Topic: Crashing on Export

Hello!  I've been successful in exporting medium sized galleries for web.  However, when I try to export images bigger than 1000 pixels, LR crashes at the start of export.  The export folder appears, but no images  appear, and all I see is the preloading image.  Help?

Re: Crashing on Export

This sounds like it might be a problem with Lightroom rather than with the Juicebox plugin.
The resizing and exporting of images is handled by Lightroom itself.

Does this happen when you try to create a gallery with the same images using a different Web Engine (something other than Juicebox) but exporting at the same image size?

What version of Lightroom are you using and how much RAM does your computer have?
Try creating a test gallery with fewer images to see if this makes a difference.

Also, check that you are not exporting your gallery to a restricted (read-only) folder or to a network drive.
Try exporting to a folder on your desktop to see if this helps.

Re: Crashing on Export

I found the problem!  It's when I export with a watermark that's causing it to crash.  :(  Any ideas?

Re: Crashing on Export

Issue continued in this forum thread.