Topic: Changing image sizes in gallery [SOLVED]

Hi, new user just getting my head around juicebox so please excuse me if this is answered somewhere, I searched and couldn't find an answer.

I created my first gallery and put a few images in to test it.
Published and viewed online and it all looked fine so I went ahead with adding more images.
At the same time I decided to increase the gallery image size from 1080px to 1200px max width, but only the new images were set to this size, the pre-existing images stayed at the previous (1080px) width and could not find any way to rescale them.

In the end I deleted and reloaded them which worked, but that meant that I had to redo all the titles and captions which was a pain.

Is there a way to have the existing gallery images resize to the new standard without having to do this please?

Re: Changing image sizes in gallery [SOLVED]

If you are using JuiceboxBuilder-Pro to create or edit a gallery, then you should be able to go the the 'Images' tab, click the 'Change Sizes...' button, choose new image dimensions and click 'OK'. All images currently in the gallery should be resized to the specified dimensions. (This seems to work as expected in a test gallery of my own which I've just tried.)

JuiceboxBuilder-Pro stores the paths of the source images (as sourcePath entries in the gallery's 'config.xml' file) so that, if you choose to resize images differently at a later date, JuiceboxBuilder-Pro has access to the source images in order to do so.
If the source images are no longer in their original locations (if, for example, you have moved or renamed them), then JuiceboxBuilder-Pro will have only the gallery images (the images in the gallery's 'images' folder) to work with and it will scale down (if necessary) but will not scale up gallery images to new dimensions.
It sounds like this might be what is causing your problem.

As long as you leave the source images in their original locations, JuiceboxBuilder-Pro should be able to resize them to new dimensions (and their image titles and captions should be retained throughout the process).

I hope this helps.

Re: Changing image sizes in gallery [SOLVED]

Thanks, I am using the Pro version.

Not sure what happened when I tried previously, but it all seems to be working correctly now, must be newbie finger problems :)

Appreciate the quick reply.

Re: Changing image sizes in gallery [SOLVED]

I'm glad to hear that all is well at the moment.
Thank you for letting me know.