Topic: Drupal 8

Reading this, says you are drupal 8 ready.
I've tried to get this working, it installs fine but I get a constant error message saying drupal 8 cannot find the JS library. I'm thinking its a simple solution but so far I am stumped.

Any tips on how to get this to integrate with drupal 8 would be appreciated.


Re: Drupal 8

Please note that we did not write the Juicebox module for Drupal ourselves and if you have any queries relating directly to the module, I would recommend that you post in the Drupal forum where the author of the module (who will be more familiar with both Drupal and the module itself) should be able to help you out further:
The Juicebox module for Drupal is an unofficial plugin but is well supported by its author on the Drupal forum.

Also, the link you provided points towards an alpha (pre-beta) version of the module so there may well be bugs in it.
If you find any, I'm sure the author of the module would be very grateful to know about them so that they can be tracked down and fixed.

Having said that, your problem sounds likely to be related to either the location of the Juicebox files on your web server or the permissions of the files (or parent folders).
Please double-check that you have uploaded the contents of the 'jbcore' folder to the correct location on your web server, step #3 in the instructions here:
Copy the contents of the 'jbcore' folder (not the 'jbcore' folder itself) into the '/sites/all/libraries/juicebox/' folder on your web server.

Also, make sure that the permissions of the files and folders in the path are not too restrictive.
Default permissions of 755 for folders and 644 for files should be fine.

I realise that this may not directly solve your problem but I hope this points you in the right direction.

Re: Drupal 8

Put the Javascript file in:


Drupal 8 doesn't seem to create sites/all by default.  So you need to use Cpanel or another file manager tool to create the directories and upload juicebox.js to it.

I posted this on the support page on Drupal too. 

Once you do this it works like a charm.  I've created articles with images in them and run it.  Also uploaded a gallery created with juiceboxbuilder and got that running, after some pathing madness.  Just purchased the Pro version and come here looking for help getting photos from Google to show.  But that's another thread I'm looking for.

Re: Drupal 8


Many thanks for sharing the information. Hopefully it'll help other Drupal module users.

Juicebox-Pro does not have built-in support for displaying Google images. (As far as I am aware, this is true for the Drupal module, too.)
You would have to write a PHP (or other server-side scripting language) script to pull in your Google images and generate a dynamic XML file as noted in this FAQ:
Can Juicebox handle a custom data source, for example RSS or Instagram?

Just for the record, WP-Juicebox (the dedicated Juicebox plugin for WordPress) does have the ability to display Google/Picasa Web Album images (by entering just the User Id and Album Id/Name into the gallery settings window). (I realise that this is of no use to Drupal but I thought I should mention it for the sake of completeness.)

Re: Drupal 8

Actually, I found this thread:

which discusses pulling Google Photos in.  I am in the process of upgrading the Juicebox Pro.  I had to uninstall and reinstall the Juicebox module on Drupal to get it to recognize that I had the Pro version.  That seems to be working.  I just created a gallery with the pro version, which overcomes the 50 photo limit.  Uploaded it to my Drupal 8 site and it's running but only showing 50 photos, even though I can see that uploaded 125 or so.  I'll use the other thread to post my "use Google photos" question.  First I want to figure out what's going on with the 50 photo limit.  And of course it's Christmas eve.

by the way, I want to thank you and the people who do the support on the Drupal site.  I've come across so many dead end unsupported, buggy contributed modules on Drupal that having someone who actually answers questions and fixes bugs is tremendous.

Re: Drupal 8

I'll use the other thread to post my "use Google photos" question.  First I want to figure out what's going on with the 50 photo limit.

Please see my reply to your query in this forum thread.
Hopefully it will help. (It certainly looks like a caching issue. I see 127 images when I view your gallery in my own browsers.)

Re: Drupal 8

Yes, caching.  I cleared Drupal cache but not Firefox cache.  Woke up at 3 a.m. thinking this.  Just cleared cache and it works fine.

Thanks for your assistance.

Re: Drupal 8

You're welcome!
I'm glad it was an easy fix.

Re: Drupal 8

Here are two examples I am working on with Drupal 8
has two galeries. 
The main article spinner is the traditional one.
I'm trying to get the thumbnail only one on the bottom to work.

Each model specfics page has a gallery too
http://henriquesfr9xks59mh.devcloud.acq … om/node/11

Re: Drupal 8

Please see my reply to your query in this forum thread.
I hope it helps.

It might be easier for you to leave the main images in your gallery (Juicebox was not intended for use without main images) and set imageClickMode="OPEN_URL" so that the corresponding linkURL is opened when the user clicks anywhere on a main image.