Topic: Slow loading time

portfolio on my photography site created by Juicebox for Lightroom is taking an extremely long time to load. I've tried multiple browsers and have no problem with other webpages. 

Can you help?

Re: Slow loading time

Your web page seems to load pretty quickly for me. The first image in your gallery was fully displayed in just a few seconds (in several different browsers with no cached pages).

Please see this forum post for more information which may help.

The one thing that is most likely to make a difference is to change imagePreloading from its default value of 'PAGE' to 'NEXT' so that only one image, rather than all the images on the first thumbnail page (10 images in your case), is preloaded when the gallery is first displayed. This will reduce the initial load on the user's browser.
However, please note that imagePreloading is a Pro-only configuration option which is not supported in Juicebox-Lite.

Re: Slow loading time

Have you tried on more than one machine? I had a similar problem only specific to Firefox 38 but other people couldn't replicate.