1 (edited by skipClicks 2016-07-24 19:24:18)

Topic: Gallery_ID issue [FEATURE REQUEST]

While struggling with migrating from one web host to another (see https://juicebox.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=2233), I uncovered another issue with juicebox. My constant activating, deactivating, deleting files and folders, etc. left me scratching my head as to where my Gallery_ID values where originating.

After poking around a bit with phpMyAdmin I found "juicebox_options" in the _options table.

I would suggest/request the following:

1) On activating juicebox, check to see if the \wp-contents\uploads\juicebox folder exists, and if it does, iterate the contents to determine the max id number and use that to initialize the juicebox_options

2) Add another function to the Manage Galleries to allow the user to execute suggestion #1 above

Thanks for your consideration in helping those who might not be so inclined to tinker with their databases.

Re: Gallery_ID issue [FEATURE REQUEST]

Thank you for your suggestion.

I recommend that you post your idea in the Feature Requests forum thread. This keeps all the ideas together and ensures that they are not overlooked by the developers.
I do not know the likelihood of any suggestions being implemented but this is certainly the best place for all ideas.

3 (edited by skipClicks 2016-07-24 16:17:08)

Re: Gallery_ID issue [FEATURE REQUEST]

Steven wrote:

Thank you for your suggestion.

I recommend that you post your idea in the Feature Requests forum thread. This keeps all the ideas together and ensures that they are not overlooked by the developers.
I do not know the likelihood of any suggestions being implemented but this is certainly the best place for all ideas.

my bad. in my noobish haste, i completely overlooked that. ;-)

thanks for the redirection!

is it possible for one of the mods to move the post, or do i re-post?

Re: Gallery_ID issue [FEATURE REQUEST]

It would be easier if you just re-posted in the Feature Requests thread. Thanks.
(I can split posts into new threads but I can't move a post from one thread into another.)

Re: Gallery_ID issue [FEATURE REQUEST]

Steven wrote:

It would be easier if you just re-posted in the Feature Requests thread. Thanks.
(I can split posts into new threads but I can't move a post from one thread into another.)

Got it!

Re: Gallery_ID issue [FEATURE REQUEST]

Thanks for posting in the Feature Requests thread.