Re: Feature Requests


If the thumbnail bar is disabled, everywhere in the window is "above the image". I would request that they also disappear, if I start browsing the images and don't move the mouse (e.g. by using the keyboard or just clicking the mouse). Thus the images will be the only thing to be displayed.

This looks like a bug. I will log a bug report. Thank you for reporting.

Re: Feature Requests

Steven wrote:


2) Be able to add comments below each photo.

This is already possible. Comments can be added in the Title and Caption text fields in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro (on the 'Images' tab) and the captions can be positioned below the main images by setting Caption Position to 'BELOW_IMAGE' (in the 'Customize -> Caption' section).

Sorry, i know. I was speaking about comments for visitors.

Re: Feature Requests

Be able to have as in SimpleViewer :

thumbFrameStyle, thumbCornerRadius and thumbFrameWidth.

Re: Feature Requests

Would love to have the ability to top align main image to handle images of varying aspect ratios more elegantly.

Re: Feature Requests

Would love to have the ability to top align main image to handle images of varying aspect ratios more elegantly.

In what way? Did you try using the imageScaleMode option.

Re: Feature Requests

It would be AWESOME if Juicebox could pull in photos from Instagram via hash tags (a la Instagrate Pro). I believe you guys do this with Flickr right now, but Instagram would really be awesome.

Re: Feature Requests


I use the pro version of Juicebox for several months, after using simpleviewer pro, and I appreciate the quality of this software.
And I would tell you a new feature that I would appreciate: progressively show the main image instead of just displaying it after being fully loaded.

Currently, the showPreloader settings determines whether to show or not the preloader spinner graphic when the gallery loads and when images are loading.

But, for users with slower connections, it may be interesting that the image begins to be displayed during loading (first see the whole image at low quality).
It's the Progressive Image Rendering feature; as do browsers, by default.


Re: Feature Requests

Would REALLY appreciate an in-builder option to remove/add the main image drop-shadow vs. having to edit CSS!!!

Also would love loading/Juicebox icon options, to change to our own file, or a basic/simple one, or remove it altogether.


Re: Feature Requests

atreidex wrote:

or remove it altogether.

Sorry just realized removal was an option.. so perhaps expanding out options for customizations purposes.

Re: Feature Requests

1. I would like to be able to set a background color (or image) for a gallery in expand (and or Full screen) mode.

2. Adding a custom function to the overlay buttons of the gallery (like facebook like button).

3. Integration of a shopping cart.
Does someone know how to add multiple images into a submit form or email via a button using the API image index event?

4. Set a common link target automatically in the JB-Builder.

5. Thumbnails to the left or right (of course custom row and column count)  - with the option to respond to the screens size so they will get displayed at the bottom in portrait mode for example.

I would like to see a sticky topic about all the bugs and css conflicts on the forum!

Re: Feature Requests

I'd like to have a localized version - to get the button's help texts in my language. I am German, and for my current project I would like to have German names to appear once the cursor hovers over the slideshow's buttons (like Expand Gallery, Hide Information etc).

Or is there a way to localize it by myself? (Haven't looked after yet.)


Re: Feature Requests


Or is there a way to localize it by myself?

The tooltips and on-screen messages are embedded within the 'juicebox.js' JavaScript file which is packed and obfuscated (and Juicbeox-Pro does not come with source code) so it would not be possible to modify the file and display the text in a different language.
However, thank you for the suggestion.

Re: Feature Requests

I would like to add my vote for thumbnails to the left or right.

Re: Feature Requests

Would love that the default template includes the appropriate <meta> tags for Facebook sharing etc so that the short description, default image etc can be set/edited.

That way, people can directly share the gallery without any further editing on my part.

Re: Feature Requests

I mostly use the Turtle skin in Jalbum. Here I have the option to search within the album. Is that possible with Juicebox? If not I would really love to have that option!


Re: Feature Requests


I mostly use the Turtle skin in Jalbum. Here I have the option to search within the album. Is that possible with Juicebox?

Juicebox-Pro does not feature search functionality for local images.
However, you could use a Flickr account as a source of images and tag your images with keywords.
You could then allow the user to enter keywords and have your gallery display the corresponding tagged images.
Take a look at the Lite Flickr demo gallery on the Juicebox - Demos page to see this in action.
You can view the source of the page in your browser and modify it to suit your needs.

Re: Feature Requests

For those of us who customize Juicebox more than the average user, it would be great to have the ability to modify the default path to the "full.html" file used for iOS. I have had to modify this file to run php, and pass variables around but it would be much simpler if I could just define a custom path/filename along with the other configurations.

Re: Feature Requests

Steven wrote:


2. Also you'll see in my original site I also have Videos...
Can we "inplant" videos as well? Perhaps using a static image as a thumb?

Juicebox does not support videos. Please see this FAQ for details:
Will Juicebox load things other than images?

With regard to your other queries, there are no preconfigured options to change the values you would like to modify.
However, you could achieve your goals by editing the 'jbcore/classic/theme.css' file.
Please see the Juicebox Theming Guide for details.

Having just gone through all the feature requests, I noticed that this post seems to be the only one regarding videos, but was ala Jeopardy, i.e., in the form of a question. For the record, I'd like to restate it in the form of a feature request: I'd like to see JB have some support for videos.


Bill P.

Re: Feature Requests

I would like to see an implementation where one could have just a thumbnail view. When a thumbnail is clicked, Juicebox would expand to a fullscreen view with a full image and thumbnails. This could be useful if someone wanted to have multiple galleries on the same page.

Re: Feature Requests

@daniel silveira

For an automated solution to multiple-gallery support, you might like to take a look at either:

(1) svManager
This is a separate product (a PHP web application) which allows you to create and manage galleries online through a web browser interface.
You can create Juicebox galleries with svManager itself or you can create Juicebox galleries by another method (such as JuiceboxBuilder-Pro), upload them to your web server and import them into your svManager installation.
svManager creates an index page of all listed galleries comprising thumbnails which link to the individual galleries.
Here is a sample svManager index page.
You can try svManager via the online demo here.

... or:

(2) Juicebox Skin for jAlbum
jAlbum is a desktop application which allows you to create a multiple-gallery album in a single action.
When using the Juicebox skin, you can drag and drop a complete folder structure into jAlbum's main window and click 'Make Album'.
The resulting album will have a separate Juicebox gallery for each and every folder/subfolder in your input structure and all the galleries will be linked together via a JavaScript navigation tree.
Here is a sample album created by jAlbum and the Juicebox Skin.

For a manual solution to multiple-gallery support, please see the Embedding Multiple Galleries section of the 'Juicbebox - Embedding Guide' which covers 'Multiple Galleries on Separate HTML Pages' and 'Multiple Galleries on One HTML Page'.

71 (edited by philby 2012-08-14 09:26:08)

Re: Feature Requests

Things I'd like to see in Juicebox (for WordPress):

  • dynamic creation of the config XML via some PHP when simply a post's or pages attachments are being used. If the user adds a new photo to a page/post, or changes some existing photos data like a title, there would be no need to save the post, go to Juicebox, find the gallery, edit the gallery, save without doing anything just to get the new data into the otherwise static XML

  • If a page/post already has a juicebox gallery shortcode, clicking on the JB button should edit this existing gallery (see above), not add a new emtpy one by default

  • And the most important one: while the full-screen gallery view is very nice indeed, on iOS devices opening a new, separate JS URL for it means that the underlying, originating page will be reloaded from scratch when closing the full-screen gallery view. Others like photoswipe do this much more elegantly.

  • Support for HiDPI (Retina) Images

Re: Feature Requests

i just got the PRO version, and am coming over from using slideshowpro in the past, some things id like to see juicebox offer since i had all these features before in ssp -

- a fully configurable startup gallery, where tiled photos & text allows a person to chose which gallery to open up, like as seen here in this demo … allery.php

- i know video isnt supported, but maybe someday in the distant future its nice to keep in mind

- i know the i can go true fullscreen, but not in IE9+, id like to see that support in the future

- some ability perhaps to zoom in and pan on the image


Re: Feature Requests


Thank you for the suggestions. We will keep them in mind for future versions of WP-Juicebox.

Thank you for your sugestions. Here are a few notes on a couple of your points.

- a fully configurable startup gallery, where tiled photos & text allows a person to chose which gallery to open up, like as seen here in this demo

Currently, the only automated way to create an index page listing multiple galleries with a thumbnail image for each gallery is to use svManager. It is a PHP web application for creating and editing Juicebox (and SimpleViewer, AutoViewer, PostcardViewer and TiltViewer) galleries. Rather than create galleries with svManager itself, you may choose to create galleries by another method (such as with JuiceboxBuilder-Pro) and import the galleries to be managed by svManager. The automated index page would look something like this demo.
A method of creating multiple galleries in a single pass is to use jAlbum and the Juicebox Skin. You could drag-and-drop an entire folder structure into jAlbum's main window and, on clicking 'Make Album', a Juicebox gallery will be created for each folder/subfolder in your input structure. All the galleries would be linked together via a JavaScript navigation tree (though there would be no thumbnail images to represent each gallery).

- i know the i can go true fullscreen, but not in IE9+, id like to see that support in the future

This is down to browser support of the Fullscreen API and is not controlled by Juicebox itself.
Currently IE9 does not support the Fullscreen API. For a list of browsers that do support the Fullscreen API, please see this web page.

Re: Feature Requests

Echoing some of the above:
- Allow thumbnails to be displayed to left or right of main image and in multiple columns/rows.
- Allow thumbnail border width options.
- Allow option to set caption bar width to width of photo or other fixed dimension.

Couple other ideas:
- Give user the option to display captions to the left/right/top of the main image (as overlays as well as outside image).
- Allow user to set the default for captions to be displayed initially or not (viewer can then turn on/off with "show info" button).
- On an iPhone (not sure about iPad or other devices) the Show Thumbs Button appears as an array of squares and allows the viewer to see a pop-out array of the thumbnails. On a standard monitor, the button shows/hides the row of thumbnails. Would like the option to have thumbnail index pop-out on a standard monitor as well (like a soundslides gallery).

So far, very happy with the options/look/functionality! Looking forward to future versions!

Re: Feature Requests


Allow option to set caption bar width to width of photo

This was made possible in v1.1.0 with the introduction of the OVERLAY_IMAGE and BELOW_IMAGE values for the captionPostion option. (Setting the caption width to a specific value is not supported.)

Allow user to set the default for captions to be displayed initially or not (viewer can then turn on/off with "show info" button).

The captions can initially be forced to be displayed (if positioned OVERLAY or OVERLAY_IMAGE) by setting showImageOverlay="ALWAYS" in your gallery's XML file. Likewise, you can set showImageOverlay="NEVER" to initially hide the captions. Both of these can be used in conjunction with showInfoButton="TRUE" to allow the user to toggle the overlay (including the captions) on or off.

- On an iPhone (not sure about iPad or other devices) the Show Thumbs Button appears as an array of squares and allows the viewer to see a pop-out array of the thumbnails. On a standard monitor, the button shows/hides the row of thumbnails. Would like the option to have thumbnail index pop-out on a standard monitor as well (like a soundslides gallery).

You can replicate the Small Screen Mode behavior of Juicebox in desktop browsers by setting screenMode="SMALL".