Topic: Joomla and extra 100px at top of page

When I view the produced gallery in a browser it looks great.

But when I place the code on a Joomla Article page the is an extra 100px approx at the top of the page.

Any suggestions

Re: Joomla and extra 100px at top of page

Without seeing your gallery's web page, I do not know whether or not the extra space you refer to is actually part of the gallery.
If it is, then please see this FAQ which might help:
My Juicebox gallery shows too much space above or below the main image, how do I fix this?

If you set imageScaleMode="FILL" (even just for testing purposes) and the space is no longer there, then you could either leave imageScaleMode="FILL" (or imageScaleMode="SCALE") to fill the image area or reduce your gallery's height so that the aspect ratio of the gallery's image area better matches the aspect ratio of your images (resulting in less space when the images are scaled to fit within the image area).
If, when setting imageScaleMode="FILL", the space is still there, then it is not originating from the gallery and you might need to look elsewhere on your web page to see where it is coming from. Check the source code of your web page (usually via 'Right-Click -> View Page Source' or 'Tools -> Web Developer -> Page Source) to see if there are any empty <p> tags or <br> line breaks above your gallery which might be causing the space you see.

If you continue to experience difficulties, then please post the URL to your gallery's web page so that I can see the problem for myself and hopefully help further. Thank you.