Topic: Large Image Not Full Height in Opera?
Here's a test gallery for you, with a mere two images: . These are not resized (not my usual practice - this is only a test); the first image is 2592 x 1944 and the second is 3888 x 2592.
If I look at this page on my (32-bit Vista) PC's (1440 x 900) monitor, and click the Hide Thumbnails button, I encounter no quirks in the latest versions of IE, Firefox, Safari, and Chrome. However, if I do this in Opera, image 2/2 does not take up the full height of the browsing window.
Pick one:
A) The software (JB) works as intended, and I don't really understand what's supposed to be happening in this case.
B) There's a tiny bug in JB, and only Opera strictly enforces some standard that the other browsers let slide.
C) There's a tiny bug in Opera, manifesting itself only in rare circumstances.
D) None of the above.
E) Some or all of the above.