Topic: Embedded Code [SOLVED]

I'm new to Juicebox-Pro and have a question about the generated embedded code that I paste into an existing web page. I noticed that this includes a line like this for every image in the gallery:

<p><img src="images/1940- 002.jpg" title="Dorothy Conroy (1923 - 2005)" alt="My mother 1940" /><br>Dorothy Conroy (1923 - 2005) My mother 1940</p>

What is the purpose of all these lines? From what I see the gallery is controlled by the config.xml file which contains all the information on the images in the gallery.

I tried deleting all of <p><img src="*******" alt="******" /></p> lines and everything seems to work just fine.

I'm still getting the hang of the program, but so far I really like it.


Re: Embedded Code [SOLVED]

That is the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) code. It does not add any functionality to the gallery itself (the gallery will function fine without it) but it provides code for search engine web crawlers (such as Google) to see in order to index the pages in search results.
For more information, please see here.

SEO content is switched on by default but you can turn it off by going to JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> Sharing' section and deselecting the 'Add SEO Content' checkbox.

Re: Embedded Code [SOLVED]

Thanks for the explanation. I've put the lines back in.
