Thanks for having this as a sticky.
I couldn't figure out why the program wouldn't run until in frustration I came here.
So glad that you had this here to help thanks


(495 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Back button on thumbs page in Small Screen Mode.

When viewing a gallery in small screen mode there is no navigation option to return to the referring page from the thumbs page. There is a back button once an image is selected and opened, but not on the thumbs page itself.

Request to include an option similar to the 'Close Gallery' button that appears on the thumbs page in embedded mode.

Thanks I will put something in the feature request area. :)

Great, thanks for the comprehensive reply.
I have set the site up that way and it works like a charm.
Graham :)

I have read the guide on Multiple Galleries and understand the recommendation of folders for each gallery to avoid pathing issues.

The jbcore folder and sub-folders seem to total about 280KB, so if this is repeated on a site with multiple galleries it starts to chew up unnecessary space? I am looking at building a site with 30 or more galleries included, this common resource would be consuming several megabytes of server space.

I assume that the jbcore folder and sub-folders are identical in all galleries?
If this is correct then is it possible to place this folder on the site just once as a resource and link each of the multiple galleries to it?

Thanks, Graham :)

Thanks Steven,
Yep I think that makes sense.
Just to check here is a link to the site that I am developing, it is still a work in progress.
Currently the only live gallery is Egypt, clicking there will take you to the sub gallery page for Egypt, of which Cairo is the only active link.
It is this gallery page when viewed on a phone (small screen mode) that I would like a 'back' button to appear.
If I understand you correctly this is only possible by modifying the gallery title to use as a back link.

Graham :)

Using Juicebox Pro.

When viewing a gallery in small screen mode (e.g. on a phone) there is no navigation option to return to the referring page from the thumbs page. There is a back button once an image is selected and opened, but not on the thumbs page.

I have been searching the forum and found the following in a previous reply

The Small Screen Mode's thumbnail page usually includes a 'Close Gallery' button (unless explicitly disabled) for the user to return to the embedding page (where the Splash Page usually is).

Not sure if this is what I need, but I do not see this on my galleries, nor can I find where to enable/disable it in settings?

In that same thread I saw that the OP was able to solve his issue, but I have no idea how he achieved this or where he implemented the changes?

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated please.
thanks, Graham

Thanks, I am using the Pro version.

Not sure what happened when I tried previously, but it all seems to be working correctly now, must be newbie finger problems :)

Appreciate the quick reply.

Hi, new user just getting my head around juicebox so please excuse me if this is answered somewhere, I searched and couldn't find an answer.

I created my first gallery and put a few images in to test it.
Published and viewed online and it all looked fine so I went ahead with adding more images.
At the same time I decided to increase the gallery image size from 1080px to 1200px max width, but only the new images were set to this size, the pre-existing images stayed at the previous (1080px) width and could not find any way to rescale them.

In the end I deleted and reloaded them which worked, but that meant that I had to redo all the titles and captions which was a pain.

Is there a way to have the existing gallery images resize to the new standard without having to do this please?