What does the new version of Jukebox mean for Retina (high resolution) displays?

If I upload much larger images to cater for Retina monitors and I have 'Image Preloading - ALL' in my galleries, does this mean that every visitor will be downloading Retina sized images, which will then be downscaled by their browser, or will Juicebox point the web-browser to the appropriate sized image for their monitor?

I'm concerned that when increasing the size of my images to cater for Retinas, non-Retina users are going to have a significantly slower experience, for no added benefit.


(12 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

I don't understand what you said at all Steven!

Maybe I'm getting confused about which file to alter.  Which one is it on a Mac?


(12 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Has this changed in 1.4 Steven?

I'm saving my StatCounter code into the (/Applications/JuiceboxBuilder-Pro.app/Contents/Resources/template/index.html) but it's not showing up in the JBx Publish window, in the Get Embed Code section.  It used to.

I'm a bit disappointed.  Juicebox started out with a lot of energy behind it, but appears to have fizzled out in its development.  It's far from mature and there hasn't been an update in almost a year (other than a couple of bug-fixes and the iOS7 'stop-gap').

Simple question ... is it time to move on?


(12 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

If the code is added to the template, is it lost after an upgrade to JuiceBox Pro?


(11 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Galleries have suffered a bit with iOS7, at least, on an iPhone.

Landscape is fine, where the OS automatically goes into full-screen mode, but Portrait is not so successful.  The top and bottom control bars reduce in size/disappear when scrolling happens ... but of course, that's not the case with JuiceBox galleries.

Question :

Any way to instigate the iOS to hide/reduce the control bars for portrait mode?



(496 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

OK Steven, understood.

What I would specifically like is to have a block of thumbnails (as in Small-Screen Mode) but for the rest of the page to be configurable as per Large-Screen mode.  For example, in Small-Screen Mode, the caption cannot be positioned directly underneath the image and vertical images are not padded in that they fill the iFrame from top to bottom.

This request is related to my previous request for scrolling, auto-hide thumbnails in that I'm trying to find the most elegant solution.  I have found that people hardly use the thumbnails in Large-Screen Mode, probably because they're awkward to use.  They tend to just look at the first column or two.  I do like the block of thumbnails in Small-Screen Mode and find it visually interesting.  It would be good if it supported gestures on desktop computers too for scrolling between pages of thumbnails.  It would also be good to be able to dictate the number of thumbnails per page in Small-Screen Mode.

My goal is to have my images displayed in as uncluttered a way as possible, whilst at the same time offering obvious, simple and elegant navigation.  JBox thumbs aren't giving me this in Large-Screen mode in the way they are currently offered.  I confess to being fussy. :)

If you split the Large Screen Mode's display (of thumbnails and main imags on the same page) into separate thumbnail and main image pages

I can't find a way of having thumbs and images on separate pages, other than by checking 'Small-Screen Mode'.  How do I do this?


(496 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Request :

Screen Mode - 'Small' style thumbnails to be a user configurable option for desktop view (Screen Mode - 'Large')

Thanks Steven.

Is there any way to have the small-screen thumbnails with large-screen settings?  Specifically it is stage padding and caption text which I cannot position as I would like.

Try here Steven :  http://www.grantsymon.com/test/Portraits/index.html

Any way to make this work?


is this something I could do more easily by editing the files inside the Juicebox package?

Thanks Steven!

I need this 'cookie back button' for a site which is specifically for iOS/Mobile and which does not use embedded code.  The site is accessed directly as JBox and the only 'branding' page is a separate html links page (which the back button goes to and hence my conundrum ... how to go to the appropriate language links page).

Is there some way to apply the function directly into the JBox pages?  (The cookie would be set on the links page).

(You can take a look at the site here : mobile.grantsymon.com)

This may be a dumb question, but I have my site in 2 languages and would like the Back Button to go to one of two separate pages depending on a cookie.  Is this possible (and any advice how best to achieve it would be welcome too!).


(496 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Request : Alternative thumbnails.

The thumbnails in JBox could be more elegant and more functional.

I find the text underneath them ugly, from a design perspective and complex from a language perspective.

The text is a poor solution.  There is no need.  It should be very simple to explain to a site's visitor that there are thumbnails and to enable those to be navigated without the need for clicking and navigating pages of thumbnails.  Elegant scrolling thumbnails are more easily understood by the visitor, especially in light of todays 'touch' UIs (every shipping Mac and iOS device).

What I would really like are thumbnails which are visible when the page is loaded, then auto-hide after 2 or 3 seconds.  This makes it clear that there are thumbnails.  They will reappear whenever the scroller is moused-over, which explains to the visitor very simple and quickly, how to navigate and how many images there are.  What could be simpler?

Of course they don't have to auto-hide, but for those of us who care about images/photography it is ideal that those images should be displayed on a clean, uncluttered page.

These demo scroller thumbnails below have been produced without Flash and therefore should be a breeze for the JBox programmers to replicate.  :)  Here's hoping that you can make the experience of image viewing even more 'pure'. :)

Checkout the 3 demo pages :


(1 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Is there any way that this could be incorporated into my galleries?

(Specifically the vertical one on this page:
http://manos.malihu.gr/tuts/jquery_thum … tiple.html )

The only gripe I have with JBx design is that the thumbnails are not very elegant.  I much preferred what I had with Flash based BananAlbum and this clever man appears to have found a way of making jquery behave in a similar fashion.  (If these could be made to autohide too, then it would be thumbnail heaven).

If it's not possible, can I make a request for something similar in JBx 1.4? :) :)

Thanks Steven.

The position and HAlign options make no difference for me in small screen mode.

I have no understanding of javascript and these galleries are not being embedded as I'm using them exclusively for iOS etc., which is why I want a title.  Really what I'm after is having the Gallery Title on all pages, not just the initial thumbs page.  Is there any way of doing this?

Thanks Steven. 70 is enough to get it to display both.

Is there any way of choosing the position of the Image Title?


I've only added a Title to the first image in the gallery (tomato).  I did this in the JBx Builder Pro software.  In the software itself, when I go to the Customize page, the IPTC Caption is replaced by the Title that I have added.  Same happens when viewed on the web.

(NB ... first image only for Title)

Title says it all.

In small screen mode, I'd like to be able to display the Gallery Title on all image pages.  Can this be done?

(NB, I have tried adding the title as the iptc image title, but this prevents the display of the iptc caption which I also need to display)

Thanks Steven.

I think I may have known that in the past ... and then forgotten.  It might be an idea to add this tip to the Support page.

The Back Button URL is not working for me using 1.3.2 (or 1.3.0).  The URL I enter is simply being added on to the end of the previous page, instead of replacing it.

For example, www.grantsymon.com/juiceboxgallery/index.html is becoming www.grantsymon.com/juiceboxgallery/index.html/mobile.grantsymon.com if I want the Back Button URL to be mobile.grantsymon.com

Any suggestions?

I can't find this option in JuiceBox Builder Pro.  Does this mean that you expect us to manually edit the config file? If so, you'll have to provide a much clearer example that the above, e.g where does this text go and how do I know what to write?


(14 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Marco has now left the pro forum and I can't work out where exactly I need to insert his code to get it to work on my site (which is using an iFrame).  Can anyone else help with this ?

This is the code that Marco used (can still be seen on via his link 4 posts up).

 * Juicebox-Extensions-Auto-hide-thumbs
 * Copyright (c) 2013 MARCO PIETSCHMANN. All rights reserved.
 * http://www.marcopietschmann.com
 * Feel free to use and build on this script - but do not remove this copyright notice.
 * get more out of your juicebox  http://www.marcopietschmann.com/tutorials
$(document).ready(function () {

var hide = function() {