Topic: Locating Gallery Title .png <img src="mylogo.png"/> in Lightroom

I want to be able to put my logo in the Gallery Title but I am having trouble doing it via Lightroom because I can't work out where I need to place the .png

The help area of Juicebox says the following:

"Create a logo image file in the gallery folder. Using JuiceboxBuilder-Pro, set the title text to <img src="mylogo.png"/>"

My problem is that using Juicebox in Lightroom there is no 'gallery' folder. So where do I need to place the .png so that typing: <img src="mylogo.png"/> into the Gallery Title makes the logo show up?

It is doing something because a '?' comes up, but I obviously need to redirect the .html or know where to put the log so it's picked up.

Any help on this would be great, thanks.


Re: Locating Gallery Title .png <img src="mylogo.png"/> in Lightroom

The easiest thing to do might be to just use the code <img src="mylogo.png" /> and then place the 'mylogo.png' file inside the gallery folder after the gallery has been created (and when the gallery folder exists).
The logo will not show up in the live preview window but it will display fine in the gallery itself.

Ordinarily, in order to have the logo display in the live preview window, it would be necessary to add this extra resource file to the plugin's 'manifest.lrweb' file (to let Lightroom know about the image file for use in preview mode) but this cannot be done as the 'manifest.lrweb' file is compiled and cannot be modified.

However, as the 'jbcore' folder is already included as a resource folder, you could add your 'mylogo.png' file to the 'juicebox_pro.lrwebengine/jbcore/' folder and then use the code <img src="jbcore/mylogo.png" />.
Then logo will be displayed in the live preview window and when the gallery is created, the logo file will automatically be copied across into the gallery's 'jbcore' folder.