326 (edited by junebugweddings 2015-08-24 01:15:16)

Re: Feature Requests

Juicebox Team --

First, thanks for a great piece of software. We love Juicebox and use it to great effect on our site http://junebugweddings.com, including for example http://junebugweddings.com/photo-contes … ation/2015.

We would like to figure out how to make the final slide of a slide show interactive. What we want to do is put custom HTML as the last slide to give users somewhere to go next after getting to the last slide in the gallery.

This is similar to YouTube functionality where when a video finishes, there are additional videos that you can choose to play. Many other sites do something similar when you get to the end of something.

Do you have suggestions of how we can implement this with Juicebox?


Junebug Weddings

Re: Feature Requests

I have several requests for the great lightroom plugin:

  • The exported gallery html file is called index.html I would like to set this name through Lightroom so I don’t have to rename it manually later

  • Furthermore I like to add a transparent layer over thumb image. Previously I did this by increasing the thumb frame width. But now there is a restriction of 20px

  • In addition I would like to rename the images during export/upload. I would like to do something like filename_title_captio.jpg

  • I use several galleries on my homepage an I would like to sync the settings between those galleries.

I am looking forward to see this features in a newer version of the lightroom plugin.

Re: Feature Requests


You could set an image title and/or caption for the last image in your gallery and have it include links (<a> tags) using HTML formatting as noted in this FAQ:
How do I add HTML formatting to image captions and titles?

Alternatively, you could use the Juicebox-Pro API to check whether the last image in the gallery is currently being displayed and run some custom JavaScript code (to do whatever you like) if it is.
For example:

<script src="jbcore/juicebox.js"></script>
var jb = new juicebox({
    containerId: 'juicebox-container'
jb.onImageChange = function(e) {
    if (e.id === jb.getImageCount()) {
        alert('Last image in gallery!');
<div id="juicebox-container"></div>

Re: Feature Requests

Features that improve styling of the frame of the main image:

I would like to offer a use of another element, a"wrap container" so the main image is placed inside it. Using padding to control the size of the frame (the space between the edge of the image and the edge of the wrap container), this element can be styled with gradient, image background and second border or/and second box-shadow... to allow for more interesting design options for the way the frame around the image looks. You can then use seamless wood, paper or metal texture for elegant frames.

I would like to point out the fact that most talented programmers are completely or nearly blind when it comes to having a good design eye. User interface and styling options are both indicators of that. So I would also love to see a user interface that has control over a logical group of options in one place instead of all over... for example: Border Style for main image (size, color, corner radius) and for thumbnails (all 3 pointer states) could be on the same page. I guess because there are Lite and Pro versions: the premium features or options in Lite version can be "grayed out" and serve as a teaser.

Re: Feature Requests

Photographers don't like, when their photos are clipped, even if they are thumbs in a gallery. Therefore my wish: width and heights of thumbs should be maximum Pixels.

Re: Feature Requests

It would be great to have an option of endless smooth vertical scrolling through thumbnails displayed on extra-small (phones) mobile devices.

I have faced a few occasions when users complained that they were puzzled by the GU interfaced, and were not sure what to do next. They get used to the default iOS / Android models of vertical scrolling in Photo apps.

I currently "addressed" this issue via putting the hint "<- SWIPE ->" as a gallery title (looks strange on a desktop, though).


Re: Feature Requests


Thank you for the suggestion.
If you like, you could display the "<- SWIPE ->" text as the Gallery Title only on Android or iOS devices only (and not in desktop browsers) by using the JavaScript navigator.userAgent to detect the device and then set the galleryTitle in the gallery's embedding code as appropriate.
For example:

<script src="jbcore/juicebox.js"></script>
new juicebox({
    containerId: 'juicebox-container',
    galleryTitle: /Android|iPad|iPhone|iPod/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ? '<- SWIPE ->' : ''
<div id="juicebox-container"></div>

Re: Feature Requests

@Steven: Vertical endless scrolling vs horizontal SWIPE

Steve, thanks a lot for the hint -- will use it. But if you keep the request on the list for future releases, it would be great. Cheers, JP

Re: Feature Requests

I'd like to put as a background image behind the gallery the next image: so, for example, when I'm looking at the first picture, in the background appears the second image.

You can see a working example here : http://www.homelidays.it/casa-vacanze/p … spusage=fl


Re: Feature Requests


It is not possible to have parts of the previous and next images visible to the left and right of the main image (like in the gallery whose link you provided) but you could have the next image as the gallery's background.
You would need to use several Juicebox-API methods to fetch the URL of the next image in the gallery and then set the gallery container's background via CSS (using JavaScript) each time a new image is selected.
As an example, create a sample gallery with JuiceboxBuilder-Pro and use the following code as the gallery's 'index.html' file.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>Juicebox-Pro Gallery</title>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" id="jb-viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=0" />
    <style type="text/css">
    body {
        margin: 0px;
    <script src="jbcore/juicebox.js"></script>
        var jb = new juicebox({
            containerId: 'juicebox-container',
            backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
            enableLooping: 'TRUE'
        // Run each time a new image is selected
        jb.onImageChange = function(e) {
            // Get current image id
            var image = e.id;
            // Get total number of images in gallery
            var total = jb.getImageCount();
            // Set next image id (set to 1 if current image is last in gallery)
            var next = image === total ? 1 : image + 1;
            // Get info for next image
            var info = jb.getImageInfo(next);

            // Get url for next image
            var url = info.imageURL;
            // Set background
            $('#juicebox-container').css('background', 'linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)), url("' + url + '")').css('background-position', 'center').css('background-size', 'cover');
    <div id="juicebox-container"></div>

336 (edited by gfs 2015-10-23 19:30:25)

Re: Feature Requests

I would like to be able to randomize a gallery (select the option in Customise/Gerneral) BUT also be able to select specific images so that they remain fixed in their positions according to their placement in the Images tab in Juicebox.

We all have images which we feel are stronger than others and would like to be sure that those will be seen.  Equally, we want to avoid repeat visitors always seeing the same images and consequently, not progressing any further through the galleries.  It is a conundrum.

Seems like a lot of people might want to do this.  Currently, it's all or nothing.  Random or fixed position.

Re: Feature Requests


Thank you for posting your suggestion here. (It's certainly the best place for all ideas for future versions.)

If anyone reading gfs's post above is looking for similar functionality, then you might like to take a look at the solution I've suggested in this forum thread. Hopefully it will prove to be useful.


Re: Feature Requests

2 requests -

first - being able to create a custom link for any file (as per current version) is great but you cannot use the very elegant next/previous navigation clicking anywhere on the right or left half of image at the same time. Basically all the image area is taken up with a next/prev link

Why not make a variant on this? - a button or user defined text link which can appear within or outside the image which will open a new link (in a new window or in an overlay).  The reason this would be great is that we could have a gallery where one could show comprehensive background information about the current image in the form of a uniquely composed page.

If the user does not want a link for any images in the gallery they do not enter a url for that image and there is no button or link showing  - ie  the link is an option on a per image basis.

I for example might wish the viewer to go to a new plage (open new window) where I have detail images and information about how that photo was taken.  There are many things different people could use this for.   

second: ability to create thumbnails with the image the same ratio of the original file with padding (if this is required matching the color of the background. Clearly this would not look good if there is a drop shadow on the thumbnail (which would form outside the padding).Presently I regen all my thumbs each time in PS and overwrite the ones created by JB  there may be other ways to get around drop shadow and outlines simply by making JB take the size of the thumb and not work to a standard size. All very well that JB makes neat looking rows of images but the point of having thumbs is to be able to identify an image and having all of the odd sized ones seriously cropped into means that one cannot do that. Being a neatnick is not the only objective

Re: Feature Requests


Thank you for your suggestions.

With regard to your first suggestion, perhaps you could use one of the following ideas.

You could use the Open Image button (set showOpenButton="TRUE" in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> Lite' section) to point to your custom pages instead of the gallery images.
By default the Open Image button on the Button Bar opens the current image's imageURL in a new tab.
However, if the current image has been given a linkURL (which you can enter in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Images' tab), the Open Image button will open the linkURL instead.
Therefore, you could enter a unique linkURL for each image (pointing towards the corresponding custom page).
The linkURL entries can be relative (to the page containing the gallery's embedding code) or absolute (in the form http://www.example.com/gallery/custom.html).
You could then change the icon for the Open Image button to something more appropriate by following the instructions here.
You could also change the rollover text associated with the button using the languageList configuration option.

An alternative solution would be to use custom purchase URLs as noted here.
(This would leave the Open Image button free for its original intended purpose.)
This functionality was designed with e-commerce in mind but essentially, if an image has been given a purchaseURL (which you would need to add manually to your gallery's XML file), then the shopping cart icon will be displayed on the Button Bar and when the shopping cart icon is clicked, the purchaseURL page is opened in a new tab.
Any image which has not been given a purchaseURL will not have the shopping cart icon displayed.
You could set the purchaseURL paths to point to your custom pages and change the shopping cart icon and rollover text as required (as noted in the links in Suggestion #1 above).

A further suggestion would be to simply include a link to each image's corresponding custom page in the image captions.
You can use HTML formatting (such as <a> tags to link to other pages or documents) in image captions by following the notes in this FAQ:
How do I add HTML formatting to image captions and titles?

I hope this helps.

Re: Feature Requests

We request the line height in the caption to be a configurable option.

Re: Feature Requests


Thank you for the suggestion.
Although it is not currently possible to change the font-size or line-height of image titles and captions via configuration options, you can do so via CSS.
Please see this forum post to see which classes to apply custom CSS rules to.
(You can remove the font-size rules and add line-height rules if you like.)

Re: Feature Requests


Re: Feature Requests

It would be really useful if multisize images could be generated directly from the Lightroom Pro plug-in.  I can do absolutely everything else I need, but because it doesn't and JuiceboxBuilder doesn't handle large images, it adds at least an hour to my workflow for every album.

Re: Feature Requests


I would like to implement the following:
when the user clicks Next on the last image of a gallery, to jump to a certain URL (eg., the first image of another gallery).
Similar on clicking Previous on the first image of a gallery.

And to have an option to display buttons in the Button bar for Next & Previous galleries.

Could this feature be implemented in a future version of Juicebox?

Or, if there is already a way to implement this with the current Juicebox functionality, please let me know.


Re: Feature Requests


Thank you for your suggestions.
Unfortunately, there is no built-in way to navigate between galleries within Juicebox.
(We have Showkase as an automated way to index and organize multiple galleries.)

when the user clicks Next on the last image of a gallery, to jump to a certain URL

Perhaps the easiest way to do something similar would be to include a link in the last image's caption.
For example:

<caption><![CDATA[<a href="http://www.example.com/gallery2/index.html" target="_self">Click here to view Gallery #2.</a>]]></caption>

346 (edited by jvp 2016-01-02 00:37:11)

Re: Feature Requests

I'm going to re-post the same thing I did a year or so ago: I've upgraded to the Pro version and installed it on my WordPress site.  I'd REALLY like to see EXIF information somehow while displaying the image.  Either by a popup, or along the side of the image or... something.  Come on guys.  EXIF.  It's been around for.. like, ever.

If there's a Pro config option to enable it (I didn't see it in the docs) then just let me know and I'll go away.

Re: Feature Requests


Unfortunately, there is no way to extract EXIF data via JuiceboxBuilder-Pro or WP-Juicebox.
(JuiceboxBuilder-Pro has the ability to extract the IPTC Document Title for the image titles and the IPTC Description for the image captions.)

The only way to integrate EXIF data into image titles or captions would be to use the Lightroom plugin.
Lightroom has the ability to extract whatever IPTC or EXIF data you like and use it for image titles or captions.
You can build up an image title or caption using the Text Template Editor (see this screenshot).
(This is a feature of Lightroom itself rather than the Juicebox plugin.)

However, I appreciate you taking the time to post your suggestion again.
I do not know which suggestions will be implemented in future versions but this is certainly the best place for all ideas.
Thank you.

Re: Feature Requests


Steven wrote:

The only way to integrate EXIF data into image titles or captions would be to use the Lightroom plugin.

Just because of your hint, I decided to give this a try, works a charme. Now LR's plugin will generate a caption with EXIF data automatically, thank You for pointing this out.

Re: Feature Requests

@Ruud Westerhout

You're welcome! I'm glad it helped.

Re: Feature Requests

Would it be possible to consider options to place both the captions and the buttons separately from the image on both Large and Small Screen Modes? My father and I like the layout provided by the Track Plugin written by Adobe and built into Lightroom, but we want to continue to use Juicebox to leverage its SEO capabilities. We have seen and both agree that even on devices with limited real estate, text and buttons work best where they are always visible and legible.

Stuart Simon