When I go to open config. xml in juicebox builder the file is greyed out and cannot be selected to open.  Not even the original config file is selectable.  Tried downloading latest version and get the same problem.

Thanks that htaccess fix worked!

Hi Steven,
This white screen bug still seems to be occurring according to my client.  It happens on 3G and 4G (with javascript turned on) on:

iPhone 5s- 8.1.1
iPhone 6- 8.1.1
iPhone 6 8.1.1
IPad older version

There is currently no htaccess file for the site.  Is that something that could fix the problem?


thanks Steven will give that a go

Hi I am getting reports from my client that the juicebox gallery on her site is not loading on some iphone 5s models.

The website is www.leroylondon.com

She says it's just going to a blank white screen instead of loading the gallery.

Does anyone know any solution to this problem?  I have already uploaded the correct .htaccess file as was suggested in another thread..
