(11 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Photo Mechanic seems to have made the attempt to track down the IPTC documentation, so the terminology is as consistent as any I have found.  However, in my view, even IPTC has not been completely successful in defining a sound data model for metadata -- some very obvious needs, such as the original (often standard) format of a photograph being digitized for preservation, don't seem to be addressed and are left up to the user to co-opt some field intended by IPTC for a different data element.  As a result, digital materials from different sources or different operators are likely to be incompatible for purposes of cataloguing and accessibility.

On closer inspection, I was mistaken about how Windows File Explorer uses the metadata fields.  The one that File Explorer calls "Title" is in fact the one that Photo Mechanic calls "Description/Caption", which is the one Juicebox calls "Caption".  For my purposes, that still turns out to be the key to loading a Juicebox gallery with photos in the desired order.  For my usage, the "Caption" contains all the relevant description, and the Juicebox "Title" becomes superfluous.

A certain early innovator in data processing is supposed to have said, "Standards must be a very good thing, seeing that there are so many of them!"


(11 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Apparently, Juicebox is using IPTC fields in a way I don't understand.  The way the fields were originally defined and the way these fields are identified by different applications are inconsistent.

In Photo Mechanic, the field called "Description/Caption" is, as I expected, the field that Juicebox calls "Caption".  So far so good!

However, the field Photo Mechanic calls "Headline", which seems to be the field IPTC intends to be used for the "title" of an IMAGE, it not picked up when I ask Juicebox to use "Title".  This same field is also called "Title" in Windows File Explorer.

There are other fields in IPTC for other purposes.  One of them Photo Mechanic calls "Title/Object Name", which IPTC apparently intended for the title or identity of whatever thing (an art work, for example) is depicted in the image.  Is Juicebox using this field for the image "Title"?  (There are other fields in IPTC serving similar purposes!)

By the way, the often-asked question about copying images into a gallery in an order other than by file name may have a solution in Windows.  After adding metadata in the field File Explorer and Photo Mechanic use for title, I added "Title" to the File Explorer display, sorted by Title, selected all (Cntl+a), and dragged the group into Juicebox.  The photos were added to the gallery in the same, sorted order by "Title".

Deleting the contents of the .tempGallery folder and then the folder itself solved the problem.  I have a feeling this situation could be prevented by some additional code the next time the program is opened.  Thanks for your help!

I installed JuiceboxBuilder-Pro successfully a couple days ago (Windows 10 laptop), tried out the New Gallery process but elected not to save.  I came back this morning to try another test, but New Gallery doesn't do anything (stays on the initial New Gallery / Open Gallery screen).  Apart from Help, that's the only option available at this stage.  Suggestions?