I think GODaddy puts them into a folder...
If your web host is GoDaddy, then they provide your web space but where files and folders are uploaded to within your web space (and ultimately located) is up to you.
If you are not already using an FTP program to transfer your files from your computer to your web space, then I'd recommend trying one (such as Filezilla). Once you're logged into your hosting account, you'll be able to drag and drop files and folders from your computer into the FTP interface to upload them to wherever you like within your web space.
'public_html' is the name of the directory on your web server that represents your web root. ('public_html' does not form part of a URL.)
For example, if you upload a file named 'main.html' to your 'public_html' directory, then it will be accessible at http://adriannelugo.com/main.html.
So I just need to figure out how to move them where they need to be.
As you seem to have followed the regular embedding instructions here, all you should need to do to have your http://adriannelugo.com/juicebox_portfolio.html gallery work correctly is upload the contents of your gallery folder to your web root directory (the 'public_html' directory). The gallery's 'images' folder should reside directly inside the 'public_html' directory (alongside the gallery's 'thumbs' folder).
Why can't I just change the path in the embed code? Wouldn't that be easier?
As long as you follow the embedding instructions correctly, then there should be no need to change any paths in the embedding code (or elsewhere).
If you changed the structure of your gallery, then you could (if you wanted to):
(1) Use a configUrl in your embedding code to point towards a specific XML configuration file (if you have moved or renamed the gallery's 'config.xml' file).
(2) Use a baseUrl in your embedding code to point towards a complete gallery folder (if you have uploaded a complete gallery folder to your web server rather than just the contents of a gallery folder). The baseUrl method of embedding is documented here.
Short descriptions of configUrl and baseUrl can be found in the Embed Options section of the Config Options page.
The paths to the images themselves can be found inside the XML configuration file. (You can open a gallery's XML configuration file in a plain text editor and change the imageURL and thumbURL paths if you like.)
Relative paths are relative to the web page containing the gallery's embedding code (or a baseUrl if one is used).
(imageURL and thumbURL entries can be absolute as well as relative.)
All you should need to do though, is make sure that your gallery's 'images' folder is directly inside your 'public_html' directory, alongside your gallery's 'thumbs' folder. If it is already there, then check its permissions (as I suggested in my post above).
This should hopefully solve your problem.