hey steven

thanks for the reply and for trying to troubleshoot this

i guess i wasn't clear: i'm not even seeing the 'expand' button in the juicebox builder app, which has no option for embedding / iframe within it.  And no, when i publish a standalone html page, there is no embed option there either.

i expect that if i can get it to work in the builder app, that it will get us closer to getting it to work on published juiceboxes (is that what you call them?)

as always, thanks for trying to help me to use your product

It will ONLY be displayed under those conditions?  Never if it's in a standalone page or in the Builder app preview window?  That's not how it was working before the latest release.

on version 1.0.1 i have it at 100% x 100% (within the juicebox parameters) AND embedded in a drupal site with top and bottom navigation.  and it shows the expand button and works a little something like this:

if i click on the expand button, it removes my site's nav and fills the entire browser window.  if i put the browser in full screen mode, i get a full screen slideshow.

in version 1.0.1 the expand button would also show up in the Juicebox Builder app preview.

now, before i've even embedded code (and in the Builder app preview) I see no expand button.

The behavior is different between versions.  If you've changed the feature, that's fine.  Just let me know how to get it back.  Is that to set the code to 99% x 99% for dimensions?

thanks for the prompt reply, as always, and for the great product

JuiceBuilder-Pro 1.0.2
image source is a flickr set

with the Show Expand Button box checked, the expand button isn't showing.  The Open Button and Thumbs Button options work just fine.

And for the same content and configuration, it all worked with 1.0.1

What stupid thing am I doing wrong?



damn you flickr permissions!

it works. Thanks!

Hey guys

I'm using juicebox 1.0.2 pro and it's only loading 20 images from my flickr photo set.

am i doing something wrong?

Also, is there a way to set it up so that I don't have to republish the juicebox when i add new photos to the flickr set?  I'd like to just add photos to flickr and have them show up immediately on the juicebox gallery.

