Topic: Can't figure out why code does not show up in site

It showed up but now won't.

This is the embed code I used:
<!--START JUICEBOX EMBED--><script src="/NCS_gallery/jbcore/juicebox.js"></script><script>new juicebox({baseUrl:'/NCS_gallery/',containerId: "juicebox-container",galleryWidth: "100%",galleryHeight: "100%",backgroundColor: "rgba(255,255,255,1)"});</script><div id="juicebox-container"><!-- Image gallery content for non-javascript devices --><noscript><h1></h1><p></p><p><img src="images/photo2.jpg" title="photo2" alt="" /><br>photo2 </p><p><img src="images/photo3.jpg" title="photo3" alt="" /><br>photo3 </p><p><img src="images/photo4.jpg" title="photo4" alt="" /><br>photo4 </p><p><img src="images/photo5.jpg" title="photo5" alt="" /><br>photo5 </p><p><img src="images/photo6.jpg" title="photo6" alt="" /><br>photo6 </p><p><img src="images/photo8.jpg" title="photo8" alt="" /><br>photo8 </p><p><img src="images/photo9.jpg" title="photo9" alt="" /><br>photo9 </p><p><img src="images/photo10.jpg" title="photo10" alt="" /><br>photo10 </p><p><img src="images/photo11.jpg" title="photo11" alt="" /><br>photo11 </p><p><img src="images/photo12.jpg" title="photo12" alt="" /><br>photo12 </p><p><img src="images/photo13.jpg" title="photo13" alt="" /><br>photo13 </p><p><img src="images/photo15.jpg" title="photo15" alt="" /><br>photo15 </p><p><img src="images/photo18.jpg" title="photo18" alt="" /><br>photo18 </p><p><img src="images/photo19.jpg" title="photo19" alt="" /><br>photo19 </p><p><img src="images/photo20.jpg" title="photo20" alt="" /><br>photo20 </p><p><img src="images/photo21.jpg" title="photo21" alt="" /><br>photo21 </p><p><img src="images/photo22.jpg" title="photo22" alt="" /><br>photo22 </p><p><img src="images/photo23.jpg" title="photo23" alt="" /><br>photo23 </p><p><img src="images/photo14.jpg" title="photo14" alt="" /><br>photo14 </p></noscript></div><!--END JUICEBOX EMBED-->

Re: Can't figure out why code does not show up in site

Your gallery seems to display and function fine for me at the moment.
It looks like you might have solved your problem (or perhaps there was a temporary glitch with either your web server or internet connection which was contributing to your problem).
If you currently cannot see the gallery on your web page, try clearing your browser's cache before reloading your web page to see if this makes a difference.
If you continue to experience difficulties, then please let me know and I'll try to help further.