Topic: Multiple galleries on same page [SOLVED]
I have checked out your code for enabling 2 or more galleries on the same page.
The problem I have is that I would like each gallery to be different heights. I have tried to change the height using the Juicebox interface. As I am embedding the galleries, the height is not effected this way.
The only way I can change the height of the gallery is by altering the gallery height in the embedded html code in the page.
The problem I have is that with your code for embedding 2 or more galleries on the same page, the height for each gallery must be the same. Do you have code so that I can alter the gallery height for each individual gallery on the same page? Or do I alter the height by using CSS?
I'm not a JavaScript coder, so I don't know where to start to alter our code!
Thanks for any help you can offer.