
(20 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

Thank you for checking my sample site and for posting a screenshot of what you see on your iPhone.
We have been able to see the problem for ourselves on devices running iOS 8 and I have passed all relevant information on to the developers who will investigate further.
Thank you for reporting this problem and for your help.


(7 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Please post the URL to your gallery's web page so that I can take a look at the problem and hopefully help.
It would be much easier to troubleshoot your problem if I could see the problem for myself. Thank you.

In the meantime, please take a look at the Troubleshooting FAQs in case any of them describe your scenario and offer suggestions of help.

The 'Juicebox Gallery' text is likely to be picked up from the Gallery Title so please check your Gallery Title.

When a gallery is created with JuiceboxBuilder-Pro, the Gallery Title is used to populate the <title></title> tags and the Open Graph 'og:title' meta tag (used in social media sharing) on the embedding page.

If a Gallery Title is left empty in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro, then the default text "Juicebox Gallery" is used.
Just go to 'Customize -> Lite' and enter something like "Pictures From Last Night's Party" for the Gallery Title.

This should hopefully solve your problem.


(20 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

I have removed my  '_themes/kosel/css/custom.css' file  and clear the cache,....it's the same,...like desktop look.

I do not know if you have reinstated your 'custom.css' file on your web server but I can still see it. Maybe there's some server-side caching going on.

All Showkase Version before 1.3.5 worked very well on my iphone!!!!

As far as I am aware, there have been no changes to the way web pages are sized between v1.3.4 and v1.3.5.

I cant prove the behavior of the demos because they have Showcase 1.3.1,...this version works very well on iphone 5 / 6.

I've just created a sample Showkase-Pro v1.3.5 site with a couple of Juicebox-Pro v1.4.3.1 galleries listed under a Gallery Index Page. Please take a look at this site and see if you can still see the problem on your iPhone. [Sample site removed.]
If you do not see the problem, then the cause may be due to custom code on your web site (or caching issues of such code).

Thank you for the link to the other forum thread.
I would very much like to figure this out but without being able to replicate (or even see) the problem myself, troubleshooting is difficult.

If you have the time and inclination, you might like to try using absolute paths for your configUrl entries to see if this makes a difference. None of the galleries you have tested above use absolute paths for configUrl or baseUrl entries. If the problem is somehow related to an error in resolving a relative path to find the XML file, then using an absolute path might avoid this problem.

You might also like to try adding a unique query string entry to your configUrl entries to prevent any possible caching. (Although you have already ruled out caching as a possible cause of the problem, I would still give this a try, just in case it somehow helps.) For example:

configUrl: "includes/gallery/simpson1.xml?nocache=" + new Date().getTime(),

These suggestions may or may not make a difference but they are things that I would try myself and should be fairly quick and easy to implement.

I should perhaps also point out that on an iOS device, the gallery is expanded from the Splash Page in a new page by default. (Please see here for details.) If you were using Juicebox-Pro, you could try setting expandInNewPage="FALSE" to force Juicebox to expand the gallery in the same page (on top of the embedding page) rather than in a new one. You could also embed the gallery directly in the web page without using a Splash Page by setting showSplashPage="FALSE" or you could force the gallery to use Large Screen Mode (which does not use the Splash Page by default) on all devices and in all browsers by setting screenMode="LARGE". However, these suggestions are applicable to Juicebox-Pro only.


(20 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

Thank you for providing the screenshots.

I see the problem now. Showkase does not seem to recognize the limited width of your device's browser and that the menu should be hidden under a button. Also, it looks like the gallery is not scaled correctly. In your screenshot, 27 small thumbnails are visible (like Small Screen Mode on a desktop monitor) but on an iPod Touch 4, only 4 larger thumbnails are displayed (as expected).

I have killed my custom.css but is the them false behavior.

Please try temporarily removing your '_themes/kosel/css/custom.css' file (and clear your browser's cache before reloading your web page) to see if the problem occurs with just the stock (unmodified) Showkase v1.3.5 files.

Also, please check to see if the problem happens in any of our own demo sites: http://www.showkase.net/demos/

Thank you.

That combined with today's troubleshooting does prove it to these two devices, as much as I don't understand it.

I really do not know what the root of the problem is, either.
I am glad, however, that the problem seems to be limited to only two known devices (although why this might be is still a mystery).


(5 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

I'm glad you've got it working.
Thanks for letting me know.


(5 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

You web page (http://weirdtouch.com/WeirdTouchTestfiles/testpage.html) includes the following line of code:

<script src="jbcore/juicebox.js"></script>

Therefore, the 'juicebox.js' file should be located here: http://weirdtouch.com/WeirdTouchTestfil … uicebox.js
... but going directly to that location in a web browser results in an error 404 (file not found).
Please double check that your gallery's 'jbcore' folder is in your 'WeirdTouchTestfiles' directory.
If it is there, then please check the permissions on your gallery files and subfolders using an FTP program or your web hosting CPanel's File Manager. Default permissions of 644 for files and 755 for folders should be fine.


(20 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

I have viewed your Showkase site in Chrome and Mobile Safari (in iOS 6.1.6 - I do not have an iOS 8.1.3 device to test on) and it seems to display and function OK. (The bottom of your galleries are at the bottom of the browser window so the gallery sizing seems to work OK.)
Please let me know exactly what you see and what you expect to see. (Perhaps you could upload a screenshot of the problem to a file sharing service such as Dropbox to demonstrate the problem.)

There is another behavior,...i click on PC on my categorie in the galerie i see a picture and at the bottom thumbs,
i click on iPhone on the categorie i see many thumbnails non-responsive.

What you are seeing is Large Screen Mode vs Small Screen Mode.
For more details on Screen Modes and how Juicebox adapts to different devices and screen sizes, please see here.
The thumbnails seem to be responsive (opening the corresponding main image) when I click them.

If you want to force your galleries to use Large Screen Mode on all devices (to display the thumbnails and main images on the same page), then you can set screenMode="LARGE" (in the 'General' section).

[Post moved to new forum thread.]

As the problem has been seen only on your two iPhones, then it seems logical that there may be something common to both of them which is causing the problem.
Are they both trying to access your web page via the same wi-fi network?
Perhaps you could take the iPhones elsewhere, connect to a different network and try accessing your web page from there.

It seems unlikely that this would make a difference but it is a strange problem and I would not rule anything out at this point.


(1 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

There is currently no Fixed Layout option (like in SimpleViewer-Pro) but thank you for your suggestion and for posting it in the Feature Requests forum thread.

If you give your gallery fixed pixel dimensions (rather than percentages), then the gallery will not dynamically resize with the shape and size of the user's browser window and its layout will not change at all. This is as close to a fixed layout as you can get (without actually having the ability to position each gallery element relative to a stage corner).

I have no problem viewing my own test galleries in Mobile Safari on an iPod Touch 4 (I have no access to any other iOS devices at the moment).
The problem seems to occur only on your two iPhones (and only in Mobile Safari).
I really cannot explain why the galleries might fail only on two specific devices.

Please try viewing the two galleries in this test page which switches between the galleries using a slightly different mechanism.

If this works, then perhaps you could try using this method in your own web page.
It simplifies the code by passing a baseUrl (pointing towards a specific gallery folder) as a parameter to a single function which loads the selected gallery. (You can check the source of the web page in a browser and copy/modify it to suit your own needs.)

Details can be found in the 'Switching between Multiple Galleries using JavaScript' section of the Embedding Multiple Galleries support page.


(27 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

I'm glad that you've found the source of your problem. Thank you for letting me know.

I have installed AdBlock on Chrome 40, Opera 27.0 and Safari 5.1.7 on my PC and I can replicate the problem in Safari only. (I see no flickering in either Chrome or Opera.)

I do not know if there is anything that can be done from a Juicebox standpoint but I have notified the developers to let them know.

Thanks again.


(5 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Your gallery should display fine as long as the contents of your gallery folder are uploaded to the same directory as the HTML web page containing the code you posted above (as noted in the Embedding in a HTML Page instructions).
Please check that all your gallery files have been uploaded to the correct location on your web server.

If you continue to experience difficulties, then please post back with the URL to your gallery's web page so that I can take a look at the problem for myself and help further. Thank you.


(1 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

From what you say, the number of images should not make a difference. To confirm this, try saving a smaller test gallery (with just a few images) to the same location to see if the same problem occurs.
There is no known bug with regard to saving galleries so the problem may somehow be unique to your own system or images.

Please make sure that you are saving the gallery to a new empty folder.
Also, please check that the folder you are trying to save your gallery to is on your computer's local hard drive and not on an external or network drive.
Another thing to check is that the folder you are trying to save your gallery to is not synced to a file sharing service such as Dropbox or Google Drive.

Try creating a new empty folder on your desktop before using JuiceboxBuilder-Pro and then navigate to this folder when saving your gallery.

If this does not help, then try also ensuring that the source images are on your computer's local hard drive too (and not on an external or network drive).

It seems unlikely but perhaps there is a corrupt image which the program is hanging on whilst writing to your 'images' folder.
Try splitting your images into two batches and create a test gallery with each batch. If one gallery saves OK and the other one fails, then there may be a problem image.
You can then split the failing batch into two and repeat the process until you find the problem image.

I hope this helps or at least points you in the right direction.


(1 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

No, it is not possible to scale thumbnails within a Juicebox-Pro gallery.
The thumbWidth and thumbHeight options accept only pixel values (and not percentages).
If you think the thumbnails take up too much space on certain screen sizes, then you could set showThumbsButton="TRUE" (in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> Lite' section) so that visitors to your web site can hide the thumbnails (to allow more room for the main images to be displayed).
Alternatively, you might like to force the gallery to be displayed in Small Screen Mode (where thumbnails and main images are displayed on different pages) by setting screenMode="SMALL" ('Customize -> General').


(27 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

I've taken a step backwards to reconsider everything here.

I've just viewed both your galleries (http://www.grantsymon.com/e/start.html and http://synonyms.pagesperso-orange.fr/test/index.html) in Chrome 39.0, Internet Explorer 11, Firefox 25.0.1, Opera 26.0 and Safari 5.1.7 and do not see the flickering/double-loading problem in any browser. This suggests that the problem may not be web-server related, although the only way I can replicate such a problem is by adding a 'no-cache' directive to a web server. (This is why I mentioned the Cache-Control header in the first place but if this was the root of the problem, then I should be able to see the problem in WebKit browsers of my own.)

I do not know if tackling this problem from scratch will help, but it might.

Could you please confirm which browsers you currently see the problem in? (Is it only in Safari 8 or also in other browsers, too?)

Do you see the problem in this test Juicebox-Pro v1.4.3 gallery which uses imageTransitionType="CROSS_FADE"?
http://juicebox.net/demos/pro/default/? … nLoad=TRUE
If you do see the problem in this test gallery, then the problem may be related to either Safari 8 generally or perhaps just your own browser. If you have any extensions installed in your Safari browser, try temporarily disabling them. Also, try resetting all your browser settings to their default values.

Please post the URL to your WowSlider gallery and I will let you know if I see any flickering in image transitions in any browsers.
If I do not see any flickering, then the problem may somehow be unique to your own system/setup.

Also, if you like, you could email me one of your galleries and I could temporarily upload it to a different web server to see if this makes a difference. If you are agreeable to this, then please let me know and I will send you an email address where you can send me the gallery.

Maybe tackling this problem from a few different angles will help track down the source of the problem.

So far the only failing devices are my iPhone and the site owner's iPhone.

It is certainly strange that the problem has only been seen on two iPhones and only in Mobile Safari.

Is there anything that the two iPhones have in common? Are they the same generation as each other and what versions of iOS do they each run? (It's a long shot but the more information we have the better.)

I have uploaded a test page with a couple of galleries (using essentially the same code, switching mechanism and file structure that your own web page uses) here. [Test page removed.]
Please try to view the galleries on this different web server using your iPhones to see if you see the same problem as in your own scenario.


(2 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

You can change the default 'VIEW GALLERY' text using the splashButtonText configuration option. (To remove it, just set splashButtonText="".)
However, if you want to completely remove the Splash Page Overlay, then add the following CSS to the <head> section of your gallery's embedding page.

<style type="text/css">
    .jb-splash-info {
        display: none;


(6 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

That's great!
Thank you for posting back to let me know (and for sharing your code which may help others).

I have now added doctype to my header.php. I presume this is enough?

Now that you have added a Doctyle Declaration to your web page, you can check your web page for HTML errors using the W3C Markup Validation Service and fix any errors reported (although I do not see any errors on your page which would result in the problem you are experiencing).

If your gallery displays fine in Chrome but not in Mobile Safari, then it certainly sounds like the problem may be due to Safari caching. Maybe you could try renaming your gallery XML files (and the corresponding configUrl entries) on your web server to names that have never been used (or cached) before. This may help.


(27 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

The flickering/double-loading problem affects only browsers which use the WebKit engine (Safari, Chrome and Opera) so you would not see the problem in Internet Explorer or Firefox.

Have you asked your web host if they could/would remove the "Cache-Control: no-cache" header from your web hosting account? I would expect that this would solve your problem.
If they are not willing to do this, then perhaps you could simply work around the problem by using a different imageTransitionType.

Otherwise, if you have access to a different web server which does not set "Cache-Control: no-cache", try uploading your web site there and view your gallery in Safari 8. Again, I would expect that your gallery would function correctly.

(I can replicate the problem myself by adding the "Cache-Control: no-cache" header via an .htaccess file on my own web sever.)

First, my instance of JB always opens with the splash screen on mobile devices. Perhaps that's normal? I don't mind.

The Splash Page is used by default when the gallery is displayed in Small Screen Mode.
For more information on Screen Modes and how Juicebox adapts to different devices and screen sizes, please see here.

If you had Juicebox-Pro, then you could disable the Splash Page by setting showSplashPage="NEVER".
Alternatively (again with Juicebox-Pro only), you could force the gallery to be displayed in Large Screen Mode (which does not use the Splash Page by default) in all browsers and on all devices by setting screenMode="LARGE".

With regard to your "Config XML file not found." problem, I have just viewed your web page in Chrome and Mobile Safari on an iPod Touch 4 and everything seems to be working OK for me.
I have switched between your galleries and have opened both (several times) from their respective Splash Pages.

I do not see any obvious problems with your code (although your web page should include a Doctype Declaration to inform the user's browser what set of standards the code on your web page conforms to).

The most likely reasons for your problem (that I can think of at the moment) are:
(1) A temporary glitch on your web server (perhaps unable to server the gallery's XML file in a timely manner).
(2) A browser caching problem (although you have already considered this).
(3) The mobile device is using a 3G/4G connection instead of wi-fi.

If any of the mobile devices you have tried viewing your website on have been using a 3G/4G connection, then please see this FAQ which includes a solution to this problem.
Why can't I view my gallery on a 3G mobile connection?

Otherwise, please double-check that your browser's cache has been completely cleared and perhaps contact your web host to see if they have been experiencing any problems recently which might be contributing to your problem.

Please post the URL to your gallery so that I can take a look at it.
It would be much easier to troubleshoot your problem if I can see it for myself. Thank you.

In the meantime, please make sure that you are using the latest versions of Juicebox and Showkase.
Upgrading Juicebox: http://www.juicebox.net/support/upgrade/
Upgrading Showkase: http://www.showkase.net/support/upgrade/

The default captionPosition (used by Juicebox-Lite) was changed from OVERLAY to OVERLAY_IMAGE in Juicebox v1.4.3 and the Lite Full demo gallery you quoted uses captionPosition="OVERLAY_IMAGE".
If you are using an older version of Juicebox, your gallery will be using captionPosition="OVERLAY" (and captionPosition is a Pro option which cannot be changed in Juicebox-Lite).
This may explain your problem, in which case upgrading your Juicebox gallery (following the instructions in the link above) will solve it.