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Juicebox v1.5.1 Released!
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Well, I think the problem may be that I can not figure out how to get to the public link
If you are using the Dropbox desktop application, then navigate inside your gallery folder within your Dropbox 'Public' folder, right-click the 'index.html' file and select 'Copy public link' from the right-click menu options.
If you are using the Dropbox web brower interface, then navigate inside your gallery folder within your Dropbox 'Public' folder and click the 'Copy public link' button on the toolbar at the top (as in the first screenshot on this web page).
If you do not see such an option, then it is possible that your Dropbox account does not yet have a 'Public' folder.
If this is the case, then you can create one by following the 'Creating a Public folder' instructions on the same page (link above).
Would any file block the function of the .htaccess?
No. Not that I am aware of.
As you say, if one gallery displays OK on your iPhone 4S and the other two galleries are on the same server, then they, too, should work fine.
Have you tried completely clearing your Mobile Safari browser's cache on your iPhone 4S?
Also, try viewing your gallery in a different browser (such as Chrome 31) on your iPhone 4S.
It is perhaps unlikely to make a difference but should be quick and easy to try.
Also, try putting the .htaccess file inside each gallery folder (alongside the HTML documents containing the embedding code).
This should not be necessary but, again, it should be quick and easy to try.
There certainly seems to be no problem with the gallery files themselves. The issue does, indeed, seem to be 3G related.
I was not sure what you meant by "I have a Juice block.htaccess file".
The file should be named .htaccess (ie. just a file extension - no actual name) and should be located in your web space's root directory. The file should contain the following code.
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
Header set Cache-Control "no-transform"
There are two separate things to check:
(1) Check that the Juicebox gallery (hosted on Dropbox) can be viewed in a browser.
Open the public link to the gallery's 'index.html' file in a browser and the gallery should be displayed.
If it is not, then you might be using the Dropbox download link rather than the public link.
The public link should look something like this:
(2) Check that the <iframe> code is functional in your Squarespace page.
Try loading any web page (such as Google) into your <iframe> and see if it is displayed.
If it is not, then there may be a problem with either your <iframe> code itself or the way that you are including it in your Squarespace web page. Try the following as a test:
<iframe src="" width="800" height="600" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
If you continue to experience difficulties, please let me know if #1 and/or #2 above work on their own.
Also, if you could post the <iframe> code you are using and the URL to your Squarespace web page, I will be able to take a look for myself and help further.
is there more than one folder I will need?
This depends entirely on the structure of the Juicebox galleries on your static site.
If each gallery is a self-contained entity in its own folder, then this will simplify matters and all you need to do is copy across all the complete gallery folders.
However, if your galleries currently share a 'jbcore' folder or all of your galleries draw images from a single directory of images (or the gallery structure is somehow non-standard), then it may be more difficult to separate out the gallery files from all the other files on your web server.
As long as all your Juicebox galleries are clearly separate from each other, then there should not be a problem.
should I wait til the site has been migrated back over to the domain and then follow those instructions above?
Whether you do this now or later is up to you. As long as you use relative paths in your embedding code and gallery XML files, then you should not need to change any paths when changing domains.
It might be wise to try the process with one of your galleries just now to see if you encounter any unforeseen problems which could perhaps be worked out ahead of time.
Many thanks to dgi for taking the time to post the above information which will hopefully be of use to other Dreamweaver fluid layout users!
After clicking a Splash Page to expand a gallery, a user would ordinarily click the 'Expand/Close' button on the gallery's Button Bar to close the gallery and return to the original page containing the Splash Page.
In Small Screen Mode (used by default to display the gallery on mobile devices), the Button Bar is always displayed on the overlay (as screen real estate is limited and to reserve space for a 'top' area on a small screen device would not be ideal) and your gallery sets showImageOverlay="NEVER", so the 'Expand/Close' button is not visible.
Possible solutions:
(1) Set showImageOverlay="AUTO" or "ALWAYS"
(2) Set showInfoButton="TRUE" which overrides the default behavior of the overlay and always displays the Button Bar (with the Info Button to toggle the overlay on and off)
(3) Set screenMode="LARGE" so that Juicebox uses Large Screen Mode (with the 'top' area) to display the gallery on all devices and in all browsers
(4) You could also use the Back Button to link directly to your web page (but this also relies on the overlay being visible in Small Screen Mode):
If you set showImageOverlay="AUTO", you will see the icons that you refer to (the Button Bar) and you will have access to the 'Thumbnail' button (to switch between the thumbnail and image pages) and the 'Expand/Close' button to allow the user to return to your main page.
Yes. You can have the Back Button act like a browser's back button by using either of the following:
backButtonUrl="javascript: history.back();"
... or:
backButtonUrl="javascript: history.go(-1);"
I can successfully view your … index.html gallery on an iPod Touch 4 (running iOS 6.1.5) so I would expect that it should also display fine on an iPhone 4S.
Make sure that your iPhone 4S is using wi-fi (and not 3G) and try completely clearing your browser's cache before reloading your web page.
If you are using a 3G connection, then please see this FAQ:
Why can't I view my gallery on a 3G mobile connection?
If your static site and WordPress site are on the same domain, then you can simply leave the gallery folder exactly where it is and use the baseUrl method of embedding (as documented here) to embed the gallery in a WordPress page or post (ensuring that, when you enter the embedding code into the body of your page or post, the method of entry is 'Text' rather than 'Visual').
If your static site and WordPress site are on different domains, then you could copy the gallery folder across from one domain to the other and then use the baseUrl method of embedding.
Please note that doing the above does not require the use of WP-Juicebox (the dedicated Juicebox plugin for WordPress) at all.
I see that the plug in is supposed to created a Juicebox folder
The 'wp-content/uploads/juicebox/' directory created by WP-Juicebox is simply for storage of XML files generated by the plugin. I would not recommend that you upload anything manually to that directory.
I have been able to replicate the problem you describe and it seems to be directly related to the use of the Splash Page.
When a Juicebox gallery is displayed on a mobile device, Small Screen Mode is used and, by default, the Splash Page is displayed. This may not happen on an iPad with a larger screen (where Large Screen Mode may be used) which is perhaps why you do not see the problem on your iPad.
(For more information about Screen Modes, please see here.)
If I set showSplashPage="NEVER" (to prevent the Splash Page from being displayed) or screenMode="LARGE" (to display the Large Screen Mode version of the gallery which, by default, does not display the Splash Page), the infinite scroll page does not jump back up to the top.
I have contacted the developers regarding this issue and hopefully it can be fixed in a future version of Juicebox but in the meantime, a workaround would be to prevent the Splash Page from being displayed (by setting either showSplashPage="NEVER" or screenMode="LARGE").
Please note that both of these configuration options are available in Juicebox-Pro only and are not supported in Juicebox-Lite (the free version).
As Squarespace is not a regular web host (which gives you FTP access to regular web space), you can embed a Juicebox gallery in a Squarespace web page by following the Web Template Site instructions here.
When it comes to inserting the <iframe> code into your Squarespace page, the following Squarespace articles should help: … les/438262 … to-a-page-
The only oddity I see on your web page at the moment is that your embedding code (for your November gallery) is enclosed in CDATA tags and that the closing tag has its final > character escaped as > in the following line:
It may (or may not) make a difference but try either replacing the line above with:
... or completely remove the CDATA tags around the JavaScript code.
The issue is for all mobile devices (iPhones, Sony, etc...) and all web browsers. To make it weirder, it seems OK on iPad...
Is it OK in both Chrome and Mobile Safari on the iPad? What iOS does your iPad run? Perhaps you can upgrade the version of iOS on your iPhone (if it is not already up-to-date) to see if this makes a difference. (By checking both Chrome and Mobile Safari in both an iPhone and an iPad and checking which version of iOS each device is running, you may at least be able to find a pattern within iOS devices.)
As you seem to be embedding your galleries manually (rather than using WP-Juicebox), then perhaps a workaround would be to upload your gallery folders to your web server and include links to them within your posts (rather than embed them directly in your posts).
Juicebox does have CORS support and does use browser detection but, as far as I am aware, does not use XDomainRequest which may well be the key to having CORS support for IE8 and IE9.
Thank you for your post. I have notified the developers.
My suggestion was not to replace the line:
winWidth = window.innerWidth ? window.innerWidth : $(window).width();
... but to make the adjustment after it, e.g.:
winWidth = window.innerWidth ? window.innerWidth : $(window).width();
winWidth = winWidth - 20;
The code which determines the window width will return the result in pixels so you should stick to using a pixel value for this right-hand border so you can subtract the border (px) from the window width (also px).
Also, when making the adjustment to the winWidth value, the code will be purely arithmetic so you should not use a suffix, such as px. (I used a suffix in my original code above but I have corrected the error. Sorry for any inconvenience.)
Use a CSS border such as:
body {
margin-right: 20px;
... and then use either:
winWidth = window.innerWidth ? window.innerWidth : $(window).width();
winWidth = winWidth - 20;
... or:
winWidth = window.innerWidth ? window.innerWidth - 20 : $(window).width() - 20;
I have tested this myself and it seems to work fine.
You can use the CSS margin-right property on the body tag of your web page to add space between the right edges of the gallery and the browser window, e.g.:
body {
margin-right: 20px;
Whatever margin you choose to use, you will need to compensate for it in your gallery resizing doLayout() function.
After defining winWidth, use the following (changing the value to whatever margin you use):
winWidth = winWidth - 20;
But, it's not possible with Showkase-Standard, isn't it? For the demo Acqua Photo only with Showkase-Pro?
The Showkase Acqua Photo demo uses Juicebox-Pro. (The Juicebox galleries within the demo use Pro options such as AutoPlay and hiding thumbnails.)
To achieve this, you would need to either:
(1) Purchase Showkase-Pro (which comes with Juicebox-Pro)
... or:
(2) Purchase Showkase-Standard and Juicebox-Pro separately
It looks like IcoMoon have changed their app.
The instructions on our Theming support page refer to their old app which can still be used and can be found here.
Alternatively, if using their new app, try the following.
Make sure that the IcoMoon App is up and running and displaying both the '' and 'IcoMoon - Free' sets
Click the pointer icon in the IcoMoon toolbar to select 'Select' mode.
Select all the '' icons except the one you want to replace and select the icon from the 'IcoMoon - Free' set that you would like to use.
Click the 'Font' button at the bottom, find the new icon and change its code (by double-clicking the existing code and typing over it) to that of the icon from the '' set that you are replacing (in your case 'e004').
Click the 'Preferences' button at the top and change the name of the set from 'icomoon' to 'juicebox'.
Click the 'Download' button at the bottom and save the font file to your hard drive.
Unzip the font file and use the files in the 'fonts' folder to replace the files in your gallery's 'jbcore/classic/fonts'.
I will ensure that the instructions on the web page are corrected in the next site update.
However, if I mouseover the email button after uploading, the text "Go Back" appears, and I cannot find where to change it.
You can change the rollover tooltip text using the languageList configuration option. Please see here for details.
Change the default 'Go Back' text to whatever you like and add the languageList configuration option as an attribute to the opening <juiceboxgallery> tag in your gallery's XML file.
For example:
galleryTitle="Juicebox-Pro Gallery"
languageList="Show Thumbnails|Hide Thumbnails|Expand Gallery|Close Gallery|Open Image in New Window|Next Image|Previous Image|Play Audio|Pause Audio|Show Information|Hide Information|Start AutoPlay|Stop AutoPlay|AutoPlay ON|AutoPlay OFF|Email|Buy this Image|Share on Facebook|Share on Twitter|Share on Google+|Share on Pinterest|Share on Tumblr|of"
I wrote "email" in the back button text box too.
The backButtonText configuration option is only for use when using text for the Back Button instead of an icon (not for the rollover text which is handled by the languageList configuration option).
The second issue is that nothing happens when I click the link in chrome
Please post the URL to your gallery so that I can take a look for myself and help further.
It looks like your Drupal page uses the CSS border box model which currently breaks the Juicebox layout.
This issue has already been addressed and will be fixed in the next version of Juicebox.
In the meantime, you can apply the fix manually by opening the 'jbcore/classic/theme.css' file in a plain text editor and adding the following code to the file:
.juicebox-gallery a, .juicebox-gallery div, .juicebox-gallery h1, .juicebox-gallery h2, .juicebox-gallery h3, .juicebox-gallery h4, .juicebox-gallery p, .juicebox-gallery span, .juicebox-gallery u {
-webkit-box-sizing: content-box;
-moz-box-sizing: content-box;
box-sizing: content-box;
Do I understand I just copy
languageList="Show Thumbnails|Hide Thumbnails|Expand Gallery|Close Gallery|Open Image in New Window|Next Image|Previous Image|Play Audio|Pause Audio|Show Information|Hide Information|Start AutoPlay|Stop AutoPlay|AutoPlay ON|AutoPlay OFF|Go Back|Buy this Image|Share on Facebook|Share on Twitter|Share on Google+|Share on Pinterest|Share on Tumblr|of"
and make my language change.
Q: if so, where do I copy this languageList=
do I put it in the config file? Or is there a file I go to and update that language.
Open your gallery's 'config.xml' file in a plain text editor and add the languageList configuration option as an attribute to the opening <juiceboxgallery> tag.
For example:
galleryTitle="Juicebox-Pro Gallery"
languageList="Show Thumbnails|Hide Thumbnails|Expand Gallery|Close Gallery|Open Image in New Window|Next Image|Previous Image|Play Audio|Pause Audio|Show Information|Hide Information|Start AutoPlay|Stop AutoPlay|AutoPlay ON|AutoPlay OFF|Go Back|Buy this Image|Share on Facebook|Share on Twitter|Share on Google+|Share on Pinterest|Share on Tumblr|of"
Juicebox-Pro already includes a shopping cart icon (for Fotomoto support). You can use this icon instead of the default 'Open Image in New Window' icon by opening the 'jbcore/classic/theme.css' file in a plain text editor and changing line 721 from:
... to:
Im just used to writing in "back-up" fonts in case the user dont have the first font installed.
You can enter a number of different fonts separated by commas, for example:
The preset issue suddenly worked itself out
That's good to hear.
You currently have Showkase-Standard.
To be able to create Juicebox-Pro galleries (with no branding or image limit) with Showkase you could either:
(1) Purchase Juicebox-Pro from here and upgrade your Showkase installation by following the instructions here.
... or:
(2) Purchase Showkase-Pro (which comes bundled with Juicebox-Pro and SimpleViewer-Pro) and we can refund you for your Showkase-Standard purchase. (If you decide to do this, please let me know and I will send you an email so that you can forward me your transaction details for a refund.)
Please note that the only difference between Showkase-Standard and Showkase-Pro is that Showkase-Standard comes bundled with Juicebox-Lite and SimpleViewer-Standard (the free versions of the image viewers) whereas Showkase-Pro comes bundled with Juicebox-Pro and SimpleVIewer-Pro.
If you purchase Showkase-Standard and upgrade it manually with Juicebox-Pro and SimpleViewer-Pro, then you will end up with exactly the same files as if you had purchased Showkase-Pro.
I would like to know if there is a way to make the "click" action when hovered over the main image go to a hyperlink.
Set imageClickMode="OPEN_URL" (in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> Main Image' section). and when the user clicks a main image, the corresponding linkURL (from the gallery's XML file) will be opened in the linkTarget tab/window.
Now I just need to figure out how to change the "open image in new window" icon in the nav bar?
Instructions on how to change the icons in a gallery can be found in the Using Custom Icons section of the Theming Guide.
You can change the rollover tooltip text using the languageList configuration option. Please see here for details.
For instructions on how to set configuration options manually, please see here.
Use the following (changing the text in bold to whatever you like).
languageList="Show Thumbnails|Hide Thumbnails|Expand Gallery|Close Gallery|Open Image in New Window|Next Image|Previous Image|Play Audio|Pause Audio|Show Information|Hide Information|Start AutoPlay|Stop AutoPlay|AutoPlay ON|AutoPlay OFF|Go Back|Buy this Image|Share on Facebook|Share on Twitter|Share on Google+|Share on Pinterest|Share on Tumblr|of"
You can set only a single font for gallery text using the galleryFontFace configuration option (in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> General' section).
If you want to use multiple fonts throughout your gallery, you can override the galleryFontFace by using HTML formatting (for elements such as the Gallery Title, Back Button and image titles and captions) as documented in these FAQs:
How do I add HTML formatting to image captions and titles?
How do I add HTML formatting to the Gallery Title or Back Button?
I would recommend saving preset XML files in a folder dedicated to preset XML files and then save each gallery into a separate folder. This should keep your preset XML files separate from your gallery files.
If you like, you can keep each gallery in its own individual folder, upload your complete gallery folders (not just the contents) to your web server and embed the galleries into your web pages using the baseUrl method of embedding.
Keeping each gallery in its own folder may help to keeps things organized on your web server.
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