Topic: Juicebox-Pro v1.5.1 installed but won't open new gallery [SOLVED]

I installed JuiceboxBuilder-Pro successfully a couple days ago (Windows 10 laptop), tried out the New Gallery process but elected not to save.  I came back this morning to try another test, but New Gallery doesn't do anything (stays on the initial New Gallery / Open Gallery screen).  Apart from Help, that's the only option available at this stage.  Suggestions?

Re: Juicebox-Pro v1.5.1 installed but won't open new gallery [SOLVED]

Please see this forum post (entitled 'Unresponsive New Gallery and Open Gallery buttons in JuiceboxBuilder') to see if the suggestions there help.
I think the top suggestion is most likely to be relevant and help but the other suggestions might also be useful.

Re: Juicebox-Pro v1.5.1 installed but won't open new gallery [SOLVED]

[Issue resolved, See here for details.]