This sounds like a known bug: the caption for the first image fails to display when captionPosition="BELOW_THUMBS" and showSmallThumbsOnLoad="FALSE".

Yes that is what you told me in a previous post and the reason I used firstImageIndex="1" and showSmallThumbsOnLoad="TRUE" instead of just  showSmallThumbsOnLoad="FALSE" !
So because I reverted this my old problem is back : captions don't display on first image. This is the known bug you're referring to, and it is not on safari ios, only on desktop.
Glad to know it's going to be fixed !

Hello !

Well actually I found out that replacing this in my code :


by this :


Solves my problem of first image displaying bad.
This was done to workaround another problem where caption on first image didn't show.
This first problem is back... But this was a lot less of a problem to me. So I think I'll stick with that for now.

I'll try to see if swapping above lines in one of your demo galleries shows the problem (only I won't be able to right now).
Chances are it will.

Re-hello !

I realized caption doesn't show, either.

I could make it almost work doing this :

jb.onInitComplete = function() {
    setTimeout(function() {
    }, 2000);

But very ugly :-(
And won't work work without the setTimeOut. And caption still doesn't show :-(

Also I tried to trigger resize event :

var handler = window.onresize;

But on small devices this brings the thumbs page up.

So It's still not working.
None of these workarounds is online so you can see the behavior.

Hello !

I just noticed a very bad problem on my galleries on Safari on ios 8.1 : When I open the gallery, I see the buttons but not the image !!!
To see it online just open and click on the first gallery.

This is very bad because I think 50% of my users will use ios and the gallery really looks like it's just not working, leading them away before they even started !!

Some more details :
- I am using ios 8.1 on iphone 4S
- I think the problem is new in ios 8. In any case it was working before.
- The problem doesn't show in Chrome on ios
- Actually I think the image does show but out of screen (on the second gallery, I can see the top of the image at the bottom of the screen)
- If I slide forth, the next image show all right
- If I refresh the page, the image shows all right

I'd really appreciate if you could help me work around this...!

Thanks in advance,



(495 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Oh yes and I forgot pinch to zoom !
I have seen that you removed it because it used to interfere with swipe gesture.
But I've seen it working perfectly on some other galleries. And they're open source so it would be easy for you to see how they implemented it. Seemed politically incorrect to advertise them here but I'll tell you which ones if you wish.

Try setting thumbNavPosition="CENTER" to see if this helps.

Another possible workaround until the bug is fixed might be to increase the maxCaptionHeight (in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> Caption' section)

Both of these workarounds do get around the problem. For various reasons I'll stick with mine (decreasing max number of rows) for now but that's good to know. Thanks for your help !

With regard to the second problem  (the thumbnails increasing in size when closing an expanded gallery for a second time), could you perhaps take a couple of screenshots of our Simple demo gallery (before and after the issue occurs) to illustrate the problem.

Sure :-)
I left the screenshots full-size so you can have the right size for everything.
1. First display
2. Expanded
3. Back from full screen

I really appreciate the quality of the support. Almost compensates for the gallery not being open sourced :-)

Hello ! Thanks for the tip for the caption on first gallery display, it worked for me.

As for the two other problems :

Try viewing the gallery on a web page of its own (a Gallery Index Page created by JuiceboxBuilder-Pro without any of your 'wrapper' code) to see if the same thing happens.

The problem also appears with the "Simple" demo if I add some thumb rows (max row columns = 5) and set thumb padding to something bigger (15 for example) : the caption appears half (or fully) off screen vertically.

Do you see this problem in any of our own demo galleries here?
What device and browser are you seeing this problem in?

The problem also appears on the Simple demo gallery.

I am using Google Chrome (36.0) on a Galaxy Pro 10.1 (SM-T520) android (4.4.2) tablet.


(495 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

What would be awesome (and doesn't look impossible...?) would be an option to have thumbs :
- On the right when device is in landscape mode
- At the bottom when device is in portrait mode (typically on tablets)
- Switching between the two positions when user turns its device

This would really optimize screen space, especially for galleries where half of the images are in portrait mode and half in landscape mode.

Hello ! I removed the css and the wrapper.

Width looks ok like this but the bottom half of the caption is still out of screen.
For now I worked around the problem by removing a row of thumbs...

Also I noticed another little problem with the caption : caption does not display when the gallery is first displayed (only comes back when another image is displayed) if showSmallThumbsOnLoad is set to false.

One last little thing : gallery appears wrong when coming out of expanded mode on retina displays : thumbs seem to have be enlarged a second time. You can see the image here : … nshot2.jpg

None of this is too bad for me.


Hello !

I am having a problem displaying my juicebox galleries on my android retina tablet (galaxy tab pro ~1900x1200, chrome) : as you can see in the link below, some elements are displayed outside of the gallery : … enshot.jpg
On another browser the gallery looks ok width wise but the caption still is halfway outside the gallery.

Also, some elements seem to have been resized (which is ok !), presumably so that they're not too tiny because of the retina display.
So my guess is that because of this resizing gallery sizes are not properly calculated / taken into account.

Are you aware of this problem ? Or maybe is there something I did wrong ? I can set up a gallery for you if you want to reproduce the problem.

If this is actually a problem, how can I get around it ?

Thanks in advance !


Ok ! Thanks !

Hello !

I would like to know if juicebox demos ( are available as a download (a zip file for example) somewhere ? They're a good starting point to building a custom gallery (especially a manual one), but it is now quite tedious to get them working locally, as it implies downloading each file and image one by one...

Thanks in advance !


Ok !
Thank you for this fast and thorough answer !

Hello !

I am having some problems with buttons when displaying my juicebox gallery on a phone (tested on an iphone 4s with ios 6.1.3). The gallery is online at … index.html

Here are the problems :

- "Home" button does not display on the phone.
- Buttons and caption do not disappear when I tap on the phone

I would like users to be able to pinch to zoom on the gallery and followed your advice on that page :, using 99% size for the gallery. I seems to work, but on top of the two problems above, some more appear :

- Gallery's dimensions fit the browser space if I scroll to hide the adress bar, but when the gallery is first displayed the address bar is visible, hence the page is not centered. As a consequence, caption is not visible.
- Buttons are a lot smaller (2-3 times smaller) than when my gallery was at 100%
- Pinch to zoom does not seem to work if the phone is in landscape mode

Hopefully there are solutions to these...? The two first being the most important.

Please tell me if I am being unclear. Maybe you do need a screenshot ?

Thanks in advance,



(4 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Ok thanks ! I will resize them myself then, that's not too bad


(4 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Ok thank you !
By the way is there a way to make juicebox builder resize images that are bigger than 4096 * 4096 ? My original images are bigger than that


(4 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Hello all !

I would like to know what image size you recommend for images in juicebox galleries ?

My first idea is that images usually don't look good if they are resized, so maybe it's better that they are a little too small than a little too big, and so I would give them the biggest size that will fit most screen sizes ; that would be something like 1024x768.

But really I'm not too sure, so I wanted to know what your recommendations are, taking into account juicebox various margins.

My galleries will be "full" (not embedded), and my original images are about 5000 by 4000 pixels.

Thanks in advance,
