Yes, you can make them visible, but it results in a rather unpleasing color scheme. Taste is personal, I know, but I simply want to keep the excellent and pleasing default settings from previous releases. I don't think that's too much to ask - after all, I paid for certain functionality (or look and feel), and now that functionality suddenly disappeared.



(495 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Please provide separate configuration options for the thumbdot colors. Using the NavButton colors results in either an unusable or ugly color scheme when using a white or light background.

Since this breaks standard behavior from previous releases, I consider this a bugfix and not a feature request.


ehh...  fixing something that a new version broke should not be a feature request, but a bugfix. I'll add it anyway, but I expect this will never be implemented since your developer doesn't seem to realize there's a problem in the first place.

I fail to see how using _slightly_ different colors could results in something that's remotely usable. I spent an hour experimenting with different color combinations, and it doesn't work. I'm open to any concrete suggestions.

Back to 1.1 I guess!


I just upgraded from 1.1 to 1.3.2 and noticed new (different) behavior from the thumb dots.

Colors for the thumb dots are now linked to the nav button background & icon colors. This makes the dots next to useless.

Consider the following (in my opinion not uncommon) scenario:

- a white page (or background)
- containing a darker / non-white photograph

default settings for the nav buttons are a light icon (white) on a transparent black background. With these settings, you get a row of ugly dark dots, with the active dot white (invisible).

Since you're using the same color settings for two opposite situations (nav buttons on a dark/non-white background, and dots on a white background), you end up with a design problem that can not be solved. I basically have of choice of making the dots invisible, or the nav buttons.

Please provide separate configuration options!

(I assume your developer uses a test setup with a black page or background...).

minor bug: the default spacing between dots also changed between versions.



Steven wrote:

I think this is due to a known bug which has been addressed and will be fixed in the next version whereby the gallery is not displayed in IE7 when the background color has an alpha transparency value of zero.
In the meantime, the workaround is to not use background transparency and to set the background color as a 6 digit hexadecimal color code, e.g. '#222222', or to use the rgba notation but to set the alpha channel to '1', e.g. 'rgba(34,34,34,1)'.

Yep - that did the trick!

Thanks for the (as always) quick reply.



I sent a Forum E-mail with the url.

I used the doctype as specified above, and the page also validates ok by W3C.



Juicebox does not display in embedded mode on certain browser combinations:

Reproduced on 3 PCs with XP+IE8, and Win7 + IE9 (in Browser Mode:IE8 + Doc mode:IE7). If you select other Browser or doc modes, no issue. One PC with XP+IE8 does not have an issue.

Traced down to the following line in the HTML code:

<div class="jcbx-glry-classic" style="width: 100%; height: 100%; filter: alpha(opacity=0); " sizset="1" sizcache0708010986965713="74">

>> If you disable "" filter: alpha(opacity=0); "" then juicebox displays properly. Not sure what the filter is supposed to day, and don't see a way to work around it.

I use the following code to embed Juicebox:

        jb = new juicebox({
            baseUrl: "galleries/",
            showPreloader: "false",
            showAutoPlayStatus: "false",
            containerId: "juicebox-container",
            galleryTitle: "Images",
            galleryTitlePosition: "none",
            showImageNumber: "false",
            enableDirectLinks: "true",
            buttonBarPosition: "none",
            frameWidth: "0",
            captionPosition: "none",
            maxCaptionHeight: "40",
            captionBackColor: "rgba(152,203,0,1.0)",
            randomizeImages: "false",
            imageTransitionType: "none",
            enableAutoPlay: "true",
            autoPlayOnLoad: "true",
            displayTime: "5",
            enableLooping: "false",
            imageScaleMode: "scale",
            useThumbDots: "false",
            maxThumbColumns: "15",
            thumbWidth: "85",
            thumbHeight: "85",
            galleryWidth: "940px",
            galleryHeight: "650px",
            showOpenButton: "false",
            showExpandButton: "false",
            showThumbsButton: "false",
                        backgroundColor: "rgba(255,255,255,0)"

certainly weird that it works on the 1 PC but not on 3 others.



Slideshow starts at the last image when I combine enableLooping=true and autoPlayOnLoad=true.
Juicebox 1.1.1 Pro

With enableLooping = false the show starts as it should with the first image.

I have a gallery with 20 images, and use the following settings:

        new juicebox({
            baseUrl: "galleries/main/",
            showPreloader: "false",
            showAutoPlayStatus: "false",
            containerId: "juicebox-container",
            galleryTitle: "",
            galleryTitlePosition: "none",
            buttonBarPosition: "none",
            captionPosition: "none",
            randomizeImages: "true",
            imageTransitionType: "none",
            enableAutoPlay: "true",
            autoPlayOnLoad: "true",
            displayTime: "5",
            enableLooping: "false",
            imageScaleMode: "fill",
            imagePreloading: "next",
            useThumbDots: "true",
            maxThumbColumns: "25",
            galleryWidth: "940px",
            galleryHeight: "500px",
            showOpenButton: "false",
            showExpandButton: "false",
            showThumbsButton: "false",
backgroundColor: "rgba(255,255,255,0.0)"



thanks for very quick reply. You're right, only the LR preview is truncated.

However, I see another issue with wide thumbnails - they take up the full width, but image quality is very low. I assume the 128x26 thumbnail from the example above is first scaled up by 3x to roughly 390x85, and then truncated to 85x85 ? The result is a very blotchy thumbnail with almost zero detail.

Is there any way to increase the default thumbnail size generated by lightroom? generating thumbs with short edge = 85 would solve the issue.

thanks - I really like juicebox and  will definitely buy the pro version


Although the release notes for 1.1.1 claim that the thumbnail truncation problem has been fixed, it hasn't. The lightroom plugin 1.1.1 shows partial thumbs only.

E.g. a 7300(Hor)x3100(Vert) pixel image results in a truncated thumbnail that only uses about 75% of the width - the other 25% is simply black. Extreem panos (aspect ratio 5:1 or more) result in a completely empty thumbnail.

Otherwise, very nice HTML5 gallery.
