So is there another way to accomplish the same that considering I am using Muse and Business Catalyst?
You would really need to use a server-side script to build a dynamic XML file on-the-fly when the gallery is displayed. It cannot be done client side (for example with JavaScript).
The only other method of uploading images and having them included in a gallery without the need to modify any gallery files would be to use a Flickr account as a source of images.
If you use a Flickr account as a source of images, you could upload new images to the Flickr account and they would automatically be included in the gallery.
Certain Flickr configuration options are available to Juicebox-Lite (the free version) and others are available to Juicebox-Pro only so you can find descriptions of all Flickr options in these two section.
Lite: … te-options
Flickr Pro: … kr-options
The thumbs are loading up slowly, and some of them do not seem to load at all.
I have checked out your gallery (the static version without the 'config.php' file) and all thumbnails load OK.
However, you have set maxThumbRows="4" and thumbsPosition="BOTTOM" (default value). On my screen, 40 thumbnails are displayed. In your gallery, this totals approximately 42MB of data. Also, your gallery uses imagePreloading="PAGE" (default value) so the user's browser will be preloading and caching all images on the current thumbnail page which amounts to even more data for the browser to initially load when the gallery is first displayed.
I would recommend using smaller images for your thumnails (some are currently over 3MB each and a couple are over 4MB) and you could set imagePrelaoding="NEXT" (in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> Main Image' section) to preload only the next image rather than all images on the current thumbnail page. This would significantly reduce the load on the browser when the gallery is first displayed.
Does Juicebox automatically crop the thumbs?
Juicebox scales the thumbURL images to fill the thumbWidth and thumbHeight dimensions. If the aspect ratio of the thumbURL image does not exactly match the thumbWidth x thumbHeight aspect ratio, cropping will occur.
Should we be clicking Crop to Fit?
'Crop to fit' will crop images (if necessary) to fill the specified image dimensions. If you do not set 'Crop to fit', then JuiceboxBuilder will respect the aspect ratio of the source image and will resize it using the specified image dimensions as maximum bounds.
'Crop to fit' affects only the main images in a gallery, not the thumbnails. (Thumbnails are always 'cropped to fit' to ensure that all thumbnail images match the specified thumbnail dimensions.)
Can one add more than one gallery to a web page?
Yes. Theoretically, there is no limit to the number of galleries you can have on a single page. Please see the Embedding Multiple Galleries support section for online examples.'
Just remember to embed each gallery into a <div> container with a unique 'id' and load the 'juicebox.js' file only once per web page (not once per gallery).
What's the maximum amount of pictures recommended for each gallery?
There is no real maximum to the number of images you can have in a gallery. As long as your images are of a reasonable file size and you set imagePreloading to an appropriate value for your gallery, everything should be fine.