
(1 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Is this a real trouble for gallery loading on mobile devices ?

If you want to have a Juicebox gallery on your web page, then there is no option but to include the 'juicebox.js' file (which internally loads the 'theme.css' file). These files are too large to be included inline within a web page and this is not possible anyway as the structure of the 'jbcore' folder must be kept intact for Juicebox to know where its own resource files are located.
Loading the 'juicebox.js' file asynchronously may not work (the 'juicebox.js' file will have to have been fully loaded by the time the browser parses the embedding code <script> block) but if you would like to try it, please take a look at the suggestions in this forum thread.
(Incidentally, entering 'google.com' into Google's own own PageSpeed Insights results in a Mobile Speed result of 64/100.)


(4 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Unfortunately, I do not know for sure.
There is no release schedule for Juicebox and, therefore, no set release date for the next version. It will be released only when it is ready (although it should hopefully be sooner rather than later). However, any estimate I give you could turn out to be wholly inaccurate. I hope you understand.
If you would like to be notified when a new version is released, please join our mailing list at the foot of our homepage, follow us on Twitter @JuiceboxGallery or subscribe to our blog RSS feed.


(4 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)


All gallery files must be hosted on the same domain or subdomain as the HTML page containing the gallery's JavaScript embedding code. This is due to the same-origin policy. Knowing that you are using Shopify and that you are unlikely to be hosting your gallery on Shopify's own web servers, then this is like to be the problem that you are encountering.
Possible solutions would be to use an iframe  (as I mentioned in my post above) or you may be able to implement a Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) solution: http://www.w3.org/TR/cors/
Try adding the following to the .htaccess file in the root directory of the domain which currently hosts your gallery.

Header add Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"

I'm glad your gallery now works as expected in IE8.
Thank you for posting back to let me know.


(1 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

The gallery images are responsive, but since I have set the "Gallery Height" to 650px the space between the main images and the thumbs (which are below the main images) becomes bigger and bigger as the browser width  becomes smaller (I have three fixed layouts, narrow, normal and wide + mobile).

This happens because as the size and shape of the user's browser window changes, the aspect ratio of your gallery (specifically the image area within the gallery) changes but the aspect ratio of your main image does not. When using the default value for imageScaleMode (SCALE_DOWN), Juicebox will scale the main image within the image area and if the aspect ratios of the image area and the image itself do not match, then there will be space to the left and right or top and bottom of the image.

I thought I could use "Gallery Height"=100% if I set a container div (which contains the gallery, created in my case by Drupal) which has it height set to a  specific value for each of the four responsive layouts and also set "position: relative". But that didn't seem to work.

This will not work (as you have discovered). If you set your gallery's height to 100% but the gallery's parent container has a fixed height, then the gallery's height will also become fixed (e.g. 100% of 800px = 800px).

If you always want to fill the gallery's image area (so that there is minimal space between the bottom of the main image and the thumbnails), you can set imageScaleMode="FILL". However, your images may be cropped.

If you want your gallery's aspect ratio to always be constant (ie. for your gallery's width and height to both change when the user changes the browser's width), then please take a look at this forum post to see how this can be achieved with JavaScript. However, please bear in mind what whereas this is relatively easy to implement with a standalone gallery on a web page, it may be difficult to incorporate into a Drupal environment.

It looks like IE8 is choking on lines 255 and 256 of your 'PhotoGallery.html' page:

<script type="text/xml">

Remove these lines from your web page (the <script> section is empty and the 'type' should be 'text/javascript') and your gallery should hopefully display OK in IE8.


(3 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Thanks -- the error message was very clear in Chrome, with a link to further information that explained the background.

We plan to introduce a similar message (and link) for IE11 in the next version of Juicebox.

Would be great to have the landing page give an up to date list of browsers/versions that do/don't work for local preview.

We will merge the FAQs into one and list all major browsers which prevent the loading of XML files locally (IE11, Chrome and Opera) in the next site update.

One can hope that a mechanism of explicit approval of "trusted" local XML will be future browser feature.

That would certainly be ideal.

it would be very nice (save people time!) to provide an explanation whether the problematic restrictions in those browsers tied to URI scheme -- file:// versus http:// for example -- or intranet versus internet, or?

The problem (with Chrome and Opera at least) is specifically with the file:// protocol.

Now the gallery block work like a charm.

That's great!
Thank you for posting back to let me know.

Your web page currently redirects (in versions of Internet Explorer less than or equal to IE8) to http://www.paradiseblue.com/gallery1/PhotoIndex.html and this redirection works fine when I view your gallery in IE8 under Windows XP. The gallery is displayed on a page of its own and functions fine.
The emulation modes within IE11 do not always give 100% accurate results and are not always the same as when using a genuine IE8 browser.

As your web page redirects when I view it in IE8, I cannot check how the gallery would look when embedded.

Please see these forum threads for more information:
http://social.technet.microsoft.com/For … currentver
http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums … evelopment

I have viewed your website and your Juicebox gallery displays and functions OK.

If the error does not always appear, then it sounds like the problem may be with either your web server or internet connection.
Code being parsed by a browser should be 100% consistent. An intermittent problem can often be due to a timeout error (a file not being served/fetched from a web server in a timely manner).

Juicebox should embed itself into the gallery container only when the web page is complete and the gallery container has become part of the Document Object Model. If, for some reason, your web page has stopped loading and your browser thinks the page is complete before the gallery container has become part of the DOM, then you may see the error message you reported. Juicebox cannot find the gallery container because it has not yet been defined in the page at the time the Juicebox code is run (when the browser decides the DOM is ready).

Check with your web host or internet service provider to see if they have recently been experiencing any issues which might be contributing to your problem.

Also, check in the Drupal forum (https://drupal.org/search/site/juicebox?f[0]=ss_meta_type%3Aforum-issues) to see if anyone else using the Drupal module has been experiencing similar issues.
Please note that we did not write the Juicebox module for Drupal ourselves and support for the module would be better directed towards the Drupal forum where the author of the module should be able to help you further.


(3 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Certain browsers (IE11, Chrome and Opera) have security restrictions which prevent the loading of XML files (like the one used by Juicebox to store the configuration options and image data) locally (on your own computer). Unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done to circumvent this behavior.
Please note that this happens only when trying to load galleries locally (from your own hard drive) and does not happen once galleries have been uploaded to a web server.

We already have Juicebox FAQs for Chrome and Opera and will add one for IE11 in the next site update. (It was previously possible to preview galleries locally in IE10 but not now in IE11.)

In the next version of Juicebox, the message displayed when trying to view a gallery locally in IE11 will be changed from "Juicebox Error: Config XML file not found." to "Juicebox can not display locally in this browser." with a link to the corresponding new FAQ.

If you would like to view your gallery on your own computer before uploading it to your website, please preview it using either Firefox or Safari.


(1 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

If you have installed Ghost on your own web server, then you should be able to embed a Juicebox gallery using the baseUrl method of embedding as documented here.
Essentially, you should upload your entire gallery folder (not just the contents) to your web server and paste the baseUrl embedding code into your blog entry. It does not matter where on your web server you upload your gallery folder to as long as the two paths in the embedding code (the path to the 'juicebox.js' file and the baseUrl itself) are correct.
(According to the Ghost support forum, the Ghost markdown editor accepts HTML code.)

If your blog is hosted on Ghost's own servers, then as Ghost do not offer direct access to your blog via FTP, you will need to host your gallery elsewhere (such as Dropbox) and load your gallery into an iframe, following the Web Template instructions here.


(7 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

I still don't see an interface for the new social media buttons option (I assume because that a fairly new thing) I also don't see the option for the main image corner radius.

Thank you for pointing this out. I have notified the developers.

On mobile devices when you have a caption it gets cut off on the bottom of a device

Try increasing your gallery's maxCaptionHeight from its current value of 80 to perhaps its default value of 120.

in thumbnail view the title of the gallery is visible even tho' it's turned off in desktop versions.

This will be fixed in the next version of Juicebox-Pro. (The gallery title will not be displayed in Small Screen Mode if galleryTitlePosition="NONE".)

Also the home icon doesn't appear when it's just the thumbnails on a mobile device. You have to view one of the actual images to see it.

This is by design to maximize the amount of space available for thumbnails on small screen devices.

With svmanager have you guys considered having tooltips over the options to give a simple brief description of what the options do when you hover over them with the mouse?

Thank you for the suggestion.
We use rollover tooltip text for many input field labels in Showkase, another one of our products which you might be interested in. For more information on the differences between svManager and Showkase, please see here.


(7 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

svManager already has full support for all Juicebox-Pro configuration options (including thumbPadding) in its interface.
When creating or editing a Juicebox-Pro gallery in svManager, just click on the 'Pro' tab. (The thumbPadding configuration option is labelled as Space between thumbs (px)).

Make sure that you are using the current version of svManager (v1.8.6).
You can download the latest version of svManager using the download link from your purchase email.
If you cannot find your purchase email or your download link has expired, then please fill in this Upgrade Request Form to request a new download link.
Instructions for upgrading svManager can be found here.


(5 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Your test gallery URL leads to an error 404 (file not found).
Please check your URL and post back. Thank you.


(7 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Thank you for reporting this problem.
It does, indeed, look like a bug.
I have notified the developers and hopefully this will be fixed in the next version.

(I needed to alter the stage padding because the thumbnails by default rest at the very bottom of the screen for some reason.)

In the meantime, perhaps you could embed your gallery in a parent container and apply a CSS margin or padding to the parent container instead.
Otherwise, using a small amount of thumbPadding may also be a suitable workaround.


(3 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

So the mystery still remains about the missing captions on the PC conversion, but I thought that I should figure out if the jbcore subfolder had any bearing on things.

The fact that the converted gallery does not have a 'jbcore' folder is, indeed, a problem.

I have just downloaded the 'gallery.xml' file (from the URL you provided) and the first image and thumbnail in the gallery, placed them in a test SimpleViewer-Pro v2.3.0 gallery (the same version of SimpleViewer that your brother uses) and converted the gallery to a Juicebox-Pro gallery successfully (on a PC) with no problem. The 'jbcore' folder was created, the 'gallery.xml' file was renamed to 'config.xml' and the captions were converted successfully, too.
I do not know what might be preventing your brothers galleries from converting successfully.

At teh moment, all I can suggest is that you both make sure that your JuiceboxBuilder-Pro installations are up-to-date (v1.3.3).
If necessary, instructions for upgrading can be found here.

It would certainly help if I had access to a complete gallery folder which fails to convert successfully. It may differ from the one I constructed manually from files in the URL you posted.
Please zip and upload one of the galleries that fails to convert successfully so that I can download it and try the conversion for myself. Thank you.


(5 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

And the caption area got taller but it's still extending the width of the gallery.

I have just created a test gallery using the new configuration options you posted and the caption area spans only the width of the main image in the gallery (as expected) and not the width of the entire gallery itself.
Try clearing your browser's cache to ensure that your browser is fetching and using the most recent version of your gallery's XML file.
If you continue to experience difficulties, please post the URL to your gallery so that I can take a look and help further.

Please check your email. I have sent you a message.
Thank you.


(5 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)


The correct value for captionPosition should be OVERLAY_IMAGE (not IMAGE_OVERLAY) (as noted in the Caption Options).
(You might also want to increase the value of maxCaptionHeight from 10 to something like 100.)


(1 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

I have just tried converting a SimpleViewer (v2.3.1) gallery to a Juicebox gallery using JuiceboxBuilder-Pro (v1.3.3) and it seems to work OK for me.
The image captions from the SimpleViewer gallery are translated to the image captions in the Juicebox gallery.
(The image titles in the Juicebox gallery are blank because SimpleViewer does not support image titles.)

Please check your converted gallery's 'config.xml' file (open it in a plain text editor) to see if the image captions are really there or not. If you like, you could post the URL to your gallery so that I could take a look and help further.

Better still, if you are willing, you could zip your original SimpleViewer gallery and upload it somewhere for me to download so that I could try the process for myself with your own gallery and determine exactly what the cause of the problem is.

It may also help to know what version of SimpleViewer your original galleries are.
Thank you.

You could not use the WP-Juicebox 'config.php' file for your own needs out of context (the file will work only within the confines of the plugin) but the concept of passing a parameter to a PHP page via a query string in the configURL is fine.
Using the actual 'config.php' file from WP-Juicebox would not work because when WP-Juicebox sets the configUrl to 'config.php?gallery_id=1' (for example), the 'config.php' page parses a static XML file (depending on the value of the 'gallery_id') to determine factors such as where the images should come from (Media Library, Flickr, NextGEN, Picasa) and what WordPress page or post the gallery is embedded into. Your own galleries will not have these static XML files with such variables. They are generated by WP-Juicebox only for galleries created by the plugin.

You would need to construct your own PHP file to fetch images from your own source and build your own XML file accordingly.


(4 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

As you have discovered, any options that you include which do not have names and values separated by a '=' sign will be stripped out.

themeUrl is a special case and is not a 'regular' Pro Option.
It must be set in the embedding code (as noted here).

If you want to incorporate a custom theme within WP-Juicebox, then you will need to modify the plugin's 'wp-juicebox.php' file.
Open the file in a plain text editor, scroll down to line 244 and just after the opening new juicebox({ line, add the following:


... ensuring that the path to your 'theme.css' file is correct.
Please note that the line number above refers to the current version of WP-Juicebox (v1.3.3.1).

I wasn't actually referring to the Wordpress theme we are using but rather to changing the Juicebox theme within the css. Are there any good tutorials on doing that besides the "Themeing Overview"?

The Theming Guide is certainly the best source of information regarding customizing Juicebox beyond what can be achieved with the available configuration options. Unfortunately, there is no tutorial for modifying the Juicebox CSS. If you wish to edit any of the CSS, then the best way to find out which classes you may need to change would be to use a browser's developer tools.
You are certainly free to modify the CSS as you like but please bear in mind that the stock 'theme.css' file within the Juicebox 'jbcore' folder' may change from version to version and with each new release, you may find that you have to incorporate your changes into a new CSS file. (This is why we try to accommodate most users' needs with configuration options and vector icons without the need to modify any CSS.)

Please post the URL to your gallery so that I can take a look.
Thank you.


(10 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

i mean the url showing in the browers adress like "http://juicebox.net/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=5575#p5575".
i would like to follow a link and the url stays at "http://juicebox.net/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=5575#p5575"...

A browser will usually display the URL of the page currently being displayed.
It is not possible within Juicebox to prevent a browser from displaying the URL of page which has been linked to.
For more information on the topic, please try a web search with terms such as 'URL masking' and 'link cloaking'.

but there are no hover effekt and no links on the nav bar... any ideas?

If you want your navigation menu to appear and disappear when the user hovers over the container, then you will need to implement either a CSS solution (such as on this web page) or a JavaScript/jQuery solution (such as on this web page).

In order for your links to be active, your navigation menu needs to be stacked on top of the gallery by assigning it a large z-index value.

For a solution to both problems, try using the following CSS on your web page (in addition to your own CSS from your post above):

#wrap {
    position: fixed;
    top: 7%;
    width: 100%;
    height: 7%;
#wrap, #navigation, #navigation a {
    z-index: 9999;
#navigation {
    display: none;
#wrap:hover #navigation {
    display: block;

... and then use HTML code such as the following for your navigation menu:

<div id="wrap">
    <div id="navigation" >
        <a href="../home/index.html" >|   home</a>
        <a href="../wedding/index.html" >|   wedding</a>