1 (edited by at_stephan 2025-03-09 11:17:41)

Topic: Macos sequoia juicebox builder-pro can't be opened [SOLVED]

Hi everyone,
after switching from Windows to Mac, I can't use juicebox builder-pro.
Mac Mini M4
MacOS Sequoia 15.31.1

Adobe AIR

I'm realy not an expert in these 'terminal' things, but I have done successfuly this:

cd /Library/Frameworks
sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine ./Adobe\ AIR.framework

stephangries@Mac-mini-von-Stephan Frameworks % ls -l@ ./Adobe\ AIR.framework/
total 0
lrwxr-xr-x@ 1 root  wheel   26 31 Aug  2022 Adobe AIR -> Versions/Current/Adobe AIR
    com.apple.FinderInfo     32
    com.apple.provenance     11
    com.apple.quarantine     15
lrwxr-xr-x@ 1 root  wheel   26 31 Aug  2022 Resources -> Versions/Current/Resources
    com.apple.FinderInfo     32
    com.apple.provenance     11
    com.apple.quarantine     15
drwxr-xr-x@ 4 root  wheel  128 31 Aug  2022 Versions
    com.apple.FinderInfo     32
    com.apple.provenance     11

Is AIR still in quarantine?

If I start Juicebox builder-pro I get the message
"Das Programm "JuiceboxBuilder-Pro" kann nicht geöffnet werden"
"The program "JuiceboxBuilder-Pro" cannot be opened"

I also checked
Datenschutz und Sicherheit => Sicherheit => Apps erlauben von ...
Privacy & Security => security => and there is no option to allow the app installation (Open anyway)

Perhaps sb can help me to fix this? What did i do wrong?
At the moment I use my windows pc only for JuiceboxBuilder-Pro ;-)
Regards, Stephan

Re: Macos sequoia juicebox builder-pro can't be opened [SOLVED]

I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble with JuiceboxBuilder-Pro on your Mac.
I hope my notes below help to resolve your problem.

If you have a Mac which uses Apple Silicon (M1, M2, M3, M4 hardware), you may need to open JuiceboxBuilder-Pro using Rosetta.
This is noted as a Known Issue for Mac users on the AIR download page: https://airsdk.harman.com/runtime

Launch failure on M1 hardware. Some AIR applications will fail to launch when run on a device using Apple Silicon (M1 / ARM hardware). To work around this, please right-click on the application icon within Finder, choose "Get Info", and on the resulting dialog, select the checkbox "Open using Rosetta".

It's also mentioned here in our forum (with instructions and further links): https://juicebox.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=5289
Here is the Apple support page regarding Rosetta 2: https://support.apple.com/en-us/102527

I hope that these notes help you to get JuiceboxBuilder-Pro up and running.
Please let me know how you get on. Thank you.

Re: Macos sequoia juicebox builder-pro can't be opened [SOLVED]

Hi Steven,
that's it!! It works!!
I haven't found this 'Known issue' while searching for my problem.
Thank you very much.


Re: Macos sequoia juicebox builder-pro can't be opened [SOLVED]

I'm glad that worked for you. Thank you for letting me know.