Topic: Flickr only showing 20 photos per set

Hey guys

I'm using juicebox 1.0.2 pro and it's only loading 20 images from my flickr photo set.

am i doing something wrong?

Also, is there a way to set it up so that I don't have to republish the juicebox when i add new photos to the flickr set?  I'd like to just add photos to flickr and have them show up immediately on the juicebox gallery.



Re: Flickr only showing 20 photos per set

I'm using juicebox 1.0.2 pro and it's only loading 20 images from my flickr photo set.

am i doing something wrong?

Make sure all the images in your Flickr set have been made public.
I have just created a test gallery using JuiceboxBuilder-Pro loading images from a Flickr set and it displays them all (more than 20) so it should work fine.
If you continue to experience difficulties, please post the URL to your gallery so that I can take a look.

Also, is there a way to set it up so that I don't have to republish the juicebox when i add new photos to the flickr set?  I'd like to just add photos to flickr and have them show up immediately on the juicebox gallery.

When using Flickr as a source of images, you do not need to modify any gallery files after adding images to your Flickr account.
They will automatically be displayed next time you view your gallery (though you may need to clear your browser's cache to see the changes).


Re: Flickr only showing 20 photos per set

damn you flickr permissions!

it works. Thanks!