Topic: Juicebox Error: Config XML file not found - on 3rd party server
I'm at a complete loss, so I'm hoping someone can provide their most logical answer as to why I'm receiving an intermittent Juicebox error.
I use the WordPress theme Total by WPExplorer for my real estate website
I also use a plugin from Diverse Solutions which uses Juicebox on their servers to display real estate listings on my website. The plugin provides listings of houses for sale, and Juicebox provides the photos/slideshow.
Juicebox itself resides on the Diverse Solution server, and not with my hosting provider InMotion.
A PHP file in the Diverse Solutions plugin, which is on my server, calls up the Juicebox from their servers
Diverse Solutions says the intermittent Juicebox error is being generated because something within my Site is preventing intermittent access to the "client-assist.php" file. This is a screen shot of the error:
This is another screen shot provided by the plugin provider:
I've spoken to techs at both Diverse Solutions and with InMotion, and I've already tried and implemented many of the simple "fixes" first such as:
> make sure file permissions are correct
> added a php.ini file to allocate more memory
> make sure there's no "www" preceding my url anywhere within my host
> make sure all plugins are approved for my hosting provider
> make sure no other plugins use Juicebox (which they don't)
> cleared all cache and only using approved cache plugin (W3 Total Cache)
> tried different computers with different IP address and still get intermittent error
I think I saw a drop in the amount of errors after creating the php.ini file, so would this be enough?
-max_execution_time = 60 ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds
-max_input_time = 60 ; Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data
-memory_limit = 256M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (32MB)
-max_input_vars = 4000
So based on this information and the screen shot, do you feel this error is more likely with my hosting provider, or is the issue more likely within the PHP file from Diverse Solutions?
I just wanted to go straight to the folks and users who know this plugin best, to see what your thoughts are.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this!
Frank Biganski
Virginia, USA