The zip file you downloaded using the link you received after purchasing Juicebox-Pro should have the following properties.
File size: 1,897,535 bytes
SHA1: 86ffbf456e14d90a74ad18923783fc75d49fbf8a
You can check the SHA1 hash with a program such as HashCalc (free).
Please check to see if your own file matches the information above and, if it does not, please try downloading it again to be sure that it is not corrupt or incomplete.
When you unzip the file, the 'juicebox_pro.lrwebengine' folder can be found in the following location:
Please note that 'juicebox_pro.lrwebengine' is a folder, rather than a file, although it is seen as a special package on a Mac which can be double-clicked to install. On a Windows PC, you will need to follow the Manual Installation instructions on the plugin's support page.