Juicebox does not display in embedded mode on certain browser combinations:
Reproduced on 3 PCs with XP+IE8, and Win7 + IE9 (in Browser Mode:IE8 + Doc mode:IE7). If you select other Browser or doc modes, no issue. One PC with XP+IE8 does not have an issue.
Traced down to the following line in the HTML code:
<div class="jcbx-glry-classic" style="width: 100%; height: 100%; filter: alpha(opacity=0); " sizset="1" sizcache0708010986965713="74">
>> If you disable "" filter: alpha(opacity=0); "" then juicebox displays properly. Not sure what the filter is supposed to day, and don't see a way to work around it.
I use the following code to embed Juicebox:
jb = new juicebox({
baseUrl: "galleries/",
showPreloader: "false",
showAutoPlayStatus: "false",
containerId: "juicebox-container",
galleryTitle: "Images",
galleryTitlePosition: "none",
showImageNumber: "false",
enableDirectLinks: "true",
buttonBarPosition: "none",
frameWidth: "0",
captionPosition: "none",
maxCaptionHeight: "40",
captionBackColor: "rgba(152,203,0,1.0)",
randomizeImages: "false",
imageTransitionType: "none",
enableAutoPlay: "true",
autoPlayOnLoad: "true",
displayTime: "5",
enableLooping: "false",
imageScaleMode: "scale",
useThumbDots: "false",
maxThumbColumns: "15",
thumbWidth: "85",
thumbHeight: "85",
galleryWidth: "940px",
galleryHeight: "650px",
showOpenButton: "false",
showExpandButton: "false",
showThumbsButton: "false",
backgroundColor: "rgba(255,255,255,0)"
certainly weird that it works on the 1 PC but not on 3 others.