Topic: Image Metadata to Caption [SOLVED]

Our photographers save metadata on their images and put the image caption into the "title" and "subject" metadata fields. Is it possible for Juicebox to read the title metadata field of the image and show that as the caption of the image in the html gallery view?

Re: Image Metadata to Caption [SOLVED]

Yes. JuiceboxBuilder (both Lite and Pro) can extract IPTC data to be used as the image titles and captions.
In either JuiceboxBuilder-Lite or JuiceboxBuilder-Pro, just go to 'Images -> Titles -> Use IPTC Title' and 'Images -> Captions -> Use IPTC Caption' from the drop-down menu at the top.
If you use Adobe Photoshop to enter your IPTC data, then use the IPTC Document Title fields for the image titles and the IPTC Description fields for the image captions.
Please note that the program used to embed the metadata should write the IPTC data in an XMP block in order for JuiceboxBuilder to successfully extract the information. All Adobe programs (such as Lightroom of Photoshop) should be fine.

Re: Image Metadata to Caption [SOLVED]

Is it possible to have Juiceboxsave this setting? Every time I reopen Juicebox Pro on my desktop that preset has been lost and I have to select it again. Thanks!

Re: Image Metadata to Caption [SOLVED]

You can't change the default settings so that the IPTC titles and captions are used as soon as JuiceboxBuilder-Pro is opened but you can save the settings in a preset file.

Select 'Images -> Titles -> Use IPTC Title' and 'Images -> Captions -> Use IPTC Caption' from the drop-down menu at the top.
Now go to 'Presets -> Save Preset...'.

As long as you save the preset file in the default location, you will be able to select it quickly from the 'Load Preset' list on the 'Customize Tab' (or via 'Presets -> Load Preset...'). (Maybe not perfect but it halves the number of clicks required to load IPTC titles and captions: 2 clicks now instead of 4.)

Please see the JuiceboxBuilder-Pro User Guide for more information on Presets.