a single file (like when creating and saving a text document or a spreadsheet).
I would recommend that you save each gallery into a folder of its own.
Each gallery has an XML file (listing the gallery's configuration options and the images to be displayed) named 'config.xml'.
If you were to save multiple galleries into the same folder, then one gallery's XML file will be overwritten by another's.
Also, if you rename or move the 'config.xml' file within a gallery folder, JuiceboxBuilder-Pro will not be able to open the gallery.
Just save all your galleries into separate and unique folders and all should be fine.

The Pro Options section within the Lightroom plugin's interface is a text area where Pro Options can be entered as text in the form optionValue="optionName" (e.g. autoPlayOnLoad="TRUE").
Please see the Alternative Methods to set Pro options section at the foot of the Lightroom plugin's support page.

None of the Juicebox plugins are as fully-featured as JuiceboxBuilder-Pro (which comes with Juicebox-Pro and has individual controls within its interface for all Pro Options) and they are provided as a convenience for users who already use programs such as Lightroom and want to be able to create Juicebox galleries within their existing workflow.

It is actually quite a quick and easy process to open a gallery (created by the Lightroom plugin) in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro, customize the gallery as required and re-save the gallery.
You could even create a preset in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro so that you can quickly apply a collection of configuration options to an existing gallery in a single action.


(5 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

I have just viewed your gallery in Chrome and Mobile Safari on an iPod Touch and your gallery expands correctly in both browsers (with none of your embedding web page visible in the gallery's expanded web page).
If you have made any changes to your gallery's configuration options recently, try clearing your browser's cache before reloading your web page to ensure that your browser is fetching and using the most recent versions of your gallery files.
If the problem persists, please ensure that you have set expandInNewPage="TRUE" and please let me know what generation of iPad you are using and what version of iOS you are running.
Also, if possible, please upload a screenshot somwehere (and provide a link) so that I can see what you are seeing.
Thank you.


(3 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

It is not possible to change the share URL sent to the social media networks. This data (using the actual URL of the web page) is created by the 'juicebox.js' JavaScript file which is packed and obfuscated and cannot be modified.


(1 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

In order to be able to hide the caption area and Button Bar when the user mouses-out of the gallery, you would need to set captionPosition="OVERLAY" (or captionPosition="OVERLAY_IMAGE") and buttonBarPosition="OVERLAY" in conjunction with showImageOverlay="AUTO".

Additionally, your gallery currently sets showInfoButton="TRUE". This overrides the default behavior of the overlay (noted in the description of this configuration option on the Config Options page) and the overlay can be toggled on and off only by clicking the Info Button on the Button Bar. Set showInfoButton="FALSE" and showImageOverlay="AUTO" will become active once again.


(3 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

The code you refer to is the code which is dynamically generated by Juicebox when the gallery is displayed.
This code cannot be changed. It is generated by the 'juicebox.js' file which is packed and obfuscated and cannot be modified.

The code you refer to is not the code that is actually on the web page which can be seen when viewing the source of the web page in a browser (or when opening the web page in a plain text editor).

If you want to include SEO content code in your gallery's web page, then create your gallery with JuiceboxBuilder-Pro and select the 'Add SEO Content' checkbox in the 'Customize -> Sharing' section.
Please see the Search Engine Optimization support section for further details.

When opting to 'Add SEO Content', code such as the following will be entered into the gallery's 'index.html' page for each image.

<p><img src="{Image URL}" title="{Image Title}" alt="{Image Caption}" /><br>{Image Title} {Image Caption}</p>


(2 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Please see this forum post for suggestions as to how an email button could be included within a Juicebox-Pro gallery.

Otherwise, you could just make room on your web page for both the gallery and some custom HTML (your email link) or you could overlay your email link on top of your gallery by adding code such as the following to the <body> section of your web page:

<div id="overlay" style="position: absolute; bottom: 10px; left: 10px; z-index: 9999;">
    <a href="mailto:email@address.com">Click to email</a>


(1 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

You can change the color of the text shadow using the textShadowColor configuration option in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> Color' section.
However, you would have more control over the text shadow of your image titles and captions using CSS such as the following:

<style type="text/css">

    /* Image Titles */
    .jb-caption .jb-caption-title {
        text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,1);

    /* Image Captions */
    .jb-caption p {
        text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,1);


The sample code above sets a black shadow close to the original text and with a very small amount of blur which sounds suitable for your scenario.
For more details on the parameters of the CSS text-shadow property, please see here.


(4 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

(1) It looks like there may be a conflict with some CSS code on your web page which is resulting in gallery elements being out of position. One possible solution (other than to check your web page for global CSS rules which the gallery might be inheriting) might be to set expandInNewPage="TRUE" (in the Pro Options text area) to expand the gallery on a new page of its own rather than within the embedding page. Alternatively, you could try setting useFullscreenExpand="TRUE" (although not all browsers support the Fullscreen API which this configuration option uses).

(2) Try setting expandInNewPage="TRUE" in your gallery's settings. There is currently a bug (which should hopefully be fixed in a future version of Juicebox) whereby setting expandInNewPage="FALSE" can change the scale of the embedding page on mobile devices. This may be a possible explanation for the problem that you are running into.

Hopefully setting expandInNewPage="TRUE" will fix both of your issues.

I'm glad you've got it working!
Thank you for posting back to let me know.


(4 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

I have viewed your web page in Chrome and Mobile Safari on an iPod Touch 4 and both your galleries expand from their respective Splash Pages and function fine in both browsers.

Perhaps you could explain in greater detail what you are seeing (and what you expect to see) so that I can help further.
If possible, please upload a screenshot somewhere (and provide a link) so that I can see what you are seeing .
Also, please let me know what device and version of iOS you are using.

In the meantime, try clearing your browser's cache before reloading your web page to see if this makes a difference.

In order to open an existing gallery in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro, you need to click 'Open Gallery...' (or 'Gallery -> Open...' from the drop-down menu at the top) and then navigate towards and select the gallery folder itself (not a file) before clicking 'Select Folder'. The gallery folder is the folder which contains the gallery's XML file and the gallery's XML file must be named 'config.xml' (if you have renamed or moved this file, the gallery will not be able to be opened by JuiceboxBuilder-Pro.)


(1 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Thank you for reporting these two bugs.
I have notified the developers and hopefully they will be fixed in the next version of Juicebox.
In the meantime, one possible workaround would be to set showInfoButton="TRUE". The overlay would still be able to be toggled on and off by the user but the hit area would be much smaller (the Info Button on the button bar instead of the entire mobile device screen) and this should also solve the problem with the missing image navigation buttons when the overlay is toggled back on (which could also be solved by setting imageNavPosition="STAGE").

Thank you for reporting this problem.
It looks like a bug and, unfortunately, there is no workaround that I am aware of (other than to not set randomizeImages="TRUE").
I have notified the developers and hopefully this can be fixed for a future version.


(3 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

If you have found a workflow that works for you (and results in a gallery with your images oriented correctly) then I would recommend that you continue using it.
As you have discovered, the rotation functionality within JuiceboxBuilder is available for individual images only (and not for a selection of images).
Also, as you suspect, different camera and mobile device manufacturers have been known to signify similar orientations with different (incorrect) EXIF orientation values. This can lead to further confusion and problems when dealing with such data.
Please post any suggestions for future versions of Juicebox, in the Feature Requests forum thread. This keeps them all together and ensures that they are not overlooked. Thank you.


(3 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

Some imaging programs such as Adobe Photoshop have the ability to read the EXIF orientation flag and display the image in the orientation specified by the flag but other programs (such as JuiceboxBuilder-Lite) do not read EXIF information and just display the image as it is.
Unfortunately, there is little consistency, even between different web browsers.
If you are having problems with the orientation of a specific image and view it directly in Mozilla Firefox, (if you drag and drop the image into an open tab or window), you will likely see your image displayed in a different orientation than if you were to open the same image in Google Chrome.

Unfortunately, no matter what decision is taken regarding EXIF orientation (whether or not to use it at all and, if using it, how to interpret it) there seems to be no single solution which will work for everyone.
This link (whilst a little out of date now) certainly makes for interesting reading.

The only way to ensure that your images will be displayed as you expect in all browsers and programs would be to strip the EXIF information from the images (by re-saving the images in an imaging program and choosing not to keep the EXIF information) and then rotate your images until they visibly look correct.

However, JuiceboxBuilder-Lite does have the ability to rotate images on the 'Images' tab (see the 'Rotate' arrow near the lower-right corner of the screen in the first screenshot on this page) so you can rotate images within JuiceboxBuilder-Lite without the need to re-save them without the EXIF information first.

I hope this helps.

The # anchor links that Juicebox uses are dynamic and do not correspond to actual # sections within the web page.
For example this URL http://www.example.com/gallery/#4 would link directly to the 4th image in the gallery but there is no actual '#4' entry on the web page. (Juicebox's 'juicebox.js' JavaScript file reads the URL, figures out what the #4 means and displays the image dynamically.)
The way this works is the same whether sharing is enabled or enableDirectLinks="TRUE".
For this reason, I think it is unlikely that Google would be able to index and list individual images in a gallery, each with its own unique URL.
I think the best that you could do would be to ensure that you include SEO content in your web page and have your images indexed by Google but all pointing to the gallery page.


(1 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

*Try as I might, I haven't been able to get any navigation buttons to show up on the Stage. I've toggled everything I can think of and nothing's happening.

If you set imageNavPosition="STAGE", then the image navigation buttons will be positioned relative to the stage (regardless of the size and position of the image). However, if the image is large enough (and of the correct aspect ratio) to cover most of the image area within the gallery, then the image navigation buttons may be stacked on top of the image. Space is not reserved for the navigation buttons. You could perhaps compensate for this by increasing the imagePadding (in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> Main Image' section).

*When I have thumb dots and transition set to slide, clicking a thumb dot will result in a fade transition instead of a slide. Is this supposed to happen?

Yes. Sliding works only with adjacent images using the main image navigation buttons. When clicking thumbnails, images fade in and out.


(1 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

It looks like your Flickr User Name may be 'Goran Beg' rather than 'goranbeg'.
Try this instead.


(2 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

It looks like the problem may be with your indexPageName="new index" entry.
Try changing it to indexPageName="new index.html".


(3 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

The problem with your 'thendara' galleries seems to be the text-indent: 5px; entry on line 209 of your http://www.thendara.co.uk/style.css file.
If you remove this line from the .container_12 .grid_3 section of the file, your gallery's navigation arrows should be in their correct positions.


(3 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

It looks like your problem may be caused by some CSS in your 'style.css' file which the Juicebox gallery is inheriting.
On lines 344-351 you have the following code:

body {
    z-index: -100;
    font: 12px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    background-color: #333;
    background-image: url(images/bgrepeat.png);
    background-repeat: repeat;
    text-indent: 5px;

The problem seems to be caused by the text-indent: 5px; entry on the body tag.
Try applying this CSS rule to only those elements on your web page which require it (rather than to the body tag) through use of CSS selectors.
This should hopefully solve your problem.