Topic: Image Limits - Drupal


I have JuiceBox Pro, and am using the Drupal plug-in. I am limited to 50 images. Anyway to fix this on the Juicebox side?

Thank you, Susanne

Re: Image Limits - Drupal

Juicebox-Lite has a limit of 50 images per gallery. Juicebox-Pro does not have a limit to the number of images you can have in a gallery. It sounds like you have not updated the Drupal module to use your Juicebox-Pro files.

Follow the 'Installation' instructions here:
... and make sure that you use the 'jbcore' folder from the Juicebox-Pro download zip package.

If you continue to experience difficulties, please post back with the URL to your gallery's web page so that I can take a look at the problem and hopefully help further.

Re: Image Limits - Drupal

This is my first Drupal site, so I feel quite silly about not thinking to update the module! I wish you could see my test site, but it needs VPN to access. I'll update tomorrow and get back to you.

Thank you so much!

Re: Image Limits - Drupal

I am having the same image limit problem as mentioned in the earlier post.  I have juicebox installed on a Drupal 8.1 site.  I had the lite version but earlier today purchased the PRO version.  I uninstalled the Drupal module, then reinstalled it.  In configuration on Drupal I can see the settings for the PRO version so I am assuming it is working with the PRO version. 

In juiceboxbuilder on my PC I built a gallery with over a 100 pictures in it.  It runs fine on the PC.  I followed the uploading instructions and stuffed all the files in my /public_html/drupal8/jboxgalleries folder.  I used a subfolder under jboxgalleries for the first gallery with the thought that I might eventually have other galleries there.

I've double and triple checked all juicebox.js files.  There's one in sites/all /libraries/juicebox and another one in the uploaded gallery in a jbcore directory.  Viewing them all they say PRO version.

will show you the gallery that is limited to 50.  There are 100 plus images in the images and thumbnail directory.  The config.xml file also lists the 100+ images. 

I've cleared cache a number of times.  I even had Drupal not cache the css and js files, thinking maybe these needed to be rebuilt.  Nothing.

Re: Image Limits - Drupal

Your gallery is certainly using the Pro files (there is no Juicebox badge/link in the lower-right corner of the gallery) and when I view your gallery, it displays 127 images.
If you are still seeing only 50, then please double-check that you have completely cleared your browser's cache and history before reloading your gallery's web page or try using a different browser (which you have not yet used to view your gallery) as a test. It sounds like your browser is still using a cached version of the Lite 'juicebox.js' file.
Hopefully this will help.

Re: Image Limits - Drupal

Again, yes, it was the browser cache.  Drupal has it's own cache which also needs to be cleared in situations like these but it was browser cache in this case.

Re: Image Limits - Drupal

I'm glad you've been able to resolve your problem.
Thank you for letting me know.

Re: Image Limits - Drupal

Working great.  and thanks for working on Christmas!   


9 (edited by stuartj 2016-04-05 16:19:40)

Re: Image Limits - Drupal

In reading this post, it appears that the Pro features are available within the Drupal 8 interface once you upgrade. Is this correct? I'm mainly interested in the auto-play function.


Re: Image Limits - Drupal

The Pro features work within Drupal 8.  Yes.  Autoplay works and there is no 50 image per Gallery limit. 

However (and correct me if I'm wrong) the Juicebox module on Drupal 8 has minimal interaction with this.  Basically, Juicebox builder builds an image and a thumbnails directory and a file named config.xml which has your gallery settings and links to your image files.  The gallery presentation uses the juicebox.js file which gets installed on your Drupal site as part of the juicebox Drupal 8 module.

I used Drupal to create a separate "Juicebox Gallery" content type and used the embed code that's discussed on this site tailored for each separate Gallery, so creating individual Galleries was pretty much cookie cutter.  Also used Drupal's menu features to make the galleries accessible to site visitors.

One consideration ... ignore if you wish ... is that you might want to consider putting your images under your public files directory in Drupal.  That way you can re-use them in other content types and access them from CKEDITOR and IMCE when creating those content types. has my galleries.

Re: Image Limits - Drupal

Hi Frank,

We've been to a lot of the same places! The fruit bats in Australia sure are eerie, aren't they?

In D8 I created a new content type (albums) and added image fields and one for a cover image to be used as the album's image in a Gallery View.

I then created a D8 View with the Album's titles, descriptions, and a teaser image. The teaser image links to the album's node.

What I would like to have happen is for a lightbox to open when the teaser image is clicked on the Gallery View. Currently, it goes to the node.

Does this make sense? Do you know of an easy way to make this happen?

Thanks for your reply and helpful suggestions.

Warm regards,

Re: Image Limits - Drupal

Nice to meet you.  Yes, the bats were eerie, spectacular too.

I haven't used views for this at all and am not sure I can help.  I think your albums content type is the equivalent to what I am calling a Juicebox Gallery content type.  The only field I have in mine is a body field.  I paste the embed code into it like this example:

<!--START JUICEBOX EMBED--><script src="/drupal8/sites/all/libraries/juicebox/juicebox.js"></script><script>
    new juicebox({
        baseUrl : '/drupal8/sites/default/files/jboxgalleries/rainforest/',
        containerId: 'juicebox-container',
        galleryWidth: '100%',
        galleryHeight: '100%',
        backgroundColor: '#222222'
<div id="juicebox-container">&nbsp;</div>

So, I have a content item named Australia Rainforest that is of the content type Juicebox Gallery.  I set a url for that album of /rainforest so I don't have to mess around with accessing "node" numbers.  Maybe tomorrow I'll mess around with setting up a view to point to /rainforest and see what I can do.  When you say "lightbox" what are you referring to?  The initial image in a Juicebox Gallery or something from the lightbox module.  I'm not even sure lightbox works with Drupal 8, I had it installed under Drupal 7 but there's a whole bunch of stuff that doesn't work in 8 yet.

Re: Image Limits - Drupal

Hi Frank,

So sorry for the confusion. By LightBox, I was referring to the Album opening in a type of lightbox pop-up above the Gallery page when one of the teaser images it clicked, as opposed to the link taking me to the album's node.

Yes, D8 is very new and the contributed modules are slowly catching up. I'm impressed there's even a juicebox module for D8!

Warm regards,

Re: Image Limits - Drupal

I'm a bit late to the party but, just in case it helps, in answer to stuartj's query:

In reading this post, it appears that the Pro features are available within the Drupal 8 interface once you upgrade. Is this correct? I'm mainly interested in the auto-play function.

... fkelly12054 seems to be manually embedding Juicebox galleries (which have already been configured with Pro options) into Drupal pages using the baseUrl method of embedding but if you are using the Juicebox module and the Pro 'jbcore' folder (in Step #3 of the 'Installation' instructions here), then Pro options (such as AutoPlay options) can be entered as text into the 'Juicebox Library - Pro / Manual Config' section of your Drupal Dashboard ('Home -> Administration -> Structure -> Content types -> Article -> Manage Display -> Juicebox settings').

Re: Image Limits - Drupal

Thanks for that help, Steven.

BTW, do you have any idea on how to achieve the Lightbox effect I mentioned that would have the Juicebox album open in a lightbox window in Drupal 8?

Just wondering if it can easily be done.


Re: Image Limits - Drupal

Opening a Juicebox gallery in a lightbox is certainly possible but might not be easy to implement in a Drupal environment.
First of all, you'd need to include the lightbox script (whichever one you choose to use) in your web page and ensure that the lightbox resource files are in a suitable location on your web server.
If you'd like to see how a Juicebox gallery can be opened in a SimpleModal lightbox, then please see this forum thread.
However, trying to integrate this into a Drupal page might be quite a complex and time-consuming task.