Images in a Juicebox-Lite gallery are displayed using standard <img> tags (generated by the gallery's JavaScript code) and are scaled dynamically by the browser (as Juicebox-Lite uses the default value of imageScaleMode="SCALE_DOWN") so how the images look is somewhat dependent on the browser and its own scaling algorithms.
Out of interest, you might like to try using a different browser (Chrome vs Mobile Safari) to see if this makes a difference.
Perhaps the best solution would be to feed Juicebox-Lite larger images with a higher quality.
JuiceboxBuilder-Lite has default settings of 1024 x 768 at 80% quality. Try increasing these values to something like 4096 x 3072 at 90% quality (at least for testing purposes). Even if this produces images which are actually too large for a real-life gallery, if you get better results, it might hint that you would benefit from using larger resolution/higher quality images in your gallery than you currently do.
If you were using JuiceboxBuilder-Pro, I would recommend using a Multi-Size Image gallery.
Essentially, your gallery would contain up to 3 different sizes of images and Juicebox-Pro would use the most appropriate size, depending on the device being used to view the gallery. The Multi-Size Image logic also takes into account factors such as retina screens such as those on iPads.
Please see here for more details.