Topic: Max Rows and Columns

I'm trying to set up a grid of small thumbnails.
I have the max columns set to 11 and the max rows set to 3.

This is what I get:

So the max number in the grid is the rows x columns? And even though I have 50 or so images in the gallery, one grid will only show 33 before it goes to the next page? That seems sort of awkward. I would think the images would fill out the grid and not stop at the combo of rows and columns.

Re: Max Rows and Columns

The maxThumbRows and maxThumbColumns configuration options are used only in Large Screen Mode (to determine the upper limit of how many thumbnails will appear on each page).
With maxThumbRows="11" and maxThumbColumns="3" there will be a maximum of 33 thumbnails on each page (and possibly less if the user's browser window is not large enough to accommodate this many thumbnails).
If, for example, you have 50 images in your gallery and your browser window is large enough to display a grid of 11 x 3, then there will be 33 thumbnails on the first thumbnail page and 17 on the next.

In Small Screen Mode, maxThumbRows and maxThumbColumns are not used and the thumbnails will fill whatever space is available.

So the max number in the grid is the rows x columns?

In Large Screen Mode, yes.

I would think the images would fill out the grid and not stop at the combo of rows and columns.

This is what should happen in Small Screen Mode.

If you find that things are not happening as expected, please post the URL to your gallery so that I can take a look and help further.

Re: Max Rows and Columns

Well you answered the question of why, but my dilemma is that I'm only using JB in Large Screen Mode so it looks sort of funky ending in a seemingly arbitrary way:

Re: Max Rows and Columns

In this version I have reduced the thumbnail margin:

.jb-idx-thumb {
margin: 1px !important;

I have made the rows and columns:


I have 36 images in the gallery. Why do only the first 33 show?

Re: Max Rows and Columns

Thank you for providing the URL to your gallery.

I have made the rows and columns:


maxThumbColumns is actually set to 11 in your gallery's 'config.xml' file.
If you view the gallery on its own web page (/collages-gallery_02/juice-Collages2/index.html), you will see 11 columns of thumbnails (as expected).
However, on your main page (the page into which you have embedded the gallery using your own theme), it looks like your custom CSS code is allowing space for an additional thumbnail per row, resulting in 12 columns (the thumbnails no longer overflow onto the next row at the expected breakpoint).

Juicebox does not know about your custom CSS code and cannot compensate for it.
Juicebox displays the same number of thumbnails on the gallery's own 'index.html' page as on your main page but your custom CSS code has changed the dimensions of the thumbnail container (from what Juicebox knows will allow the correct number of thumbnails to be displayed) so the calculations that Juicebox has made are no longer valid.

If you want to change the spacing between the thumbnails, it would be much safer to use the thumbnailPadding configuration option (on JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> Thumbnails' section).

Re: Max Rows and Columns

Hi all. I am just a dev beginner and I am using jb in making a gallery. and by the way I am using drupal CMS.
is it possible to set specific number of thumbnail to display?


Re: Max Rows and Columns


It is not possible to specify an exact number of thumbnails to display. The actual number of thumbnails is dynamic and will depend on the area available (factors being the size of the gallery and, if the gallery is responsive, the size of the browser window).
You can, however, set maxThumbRows and maxThumbColumns to specify maximum limits for the thumbnail rows and columns respectively. Also, if you give your gallery fixed pixel dimensions (rather than percentages), then the size and shape of the gallery will not change if the browser window is resized so the number of thumbnails will not change.
You could perhaps tweak your gallery dimensions, thumbnail dimensions and maxThumbRows and maxThumbColumns to give you the exact number of thumbnails that you are looking for.