Topic: IPTC Captions
How can I get IPTC captions to show in the JB caption box?
I can do this from an export to SimpleViewer inside Photo Mechanic and also do it using a SimpleViewer skin in jAlbum.
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Juicebox Support Forum → Juicebox-Pro Support → IPTC Captions
How can I get IPTC captions to show in the JB caption box?
I can do this from an export to SimpleViewer inside Photo Mechanic and also do it using a SimpleViewer skin in jAlbum.
Try the Juicebox Skin for jAlbum.
Juicebox has two comment tags for each image entry in the XML file which are displayed in the caption area: <title> and <caption>.
Go to jAlbum's 'Advanced -> Metadata' settings tab and select only 'IPTC Caption' in the 'Comment sources' control panel to display the image's 'IPTC Caption' as the Juicebox <caption>.
You can also set the Juicebox <title> to be either the 'IPTC Object Name' (Document Title) or the 'IPTC Headline' by selecting the appropriate source in jAlbum's 'Title source' drop down menu on the same settings tab.
If you choose 'No IPTC' as the 'Title source', jAlbum will use the image's filename (without the extension) as the Juicebox <title>.
The Juicebox Skin is designed to create multi-gallery albums, linked together by a JavaScript navigation tree.
If you wish to make only a single gallery without the navigation tree, deselect the 'Process subdirectories' checkbox on jAlbum's 'Advanced -> General' settings tab.
Thanks Steven.
I am currently using jAlbum with a SimpleViewer skin and this works well although I wanted to get away from jAlbum as it can be slow and is a horrendous memory hog. (seems to have for worse with the latest release!)
I did this to get the IPTC embed that jAlbum provides which does not seem possible in SVBuilder or now JBBuilder.
This also gives me the mobile fallback that is now pretty essential for client galleries. Although I still need to provide 2 URL's with this solution. One for desktop, one for mobile non Flash.
I had hoped to move over to a more 'one-stop' solution with one URL to provide. JB seems perfect and have been waiting for it for ages!
If you have the time, can you briefly explain in layman's terms why pulling in the IPTC is not possible in SV or JBBuilder, both your products, yet it is possible with Photo Mechanic, (which uses and ancient version of SV with no mobile fallback) the jAlbum skin and Lightroom SV plugins?
As this is badged as a 'Pro' product I am sure you are aware that IPTC support really is an essential pro feature. Any agency or editorial professional photographer not putting extensive IPTC on their images wouldn't last 5 mins. I would seriously consider, if you can, putting support in, if only for the caption field.
JuiceBox is a great product but I cannot really believe that you expect users to copy and paste captions into what could be a 200 images gallery! Mind you, svBuilder has been this way for ever....
I will now, as you suggest use the JuiceBox Skin for jAlbum. That should provide a good solution and one not that different from my current workflow.
Thanks for the help and for a promising, essential product.
Although I still need to provide 2 URL's with this solution. One for desktop, one for mobile non Flash.
A SimpleViewer v2.3.0 gallery requires only one URL. The gallery will be displayed with the Flash Player if Adobe Flash Player is detected, otherwise, the gallery will be displayed by the Mobile Player (on mobile devices and in browsers which do not have Adobe Flash Player installed and enabled).
Are you perhaps using a jAlbum skin which uses a version of SimpleViewer prior to v2.1.0 when Universal Playback was introduced? If so, try the SimpleViewer Skin which is up-to-date and incorporates SimpleViewer-Standard v2.3.0.
If you have the time, can you briefly explain in layman's terms why pulling in the IPTC is not possible in SV or JBBuilder, both your products, yet it is possible with Photo Mechanic, (which uses and ancient version of SV with no mobile fallback) the jAlbum skin and Lightroom SV plugins?
This is simply because svBuilder and JuiceboxBuilder were not designed to do so.
This functionality may be included in a future version. Please post feature requests in this thread so that they are not overlooked. Thank you.
Thank you.
I am using the latest sv skin inside jAlbum.
The reason I use 2 url's is because I was told too! Either by the developer of the skin, or you guys. Can't remember which.
It was to get over the very bad experience of the mobile fallback on the iPhone.
For example is the URL I would provide for desktop and indeed works fairly well on a iPad.
BUT, try the same link on an IPhone and it's a pretty bad experience. Small thumbs, images too large and any rotation really plays it up.
So I provide the URL for mobile use. This is far better on an iPhone and an improvement on an iPad.
Hence 2 url's.
I will Indeed post in the requests section of the forum as I believe that any photo product billed as 'pro' needs to have IPTC support.
Camera Bits Photo Mechanic 5 is about to be released and I know that they will update their ancient sv version within it. Perhaps they will also include JuiceBox. I am sure a Lightroom plugin will follow. For me, the jAlbum solution will be just fine for now.
It's just a shame that your standalone version seems to do less than the third party support as just a sort of 'plug in' skin which I think devalues your product slightly.
Thanks for the support it really is appreciated and I really am just trying to be helpful and objective..... :)
Hence 2 url's.
You can use the 'gillrays/gallery.html' URL for both (Flash and Mobile).
The 'index.html' page generated by the SimpleViewer skin is required only when your album uses a menu, header or footer.
I am sure a Lightroom plugin will follow.
The Juicebox Lightroom Plugin is now available from this page.
Thanks for the support it really is appreciated and I really am just trying to be helpful and objective..... :)
Thank you for your feedback. We appreciate it!
Yes, I have sometimes just provided the one /gallery.html link.
It's just that i'm a stickler for short, easy url's!
You'd be surprised how wrong it can go when a client passes on a link over the phone to colleagues with more thank one 'slash' in it. I end up with multiple calls asking, "What was that link again?"
Thanks for the Lightroom link.
Why are the plugins buried away on a support page? I appreciate that this is a new product and you may have decided on a slow rollout. I am fairly savvy and didn't see them. I would have thought that as we have established that a plugin version allows access real 'Pro' features it would be worth putting links to them on the front page.
Sure, you want to push the standalone builder and I truly think you should. This could be a fabulous stand alone 'proper' app if it were not for the horrendous Air front end. I hope that the person who's idea it was to originally build both sv and now jb in Air can still stand up in a meeting and defend that decision!!! :)
I get asked every other day by pro colleagues, "What can I use to build, quick mobile non-Flash client slideshows"?
I will still say JuiceBuilder. But will have to follow it with caveats. "Best using it as a LR or jAlbum plugin to get all the best features"
They may not use or want to use LR, the jalbum solution maybe too complex and certainly slow.
My rambling point is that we have been crying out for a JuiceBox type proper, standalone desktop app with a good UI. The Air thing you provide is not it. JuiceBox in itself is it.
Then, pushing that standalone creator as the de-facto pro slideshow builder would make sense, with the added plug-ins if you wanted them. Add to that a jb Manager and i think you would steal lots of customers away from Slideshow Pro.
I want this to be good. I think you have the upper hand. Please capitalise on it.
Thanks for listening. :)
Apparently, Juicebox is using IPTC fields in a way I don't understand. The way the fields were originally defined and the way these fields are identified by different applications are inconsistent.
In Photo Mechanic, the field called "Description/Caption" is, as I expected, the field that Juicebox calls "Caption". So far so good!
However, the field Photo Mechanic calls "Headline", which seems to be the field IPTC intends to be used for the "title" of an IMAGE, it not picked up when I ask Juicebox to use "Title". This same field is also called "Title" in Windows File Explorer.
There are other fields in IPTC for other purposes. One of them Photo Mechanic calls "Title/Object Name", which IPTC apparently intended for the title or identity of whatever thing (an art work, for example) is depicted in the image. Is Juicebox using this field for the image "Title"? (There are other fields in IPTC serving similar purposes!)
By the way, the often-asked question about copying images into a gallery in an order other than by file name may have a solution in Windows. After adding metadata in the field File Explorer and Photo Mechanic use for title, I added "Title" to the File Explorer display, sorted by Title, selected all (Cntl+a), and dragged the group into Juicebox. The photos were added to the gallery in the same, sorted order by "Title".
I'm not familiar with Photo Mechanic or its labelling conventions but, as far as I can recall, when setting 'IPTC Title' for the image titles, JuiceboxBuilder-Pro uses what Adobe Lightroom calls IPTC Document Title and, when setting 'IPTC Caption' for the image captions, JuiceboxBuilder-Pro uses what Adobe Lightroom calls IPTC Description.
Maybe this helps to clarify things a little (at least for Adobe Lightroom users).
I'm sorry I do not know what Photo Mechanic's own labels are for the equivalents of Adobe Lightroom's IPTC Document Title and IPTC Description.
Photo Mechanic seems to have made the attempt to track down the IPTC documentation, so the terminology is as consistent as any I have found. However, in my view, even IPTC has not been completely successful in defining a sound data model for metadata -- some very obvious needs, such as the original (often standard) format of a photograph being digitized for preservation, don't seem to be addressed and are left up to the user to co-opt some field intended by IPTC for a different data element. As a result, digital materials from different sources or different operators are likely to be incompatible for purposes of cataloguing and accessibility.
On closer inspection, I was mistaken about how Windows File Explorer uses the metadata fields. The one that File Explorer calls "Title" is in fact the one that Photo Mechanic calls "Description/Caption", which is the one Juicebox calls "Caption". For my purposes, that still turns out to be the key to loading a Juicebox gallery with photos in the desired order. For my usage, the "Caption" contains all the relevant description, and the Juicebox "Title" becomes superfluous.
A certain early innovator in data processing is supposed to have said, "Standards must be a very good thing, seeing that there are so many of them!"
It would be ideal if all programs adhered to a singular standard but as long as you know what's going on enough to get the results you are looking for, I guess that's a win (even though all the research to get there should not be necessary).
However, as you are aware, there's a history of standards not being adhered to. This is completely off topic and out-of-date now but it reminds me of this article regarding EXIF orientation flags. It's a fun read!
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